Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Fri 20 Sep, 2013 10:44 am
gungasnaKKKe says:

Wikipedia describes Operation Hiram as taking place during the 48 war, to prevent the "Arab Liberation Army" and units of the Syrian army from remaining in control of a salient into Israeli territory:

That is a blatant LIE. Wikipedia describes Operation Hiram as an Israeli attack and conquest of land that under the UN partition was to remain Arab land, with attendant Israeli bombing of Arab noncombatant villages, killings of many Arab residents, destruction of Arab villages, and mass expulsions of Arabs.

from snaKKe's own wikipedia cite:
Casualties and losses

400 Arabs killed, 550 taken prisoner,[1] 50,000 Palestinian refugees
Operation Hiram was a military operation conducted by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. It was led by General Moshe Carmel, and aimed at capturing the Upper Galilee region from the Arab Liberation Army (ALA) forces led by Fawzi al-Qawuqji and a Syrian battalion.[2] The operation, which lasted just 60 hours (October 29–31) ended just before the ceasefire with the neighboring Arab countries went into effect. The result ensured that the Upper Galilee, originally slated by the United Nations partition plan to be part of the Arab state, would be controlled by the newly formed state of Israel, and that more than 50,000 new Palestinian refugees would leave for Lebanon.[3]
...On September 26, 1948, David Ben-Gurion told his cabinet that if fighting should be renewed in the north, then the Galilee would become "clean" [naki] and "empty" [reik] of Arabs, and implied that he had been assured of this by his generals.[4]

A Palmach unit attacks Sa'sa
Israeli machine gun position during an assault on Sa'saThe operation was launched on the night of 28–29 October 1948, fielding four IDF brigades, the Seventh, Carmeli Brigade, Golani, and the Oded Brigade. The operational order was "to destroy the enemy in the central Galilee "pocket", to occupy the whole of the Galilee and to establish the defense line on the country´s northern border."[3] On October 29, Weitz, learning about the start of the operation, sent Yigael Yadin a note urging that the army should expel the "refugees" from the newly conquered areas.[5]

The Ground offensive was preceded by bombing raids targeting Tarshiha, Jish and Sa'sa from the 22 October, using B-17s and C-47s (converted for bombing role). The heaviest night of bombing was 29/30 October when 13 missions dropped 21 tons of bombs on the seven villages. The bombardment of Tarshiha triggered the mass flight after 24 of the inhabitants were killed and approximately 60 were buried under rubble.[6]

The initial thrust was carried out by the Seventh Brigade advancing from Safad. The Seventh Brigade occupied Qaddita on 29 October, Meirun and then Safsaf and Jish. In the 79th Battalion's report, the battles for Safsaf and Jish were described as "difficult" and "cruel" (achzari). One IDF report said "150–200" Arabs, "including a number of civilians" died in the battle for Jish,[7] while after Safsaf had been captured, brigades committed the Safsaf massacre.From Jish, the 72nd and 79th battalions then turned west to take Sa'sa. After taking Sa'sa the Israeli forces then turned northwest taking Kfar Birem, Saliha and by the afternoon of the 30 October were at al Malikiya.[6]

Simultaneously, the Golani Brigade engaged in diversionary tactics in the direction of the village of Illaboun. The Carmeli Brigade, which was assigned to counter attacks from Syria and Lebanon, crossed the border into Lebanon, captured 15 villages, and reached the Litani River.[8]

Ceasefire was scheduled to commence at 11:00 hours, October 31, 1948. The same day, at 7:30 in the morning, Major General Moshe Carmel ordered his brigades and district commanders "to continue the cleansing operations inside the Galilee". In a cable dated 10:00 hours the same day Carmel ordered his brigades and district commanders: "Do all in your power for a quick and immediate cleansing [tihur] of the conquered areas of all the hostile elements in line with the orders that have been issued[.] The inhabitants of the areas conquered should be assisted to leave." This order was apparently issued after Carmel had met with Ben-Gurion the same day.[9]
Villagers fleeing Galilee towards Lebanon, October/November 1948On 31 October and 1 November 1948 the Hula massacre took place at Hula (Hule). The village had been captured on October 24 by the Carmeli Brigade without any resistance at all. Between 35 and 58 captured men were reportedly shot down in a house which was later blown up on top of them.[10]At the end of this lightning attack, Israeli forces reached the Hiram Junction, north of Safed. The siege of Manara was lifted, Qawuqji's army fled to Lebanon, and the roads crossing the Upper Galilee were secured. With the Galilee under Israeli control, the IDF established a defensive line along the Litani before withdrawing to the Lebanese border under the terms of the 1949 Armistice Agreements.

The Israeli Air Force bombings caused considerable damage to the villages in the area. Ilan Pappe gives the example of the four villages: Rama, Suhmata, Malkiyya and Kfar Bir'im. He states that out of the four 'the only village to remain intact was Rama. The other three were occupied and destroyed'.[11] Very few villagers were allowed to stay in their homes and many were imprisoned or expelled to Lebanon and elsewhere. Ilan Pappe claims that the 'Hebrew noun tihur (cleansing) assumed new meanings' during this time period. He argues that although 'it still described, as before, the total expulsion and destruction of a village, it could now also represent other activities, such as selective search and expulsion operations'.[12]

The name is a reference to Hiram I, the Biblical king of Tyre. He was instrumental in the construction of the First Temple of Jerusalem.

Massacres[edit source | editbeta]

The Wikipedia article continues with a table summarizing villages and villagers bombed, sestroyed, killed an expelled.

No-one had invented the term "ethnic cleansing" in 1948, but this sounds suspiciously like a prime example of it. No wonder Palestinians today are still pissed at Israel's actions.
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 11:32 am

Izzythepush wrote:
Not everything about Fluff nauseates me, just his insistence on reducing everything to crude racial stereotypes.

Hey, Izzy, I understand where you're coming from. That type of language can be very exasperating....it also gives one an insight into a poster's limited use of the English language or his lack of imagination, especially if it's his Mother Tongue.... Yet, I do understand what your post is conveying, Izzy, very much so.

Izzythepush wrote:
Holocaust deniers like RL.

Izzythepush wrote:
In many ways he's a lot better than Advocate, he doesn't use the term anti-Semite like it's going out of fashion, and actually challenges Holocaust deniers like RL.

Jeepers, I wasn't aware Reasoning Logic was a Holocaust denier. But then again I am not that familiar with his posts.

Surely by now the appelation "anti-Semite" should have lost its valued impact on you as that designation is sooo timeworn. The noun "anti-Semite" is repetitively used mostly by those with with very little else to say. To say one is anti-Semitic means one is against Jews.....it also implies one is against their own species....Jews belong to the species, Man, Homo Sapiens. I am against the Israeli's policy of taking Palestinian land.

Advocate just fills out a tick box for what a Democrat voting supporter of Israel should think. He looks at Iraq and Israel as two completely separate issues, and refuses to see any crossover. This shows someone following a preselected stencil of how to behave, there's no real thinking behind it.

Advocate's solitary focus is safeguarding that itsy-bitsy country, Israel, its unshakable position to go against international law in building settlements on other people's land. In fact, Advocate is so entrenched that anyone who denounces Israel's intransigence re their unjustifiable building is perceived as a poster with Nazi leanings. Other than that, Advocate is who he is, someone in denial as to the criminality of his Zionist government.
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 12:03 pm
RL probably wouldn't call himself a Holocaust denier, but he posts plenty of videos from those that would, and at the very least says the Holocaust was not as extensive as it was. More of a Holocaust ameliorator.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 01:10 pm
The only lie in the picture was IB claiming that the operation took place prior to the 48 war. Once the rabs started the war, obviously, all bets were off. The motivation for the thing can be seen from a close reading of the wiki article and a look at the map to be as I described.

All the rabs/slammites had to do was accept the UN mandate and the idea of a Jewish state in the original home territory of Israel and none of that **** would have ever happened. They went to war against Israel; Israel didn't start any sort of a war against them.
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 01:13 pm
One hears the constant refrain that Israel's settlements violate international law. However, Israel and a number of legal scholars disagree.

Needless to say that the Pals constantly violate international law with their attacks on Israel and its people. But the Israel haters conveniently skip over that.

Frank Apisa
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 01:16 pm
gungasnake wrote:

The only lie in the picture was IB claiming that the operation took place prior to the 48 war. Once the rabs started the war, obviously, all bets were off. The motivation for the thing can be seen from a close reading of the wiki article and a look at the map to be as I described.

All the rabs/slammites had to do was accept the UN mandate and the idea of a Jewish state in the original home territory of Israel and none of that **** would have ever happened. They went to war against Israel; Israel didn't start any sort of a war against them.

So you are saying that all the Palestinians had to do was to accept a Jewish state where one had not been for thousands of years!!!!


All the Palestinians had to do was to concede everything to the Jews...and everything would be just hunky dorey!
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 01:23 pm
Israel did not honor the terms of General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947), why should the Palestinians have done so. It is an out and out lie, and wonderful evidence of Gunga Dim's ignorance to claim that Israel "accepted the UN mandate." They pissed all over it.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 01:42 pm
@Frank Apisa,
In 1870 or thereabouts, and we have none less than Mark Twain as a witness for this, there wasn't much of anything or anybody living in the territory now called Israel. The vast majority of today's "Palestinians(TM)" have no history of living in Israeli territory which goes back much more than 100 years.


Mark Twain visited Israel in 1867, and published his impressions in Innocents Abroad. He described a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

He was amazed by the smallness of the city of Jerusalem:

“A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.”

And he described the Temple Mount thus:

“The mighty Mosque of Omar, and the paved court around it, occupy a fourth part of Jerusalem. They are upon Mount Moriah, where King Solomon’s Temple stood. This Mosque is the holiest place the Mohammedan knows, outside of Mecca. Up to within a year or two past, no christian could gain admission to it or its court for love or money. But the prohibition has been removed, and we entered freely for bucksheesh.”

Chapters 45-56 of Innocents Abroad can be read on Shechem.org.
More quotes from pilgrims to the Holy Land can be found on the COJS website.

Fri 20 Sep, 2013 01:47 pm
@Frank Apisa,


Title insurance is a normal part of real estate transactions and one of the main reasons for that is the possibility that there might be some sort of a prior claim on a piece of land being bought or sold. "Palestinians(TM)" plainly needed this prior to moving onto Israeli land over the last 140 year or so.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 01:59 pm
gungasnake wrote:
In 1870 or thereabouts, and we have none less than Mark Twain as a witness for this, there wasn't much of anything or anybody living in the territory now called Israel.
Well, that report certainly contradicts what Jewish magazines and newspapers reported around that time

(Jeruchurun, December 1865)

However, Twain's opinion could be sourced in the generally different view of colonising Palestine by the Anglo-Jewish society, as this report in Der Orient (No. 35, 25.08.1840) indicates

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 02:01 pm
gungasnake wrote:

In 1870 or thereabouts, and we have none less than Mark Twain as a witness for this, there wasn't much of anything or anybody living in the territory now called Israel. The vast majority of today's "Palestinians(TM)" have no history of living in Israeli territory which goes back much more than 100 years.


Mark Twain visited Israel in 1867, and published his impressions in Innocents Abroad. He described a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

He was amazed by the smallness of the city of Jerusalem:

“A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.”

And he described the Temple Mount thus:

“The mighty Mosque of Omar, and the paved court around it, occupy a fourth part of Jerusalem. They are upon Mount Moriah, where King Solomon’s Temple stood. This Mosque is the holiest place the Mohammedan knows, outside of Mecca. Up to within a year or two past, no christian could gain admission to it or its court for love or money. But the prohibition has been removed, and we entered freely for bucksheesh.”

Chapters 45-56 of Innocents Abroad can be read on Shechem.org.
More quotes from pilgrims to the Holy Land can be found on the COJS website.

Gunga...people have been living in that area for centuries...both Arab and Jew. If you want to use Mark Twain to suggest that there was nobody there...so it is alright for a state of Israel to be set up...then you also have to find something in Mark Twain to suggest the Arabs in the area have no right to protest...to say, "no way."

I want the Jewish people to have a home state, because for whatever reason, they are not all that welcome in other countries. The United States, once again for whatever reasons, has been very welcoming. Israel should set up shop within the borders of continental United States. They could work it out. And any Jews who want to live over there...can do so (along with any Arabs) under United Nations rules.

None of this would be easy...in fact, it will be very, very difficult. But the alternative is to live with fierce emnity from the Arabs...and with all sorts of stuff going on.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 02:06 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Gunga...people have been living in that area for centuries...both Arab and Jew. If you want to use Mark Twain to suggest that there was nobody there...

Twain replaced his negative stereotypes of the Jewish people and Palestine with a more liberal view after he had been living in and traveling around Europe to gather materials for his writing, and settled in Vienna in 1896.
Frank Apisa
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 02:10 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Gunga...people have been living in that area for centuries...both Arab and Jew. If you want to use Mark Twain to suggest that there was nobody there...

Twain replaced his negative stereotypes of the Jewish people and Palestine with a more liberal view after he had been living in and traveling around Europe to gather materials for his writing, and settled in Vienna in 1896.

I would hope so.

Bottom line, Walter, is that the Arabs and Jews DID live in relative peace in that area for thousands of years. The trouble started when talk of the state of Israel (in the area) got loud...and the trouble increased to mayhem when the state of Israel came into existence.

It never should have happened there, but I acknowledge that hindsight is always 20-20.

Until the Jews finally acknowledge that the major trouble in that area is primarily the result of the creation of the state of Israel...and acknowledge the implications of that...negotiations for peace are worthless.
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 02:12 pm
@Frank Apisa,
It's primarily about white colonists, the indigenous Jews have a pretty rough time as well, not nearly as bad as the Palestinians, but still quite unpleasant.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 02:25 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bottom line, Walter, is that the Arabs and Jews DID live in relative peace in that area for thousands of years. The trouble started when talk of the state of Israel (in the area) got loud...and the trouble increased to mayhem when the state of Israel came into existence.
I suppose, no-one really can negate that.

In my opinion that, what you, Frank, call "trouble" started already earlier, namely when the first 'settlers' (aka colonists) arrived there in the late 19th/early 20th century.

Fri 20 Sep, 2013 02:34 pm
gungasnake wrote:

The only lie in the picture was IB claiming that the operation took place prior to the 48 war. Once the rabs started the war, obviously, all bets were off. The motivation for the thing can be seen from a close reading of the wiki article and a look at the map to be as I described.

All the rabs/slammites had to do was accept the UN mandate and the idea of a Jewish state in the original home territory of Israel and none of that **** would have ever happened. They went to war against Israel; Israel didn't start any sort of a war against them.

Read again, snaKKKe. I wrote that towards the end of that war Operation Hiram was perpetrated to cleanse the Upper Galilee of its Palestinian population.

Plan Dalet was executed months before the war, during the civil war immediately preceeding the Arab/Israeli War.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 02:59 pm
Advocate wrote:
Needless to say that the Pals constantly violate international law with their attacks on Israel and its people. But the Israel haters conveniently skip over that.

While it is disheartening the way all these anti-Semitic freaks have been vomiting such horrible lies about Israel, there is an upside.

It is clear now that the only way this can end is with the Palestinians forcibly removed from the West Bank (likely to end up in Gaza).

The day will come when the US and Israel face reality and begin deporting the Palestinians out of the West Bank. And thanks to all the horrible lies that we are hearing today, when that day comes we will be able to act with completely clear consciences.

It is absolutely clear now that the US and Israel have done everything that could ever possibly be done to achieve a peace with the Palestinians based on 1967 borders, and it is absolutely clear now that the Palestinians will just never make peace under any circumstances whatsoever.

Having done everything humanly possible to achieve an alternative outcome, no one need feel bad about doing what has to be done.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 03:09 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Foofie wrote:
... while those that wandered into western Europe developed their own identities?
We have the state Lower Saxony here, which has been a mainland of the Saxons. Angeln is still used as names for sub-districts (Middle-Anglen, South Angeln), while the former county/district Angeln is now incorporated in the Flensburg county.

The Celts just "passed" us over a period of some hundreds of years.

What others wandered to western Europe and developed their own identities there?

Franks, Goths, Visigoths?
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 03:13 pm
gungasnake wrote:

In 1870 or thereabouts, and we have none less than Mark Twain as a witness for this, there wasn't much of anything or anybody living in the territory now called Israel.

Quoting Mark Twain as to the demographics of a region amounts to just about complete irrelevancy. In a report to Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern political Zionism, written prior to the Second Zionist Congress of 1898, Leo Motzkin wrote:

Completely accurate statistics about the number of inhabitants do not presently exist. One must admit that the density of the population does not give the visitor much cause for cheer. In whole stretches throughout the land one constantly comes across large Arab villages, and it is an established fact that the most fertile areas of our country are occupied by Arabs... (Protocol of the Second Zionist Congress, Pg. 103)

The vast majority of today's "Palestinians(TM)" have no history of living in Israeli territory which goes back much more than 100 years.

Genetic research verifies that the Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine. The Zionists are mostly Europeans with some Semitic admixture.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 20 Sep, 2013 03:16 pm
Foofie wrote:

Franks, Goths, Visigoths?
The Franks wandered eastwards.
I'm not sure where the Goths and Visigoths "developed their own identities in western Europe".
(The Gauls were a celtic tribe.)

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