izzythepush wrote:
Fluff has a deeply ingrained inferiority complex towards the British. He talks about how impressed he is by a British accent and waxes lyrical when talking about BBC newsreaders whilst at the same time trying to evict me from A2K on the grounds that I'm not American. He used to ask me what class I was, and now he's asking about my academic career. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of an answer. He's more fun when he's being neurotic as his two posts on the N. Carolina nuke thread ably demonstrate.
I do not want to "evict" you. You are assigning motives I do not have. I would though be smiling if you left on your own accord, for the same reason I do not have any interest in visiting the UK. I live in a different society, and the Brits are only interesting, but not worth my time or effort to visit. For someone that lives in a world where one can spend a pleasant evening at a pub, talking to others of similar bent, why would one want to interact with strangers in North America? I only value the opinions of North Americans, since we have a similar vested interest in this hemisphere. Your continent has its own problems, caused by economics, politics, weather, natural resources or lack of them, that all are too different than North America's for my limited time on this planet to concern myself, in my opinion.
You respond to my posts with pejorative ad-hominems. So, in the style of an alpha male, in my opinion, you dismiss my perceptions. That is not a way to argue for or against a thread's position.
How would anyone know how I relate to the British? An inferiority complex? That is funny, since why would one feel inferior to the British? Perhaps, Danes, but British? Perhaps, Swedes, or Norwegians. British? The British are not known for great cheekbones, so to speak. More like a Polish peasant wedding scene in a Breughel painting, in my opinion. Or thin like many a rock star. How many Brits can be in a pose down next to Arnold?
P.S.: Have you forgotten which country was planting a flag on the moon. Or, which countries have effected the International Space Station. You might be projecting some feelings about the British and their faded glory, in my opinion.