@cicerone imposter,
Any dummy can see that Israel is not a democracy with their growing settlements on Palestinian lands. Palestinians don't have any legal rights in Israel, and the majority of Americans doesn't give a damn!
Ci, I do not believe you to be as in tune with America as you pretend. You, are an American, and I don't see you blowing kisses toward Israel, the Apartheid state. There's a significant sizeable number of Americans who observe foreign policy most closely and are very much disgusted at Israel because of its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and the continued building of illegal settlements on Palestinian land --- not all Americans have their heads in the sand or up their rear end, or mentally confused as one or two screech Israel should use its nukes. Not all Americans think Israel is god's gift to humankind or that the Zionist group is God's Chosen. Why should Israel be more of an important people to the US than the Palestinian? The hard core truth is they're not with the exception of a few religious brain dead nut cases who believe in the Bible's end times' fables.
The other reason (I should not have to remind you of this) is the US congress is bought lock stock and barrel by the Israeli governments's AIPAC, an American Jewish Pac lobby group amidst other US Jewish groups to contribute handsomely to the US congress, both Dems and Republicans alike so they will always be PRO-ISRAEL. Let the money stop pouring into the congress and Israel can kiss support from the US congress goodbye.
A few years back I used to watch C-Span's Washington Journal, on cable; eventually my habits changed and I began watching CNN morning news as I got ready for the office. C-Span's Washington Journal is a call-in show which last approximately 3 hours daily with repeats. On this program, the public is allowed to express their feelings regarding the subject at hand. The middle East and Israel is discussed frequently. The vitriol spouted against Israel is intense. This is where people get off their shoulders what they hate most about congress and its continued financial support for a tiny apartheid nation. The world collectively fought apartheid successfully in South Africa and here our government is in bed with Israel and it's apartheid status.
The American people, at least most of them who realize what's going on, would dearly love the US to use a more forceful hand with the rogue Zionist nation who has gotten so mighty with its nuclear facility, and when it tells the US to jump America asks how high, oh mighty Israel? If per chance a Republican gets into power, i.e., the US Presidency, Israel will be home free and will take every inch it can get and then might try and RETAKE Mt. Sinai and cement its claims on the Golan Heights, along with owning Jerusalem outright. That is if the European Union refuses to act! Obama is more cautious and will certainly not allow Israel to force the US into action against Iran because that will be a pyrrhic victory, one fought at too great a cost. Israel, if contemplating going to war with Egypt over Mt Sinai, well, she might want to rethink that one; you see, Egypt today, is better equipped with advanced weaponry supplied by the US and will be more of a match than earlier with Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1956 and 1967.