JTT wrote:oralloy wrote:You anti-Semites sure do like to deny science and history.
There's that inane "anti-so and so" bullshit. That's a USian fallback routine that screams "I can't counter your points".
Some nonsense is so repugnant that it does not deserve to be addressed as if it could be a valid point. Quite often anti-Semitism falls into that category. There is nothing wrong with just blowing off an anti-Semite as an idiot crackpot.
And in this case, I am the one who provided links and citations to science and history, and the local anti-Semites are the ones who refuse to address that science and history.
If someone denies science and history without even trying to address it, why shouldn't I dismiss their silly denials as the raving of a crackpot?
JTT wrote:How do you expect anyone to ever trust anything you say when you lie so frequently, when you get caught telling baldfaced lies again and again.
[Consider that a rhetorical question as you've never answered it before.]
Let me guess, any time I refuse to accept the validity of an accusation against the US, you count that as a lie?