Quote: In other words, the pro-Palestinean posters disregard the rockets and suicide bombings of the not too distant past, and just HARP on the continued settlement of the West Bank, implying no Arab should have to rub elbows with Jewish neighbors.
You've got a point, Foofie, I'll grant you that. Unceasing rockets into Israel must be wretchedly annoying to those who live near these sites. To that I say, STOP building settlements in the West Bank if you want consideration from outsiders!!!!!! There! That should be the answer to your rocket predicament.
Quote:Anywhere else, this is called a changing neighborhood. It is also a double-standard, based on the implied right of Gentiles to keep Jews at arms distance, Jews being so "different."
Above you stated: "....implied right of Gentiles to keep Jews at arms distance, Jews being so 'different.' "
Oh Puhleez! Your exaggerated, emotional display of sentiment is pure theatrics! In America you would be surprised at the number of mixed marriages between Jews and non-Jews.....the number of practicing religious Jews is shrinking here, just like it is with most non-Jewish religions. It is Israel who is 100% disciplined in the use of apartheid, not the other way around and the tiny Zionist nation had made it crystal-clear it is a nation for Jews exclusively!....Palestinian refugees are not allowed back into their homes that they were ran out of in 48 or 67. Palestinian Arabs would not have minded the influx of Jews coming to Palestine from Europe, living among them, after all these different ethnic groups, Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Arabs, Palestinian Christians had lived together for millennia years without continued hostility; but at the threshold of modern Israel, the Jews' arrival intended to take back all the land once held by ancient Israel. They even had Mt. Sinai (Egypt controlled) but were persuaded to give it back by the US giving them 5 Billion annually; 3 billion for Israel's economy and 2 billion for the buildup of their military.
When Israel gets damn good and tired of rockets coming into their country then maybe they will return the land they have stolen and continue to STEAL from the Palestinians. The world is watching and waiting before it acts.