@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:oralloy wrote:I am not sure there is actually growing extremism in Israel.
That's a quote from Haaretz.
That's nice. I still question whether it is factually accurate.
Walter Hinteler wrote:oralloy wrote:Recognizing a non-existent Palestinian state only makes peace less likely.
If a state is recognised, it exists.
That is incorrect. Recognition alone does not make a state begin to exist. It still has to actually be there.
Neither the Palestinians nor the Europeans have the military might to bring a Palestinian state into existence against Israel's will. The only way a Palestinian state is going happen is if Israel agrees to let it happen.
The only way Israel is going to agree to let a Palestinian state happen is if the Palestinians finally agree to make peace with Israel.
And if the unilateral acts against Israel get out of hand, Israel will be compelled to take unilateral acts of their own, even though the Palestinian state will remain non-existent.
Likely unilateral acts include annexation of all land on Israel's side of the Security Fence and development of the E-1 Area.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Disclaimer: I "ignore" anyone. I tried everyone as a human being, even armholes and criminals.
That doesn't make a lot of sense. Are trying to do your weaselly "name-calling while being vague about it" routine?
If not, then clarification might be in order.