You're doing a pretty good job of being stupid all on your own. All you've been able to offer are insults, heavily revised history and victim blaming. Your comments on the homosexual thread confirm you're a bigot. You derailed the thread on the crash in the Alps with a load of anti-French bigotry, which consisted of downright lies and an over reliance on some case which conveniently you were unable to find on the internet. That's a shame because, if what you say is true about your experience of flying, you could have made a useful contribution, as it is nobody will listen. And you went on to a poor-me, bleeding-heart, self-pitying tirade about how hard it is being a white man on a thread about racist language. Your claims about
not being a racist if only we knew you are not borne out by the bigotry you demonstrate on A2K. And your claims about being an expert on practically everything will similarly be taken with a pinch of salt.
Not one of the bigots who've tried to smear me with the slur of anti-Semite have actually challenged Carlos le Baron's Holocaust denial. When Oralboy refers to the Palestinians as vermin, and Gungasnake calls them Palisavages you utter not a word of criticism, yet you have the brass neck to called even the mildest criticism of Israel anti-Semitic. That's hypocrisy at its most breathtaking .
You're clearly someone who is used to getting his own way, and when you're incapable of doing that by reasoned argument you just try to shout your opponents down. That won't cut any ice here, in fact it leaves you utterly discredited, and instead of being seen as an expert, a great many people see you as a raving nutcase, like Oralboy, Coldjoint and Gungasnake, definitely not someone to be taken seriously.
All you've managed to do is drive away the reasonable, decent supporters of Israel, of which there are many, because they don't want to be associated with bigots like you. Any neutral party viewing this thread would conclude that while the supporters of Palestinian self determination are reasonable and well informed, those of Israeli imperialism are a bunch of raving bigots. You're all so stupid that you continue to discredit your own argument with your repulsive behaviour.
There's not really any point discussing anything with you, and I did try. I've got far better things to do with my time than trade insults with you. You're going back on the ignore list.