Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

cicerone imposter
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 01:57 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Okay, so replace 'trust' with 'believe.' Still difficult for you?
Or, leave out the 'what.'

firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
"relations have to be built on trust"
synonyms: confidence, belief, faith, certainty, assurance, conviction, credence; More
antonyms: distrust, mistrust, doubt
acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.
"I used only primary sources, taking nothing on trust"
the state of being responsible for someone or something.
"a man in a position of trust"
synonyms: responsibility, duty, obligation More
a person or duty for which one has responsibility.
plural noun: trusts
"rulership is a trust from God"
a hope or expectation.
"all the great trusts of womanhood"
confidence placed in a person by making that person the nominal owner of property to be held or used for the benefit of one or more others.


asking for information specifying something.
"what is your name?"
"what? I can't hear you"
the thing or things that (used in specifying something).
"what we need is a commitment"


ALSO, you could have just as easily asked for clarification rather than jumping on my question/grammar. That's SO DIFFICULT FOR YOU! LOL
Frank Apisa
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 02:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

ALSO, you could have just as easily asked for clarification rather than jumping on my question/grammar. That's SO DIFFICULT FOR YOU! LOL

Oh, poor you!

I did ask for clarification, ci. I asked you to rewrite the sentence in comprehensible form.

You still haven't done that.

And as for "jumping on your grammar", ci...you are the one who constantly and regularly calls other people ignorant, stupid, moron, idiot...and such as that.

But now you take umbrage at me asking you to rewrite something so I can understand it! Gimme a break.
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 02:38 pm
none of that here. reread history...
0 Replies
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 02:41 pm
I enjoy reading Frank and CI but get tired of the childish sniping the two of you engage in. Your sniping detracts from what each of you have to say. Just agree to disagree. Everyone on this forum, thanks Walter, has their own opinions and is entitled to express them, just as I am entitled to disagree with them.
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 02:46 pm
I never said Ashkenazi Jews...I said Jews. Here is the account for yourself

In the year 66 AD the Jews of Judea rebelled against their Roman masters. In response, the Emperor Nero dispatched an army under the generalship of Vespasian to restore order. By the year 68, resistance in the northern part of the province had been eradicated and the Romans turned their full attention to the subjugation of Jerusalem. That same year, the Emperor Nero died by his own hand, creating a power vacuum in Rome. In the resultant chaos, Vespasian was declared Emperor and returned to the Imperial City. It fell to his son, Titus, to lead the remaining army in the assault on Jerusalem.

Roman Centurian
The Roman legions surrounded the city and began to slowly squeeze the life out of the Jewish stronghold. By the year 70, the attackers had breached Jerusalem's outer walls and began a systematic ransacking of the city. The assault culminated in the burning and destruction of the Temple that served as the center of Judaism.

In victory, the Romans slaughtered thousands. Of those sparred from death: thousands more were enslaved and sent to toil in the mines of Egypt, others were dispersed to arenas throughout the Empire to be butchered for the amusement of the public. The Temple's sacred relics were taken to Rome where they were displayed in celebration of the victory.

The rebellion sputtered on for another three years and was finally extinguished in 73 AD with the fall of the various pockets of resistance including the stronghold at Masada.

"...the Jews let out a shout of dismay that matched the tragedy."
cicerone imposter
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 02:48 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Your idea of "comprehensible form" is not universal. I trust that my ability to write proper English prose is above average.

Your ideas on many fronts are based on your personal ignorance, not legal or common knowledge/sense. I have very little patience for your repetitive meme that actually says nothing new. We get it!

You believe that your opinions are superior; they aren't. Your repeating the same issue ad nauseum doesn't make them true.

cicerone imposter
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 02:52 pm
I'm not here to win popularity contests. If you tire of my bashing, please ignore my posts.
Walter Hinteler
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 02:56 pm
“Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children,” the secretary general told reporters in San Jose, Costa Rica, according to a transcript provided by his office. It was Mr. Ban’s strongest comments to date on attacks on United Nations installations in Gaza, where Palestinians have been taking shelter. Six United Nations staff members have been killed in the current conflict so far.

United Nations officials said that they had informed Israel 17 times of the precise location of the school and that there were civilians sheltering there, including once at 8:50 p.m., just hours before the attack on Wednesday.

10:18 P.M. UNWRA notifies Israel that if its attacks on Gaza continue to spur more waves of refugees it will be unable to accommodate them and that it expects Israel as an occupying power, to provide them with the necessary humanitarian aid, Robert Turner, the Gaza-based director of UNWRA tells Haaretz. According to Turner, this message was transmitted to Israel a number of times over the past two days. Of the 400 thousand people who fled from neighborhoods and towns Israel shelled and is shelling 220 thousands were housed in UNWRA schools. (Amira Hass)
Source: Haaretz
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 03:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Your idea of "comprehensible form" is not universal. I trust that my ability to write proper English prose is above average.

Your ability to write proper English prose, ci, is decidedly BELOW average. You make terrible mistakes in English prose regularly. I'll point them out from now on...since you seem unaware of them.

In any case, the sentence "Hey, Frankie, do you trust what the US's support of Israel is an abomination against humanity or not?" is a jarring example of mangled English prose.

Your ideas on many fronts are based on your personal ignorance, not legal or common knowledge/sense. I have very little patience for your repetitive meme that actually says nothing new. We get it!

You are free to ignore what I write, ci. And I would test my abilities in common knowledge with yours any day...anywhere. In fact, it would give me great pleasure to do so.

You believe that your opinions are superior; they aren't.

I do not do "believing" at all. I thought I mentioned that to you once. In any case, I am of the opinion that my opinions are my opinions.

Your opinions are yours...just as other opinions are those of other people.

Not sure what you problem is with that...but you have to deal with it.

If any of us have an opinion...we mostly arrive at it because we consider it to be the best of the choices available.


Your repeating the same issue ad nauseum doesn't make them true.

An opinion is an opinion, ci. I can assure you that my opinions are all truly my opinions.

Glad you are back talking with me. I love the way you lead with your chin.

Frank Apisa
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 03:14 pm
@Frank Apisa,
By the way, ci, since you are sure your English prose abilities are above average, I'm sure you won't mind my calling your frequent errors to your attention...so you can actually attain some ability in that area.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 03:18 pm
I think you are the one confused on Zionist propaganda...you are the one that voted for Obama--one of the puppets of this movement. Open your eyes and quite making false accusations. True Jews are not Zionists. Get you facts straight!

I have written and spoken extensively about the agenda behind the unfolding global financial crisis and here I will expose the coordinating force, or at least the prime one, behind that agenda and so much else, including 9/11.

Most conspiracy researchers either don't realize the fundamental significance of this network or are too frightened to say so if they do. Sod that.

It is widely known as Zionism or, as I call it, more accurately, I suggest... Rothschild Zionism. I add the 'Rothschild' to constantly emphasize the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day (see Human Race Get Off Your Knees).

I'll explain the connection later to the gathering economic catastrophe, but some background is necessary to put it all in the context that it needs to be seen.

Ask most people about Zionism and they will say 'that's the Jews', but while this is the impression the Rothschild networks in politics and the media have sought very successfully to 'sell' as 'common knowledge', it is not true. It represents only a minority of them and many others who are not Jewish.

Rothschild Zionism in its public expression is a political ideology based on a homeland for Jewish people in Palestine and a belief that the Jews are God's 'chosen race' with a God-given right to the 'promised land' of Israel (historically this is nonsense, as I show in my books)

They also believe that the real borders of Israel must encompass what is now Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank still officially owned by the Palestinians, plus Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Jordan, or, as Genesis puts it:

'... from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates'.

That's the public expression of Zionism, but at its inner core it is a secret society created and controlled by the House of Rothschild.

They have sought to sell the 'Zionism-means-all-Jewish-people' lie so that they can condemn as 'anti-Semites' and 'racists' anyone who exposes the truth about Rothschild Zionism and its agents in government, banking, business, media, military etc.

This is why most researchers won't go there even if they are aware enough to know that they should go there. To uncover and expose what is happening in the world we need all the 'bees' - brain, backbone, balls - and never more so than now.

Oh yeah, and add consciousness if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes beyond five-sense reality.

Racism is the ultimate ignorance in that it relates 'self' to the body instead of the Consciousness - Awareness - animating and experiencing through the body. It is like judging a man by his spacesuit instead of the person inside it.

So racists are ridiculous, juvenile and silly, but no way is the threat of being branded as one (they have already tried and failed) going to stop me exposing what must be exposed if the Control System is to fall.

The world's most extreme racists are, after all, the Rothschild Zionists, anyway. Israel is an apartheid state every bit as much as were apartheid South Africa and apartheid America.

And by that I don't only mean the evil that is inflicted upon the Palestinian people minute-by-minute, day-by-day, but also the extraordinarily racist divisions within Jewish society with the black Jews from Ethiopia, for example, treated as little more than vermin.

So let us get past the calculated smokescreen that challenging Rothschild Zionism and the horrors of Israel means you are anti-Jewish and instead look at the simple facts that they don't want you to know and acknowledge.

Firstly, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Rothschild Zionist, as US Vice-President, Joe Biden, publicly said while arse-licking his masters in Tel Aviv (ultimately his masters at Chateau Rothschild).

Some of the most vehement Rothschild Zionists are the Christian Zionists in the United States and elsewhere, led most vocally by their 'spiritual' leader, John C. Hagee. Think of the worst kind of extreme Bible-bashing hypocrite and you've got him to a tee.

Hagee is the founder and National Chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization, Christians United for Israel, he's a regular visitor to Israel and has met every prime minister since Menachem Begin.

Hagee - the voice, though not brain, of the Christian Zionists.

His John Hagee Ministries has given more than $8.5 million to relocate Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel and he is the founder and Executive Director of an event called 'A Night to Honor Israel', which pledges solidarity between Christians and the State of Israel.

See the story later in this exposé headed 'GOD-TV Erase Israeli Bedouin Village to Bring Jesus' Second Coming' to appreciate the extreme and heartless way the non-Jewish Christian Zionists support the official Zionists - Rothschild Zionists.

By contrast, a large number of Jewish people are not Zionists, some even vehemently oppose it and support the Palestinians in their battle for survival against the onslaught of genocide from the Israel government and military funded by the United States.

Jewish people organize protests and call for boycotts of Israel in response to the Rothschild Zionist agenda for the Palestinians and yet how many people know that who glean their 'information' from the mainstream media?

How many people know, as portrayed in this picture, that many religious Jews abhor the demands by the Rothschild Zionists for a US attack on Iran and have had warm meetings with Iran's President Ahmedinejad to give their support?

No one who only gets their 'news' from the Rothschild-Zionist-controlled mainstream media would know any of this because they push only one line - Zionism means all Jewish people, end of story.

But anyone who thinks that is true should read the article by Jewish musician and writer, Gilad Atzmon, later in this package, headed 'How Israeli leaders kill for their people's votes'.

The Rothschilds have a network of organisations, including B'nai B'rith and its offshoot, the Anti Defamation League (ADL), that work with other Rothschild- controlled groups to target anyone who gets close to seeing the elephant in the living room and exposing it for all to see.

They attack and undermine them in every way they can to stop the simple and devastating truth coming to light - that the Rothschild Zionists control,

• the mainstream media

• Hollywood and the movie industry

• governments, not least in the United States

• crucially in the light of current events, they control global finance and commerce

I am going to take you through the personnel of the Obama administration that 'he' appointed after his election in late 2008 to give you an idea of how the very few dictate to the very many via the Rothschild networks.

Remember as we go through the names that only 1.7% of the population of the United States is Jewish and significant numbers of those will not be Rothschild Zionists.

Obama appointed Rahm Emanuel (Rothschild Zionist) to be his White House Chief of Staff (handler).

Emanuel, who has served in the Israeli army, is the son of a former operative with the Irgun terrorist group that helped to bomb Israel into existence in 1948 and cause some 800,000 Palestinians to flee their homeland in terror.

(Many Israelis connected to the Rothschild networks were sent to the United States after the State of Israel was established to specifically produce children who would be American-born citizens to infiltrate the US government system in the following generations.)

Obama's White House Senior Advisor (handler) is David Axelrod (Rothschild Zionist), a close associate of Emanuel and the man who ran Obama's 'change you can believe in' election campaigns against Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

Axelrod now oversees the words on the teleprompter screens to which Obama is welded for even the most minor announcement. Axelrod, like Emanuel, is the product of the Rothschild Zionist 'political' Mafia that controls Chicago where Rahm Emanuel is now running for mayor.

One of Obama's chief funders and controllers is the Rothschild Zionist agent, George Soros, the multi-billionaire financial speculator and manipulator of countries, not least in the former Soviet Union.

Obama appointed a stream of Rothschild Zionist 'advisors' and 'czars' in various subject areas, including infamous Rothschild Zionist agent, Henry Kissinger, and one, Cass Sunstein, 'Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs', has called for 'conspiracy theories' to either be banned or taxed.

This is another Rothschild goal - to ban any view or research that exposes the Rothschild agenda.

Sunstein (Rothschild Zionist) says the opinion that 'global warming' is a manipulated hoax could be an example of what should be banned or taxed (see banned), and so how appropriate that Obama appointed Carol Browner (Rothschild Zionist) and Todd Stern (Rothschild Zionist) to take charge of his 'global warming'/'climate change' policies.

Rothschild Zionists Browner and Stern - on message.

And so to the economy...

The key economic post in the United States is the head, or chairman, of the Federal Reserve, the privately-owned and Rothschild-controlled cartel of banks that hilariously call themselves collectively the 'central bank of America'.

A national central bank should be answerable to the people, otherwise it's just another private bank lending the government 'money' which the population has to repay, plus interest.

The latter describes the US Federal Reserve, which, as the saying goes, is no more Federal than the Rothschild-controlled Federal Express. The 'Fed' prints money for literally cents on the dollar and then 'lends' it to the government at interest and for profit.

What a great scam if you can get away with it and because the Rothschild networks control the government and media as well as the Federal Reserve banks - they have.

We can pick up the 'Fed' story with the appointment of Paul Adolph Volcker to head the Fed during the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan (in truth George Bush senior).

Volcker was a former vice president and director of planning with the Rockefeller (Rothschild)-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank and left the Fed in 1987 to become chairman of the New York investment banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn & Co., run by James D. Wolfensohn (Rothschild Zionist), who later became president of the World Bank.

Next in line at the Federal Reserve was 'Mr Big', Alan Greenspan (Rothschild Zionist), a practicing Satanist according to some who say they have attended rituals with him.

Greenspan was 'appointed' by President Reagan (presidents don't 'appoint' Fed chiefs, they are told who it is going to be) and he remained head of the Fed and thus American economic policy through all the Clinton years and most of Boy Bush before stepping down in early 2006.

In that time he oversaw the systematic dismantling of financial regulation that allowed greed and corruption to run riot and in the same period that vicious and despicable duo, Tony Blair and his Chancellor and later successor, Gordon Brown, were doing the same in Britain.

Greenspan received unquestioning support for this policy from Bill Clinton's Treasury Secretaries, Robert E. Rubin (Rothschild Zionist), former co-chairman of the Rothschild-controlled Goldman Sachs, and Larry Summers (Rothschild Zionist), former Chief Economist at the World Bank.

Bill Clinton's Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy in this same period and Senior Economist and Senior Adviser on the Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton administration was Peter Orszag (Rothschild Zionist).

Another Greenspan supporter of deregulation was Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist), the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most powerful in the Federal Reserve cartel.

Without the collective demolition of financial checks and balances by this cabal of Rothschild Zionists there would not have been the crash of September 2008 with its catastrophic consequences for billions worldwide.

But when Barack Obama became US President a few months later, who was in the 'economic team' that he 'appointed' to 'sort out the mess'? Er, the very ones who created it and it was all done from a White House controlled by Rahm Emanuel (Rothschild Zionist) and David Axelrod (Rothschild Zionist).

Geithner speaks

'I don't know where the money's gone - who cares?'

Obama made Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist) his Treasury Secretary - Obama's mother worked for Geithner's father, Peter F. Geithner (Rothschild Zionist), the director of the Asia program at the Ford Foundation in New York.

Larry Summers (Rothschild Zionist) was appointed director of the White House National Economic Council, and Paul Adolph Volcker, business partner of the Rothschilds, was made Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

The gang that trashed the town was now back in town to trash it even more and you'll never guess... they decided that the only way to save an economy brought to its knees by their collective actions and the banking system they represent was to, well, no, surely not... hand trillions of taxpayer-borrowed dollars to the Rothschild-controlled banks and insurance companies like CitiGroup (advised to disaster by Rothschild Zionist Robert E. Rubin, see above), J. P. Morgan, AIG and a long list of others.

Overseeing this and all other American government spending was Obama's Budget Director, the already-mentioned, Peter Orszag (Rothschild Zionist), who worked closely with Rahm Emanuel (Rothschild Zionist) to impose the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which has devastated American industry in line with Rothschild policy.

Summers, Orszag and Geithner: used car anyone?
Summers resigned in late 2010 and at the time of writing the favorites to replace him

are Roger Altman (Rothschild Zionist) and Gene Sperling (Rothschild Zionist).

Peter Orszag was the founder and president of the economic consultancy firm which advised the Central Bank of Iceland in the period before it went bankrupt and he advised the Russian Ministry of Finance when the country's resource assets were being given to Rothschild Zionist oligarchs like Chelsea football club owner, Roman Abramovich, who became instant billionaires.

Orszag resigned as Budget Director in July this year with his job done, but, no matter, Obama announced that Jacob Lew (Rothschild Zionist), an under-secretary of state to Hillary Clinton, would take over and resume the same post he held under Bill Clinton.

By the time the brown stuff hit the spinning wheel in September 2008, Alan Greenspan (Rothschild Zionist) had stepped down from the Fed before the crash he knew was coming. But, once again, no matter. He was replaced by Bernard Bernanke (Rothschild Zionist) who printed even more money (at interest to the taxpayer) to hand to his Rothschild Zionist mates in Wall Street.

Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist), who has been centrally involved in handing trillions of dollars of public money to his banking associates with no strings attached, asked the opinion of a private international Rothschild Zionist 'law firm' called Squire, Sanders & Dempsey to see if American states could, as some requested, legally use bail-out money or TARP - the Troubled Asset Relief Program - to support the legal bills of people trying to protect their homes from foreclosure by the bailed out banking system.

The privately-owned Rothschild Zionist Squire, Sanders & Dempsey said 'no' and so Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist) said the money could not be used to protect the public who had bailed out the banks from foreclosure by those same banks.

David Millstone, a very active Rothschild Zionist, partner at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey

and regional chairman of the Anti-Defamation League's international affairs committee.

His firm says that public money can go to the Rothschild Zionist banks, but not to the innocent victims of the banks.

And while all this has been going on, these have been the heads of the major international financial institutions with the power to impose global economic policies:

The President of the World Bank is Robert Zoellick (Rothschild Zionist), a big-time Boy Bush administration insider who was a fervent advocate of invading Iraq long before even 9/11.

Zoellick took over at the World Bank from the disgraced Paul Wolfowitz (Rothschild Zionist), another orchestrator of the Iraq invasion as Deputy Defence Secretary.

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is Dominique Strauss-Kahn (Rothschild Zionist), the French politician who is expected to run to replace President Nicolas Sarkozy (Rothschild Zionist) at the next election.

The head of the European Central Bank (ECB) is Jean-Claude Trichet (Rothschild Zionist), another Frenchman who took over in 2003 following his acquittal in a trial over 'financial irregularities' at Crédit Lyonnais, one of France's biggest banks.

Anyone think, given these facts, that the Rothschilds could control global finance and could possibly, oh just a little bit, have orchestrated the crash of 2008 and what has followed??

At the heart of the 'bail out' of Ireland (the bail out of Irish banks and the elite investors, like the Rothschilds, by the people of Ireland) were Jean-Claude Trichet (Rothschild Zionist) at the European Central Bank and Dominique Strauss-Kahn (Rothschild Zionist) at the IMF.

And the banks that caused the crash to which the Rothschild Zionists in power are 'responding' for their benefit are also invariably controlled, directly or ultimately, by Rothschild Zionists.

These include Goldman Sachs headed by Lloyd Blankfein (Rothschild Zionist) and created by Rothschild Zionists Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs who came, like so many of these people, from families that settled in America from the country where the name Rothschild originated - Germany.

Even more specifically, the German region of Bavaria comes up again and again - the home of the infamous Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt (who today I would be call a Rothschild Zionist). The Pope and Henry Kissinger are just two examples of 'born in Bavaria'.

Goldman Sachs was fundamentally responsible for the crash of 2008, but by that time its former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Henry 'Hank' Paulson, had been installed as US Treasury Secretary to begin the bank bail out policy, with enormous benefit to Goldman Sachs, in the closing weeks of the Bush administration.

Goldman Sachs was also instrumental in the collapse of the economy in Greece that started the 'Euro panic' that later engulfed Ireland.

Wed 30 Jul, 2014 03:24 pm
worldtraveler24 wrote:

I never said Ashkenazi Jews...I said Jews. Here is the account for yourself

Yeah, you're making a simplistic, blanket statement about "Jews."

The Ashkenazim, the Jews that thought up Zionism, the Jews that immigrated to Palestine to set up their state for "the Jews" starting in the early 20th Century are a European people. They didn't exist during the time of the Judean resurrections, let alone exist in Palestine during those times.

Your copy and paste job is irrelevant in regard to the Zionists.
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 03:27 pm
worldtraveler24 wrote:

I think you are the one confused on Zionist propaganda...you are the one that voted for Obama--one of the puppets of this movement. Open your eyes and quite making false accusations. True Jews are not Zionists. Get you facts straight!

0 Replies
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 03:29 pm
The only people who believe Israel's lies are the idiots on this thread. The UN is the only neutral 3rd party in Gaza, so their voice is the one with nothing to gain.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has condemned an Israeli strike on a Gaza school that killed 16 people as “unjustifiable,” calling for those responsible to be held to account.

“This morning, a UN school sheltering thousands of Palestinian families suffered a reprehensible attack,” Mr Ban said during a visit to Costa Rica on Wednesday.

“It is unjustifiable, and demands accountability and justice.”
The school in the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza, which was sheltering more than 3000 homeless people, came under attack from Israeli tank shells at dawn on Wednesday.

It is the second time in a week that a UN school housing refugees has been hit.

Mr Ban accused the Israeli military of ignoring repeated communications on the location of the school.

“I want to make it clear that the exact location of this elementary school has been communicated to the Israeli military authorities 17 times, as recently as last night, just a few hours before this attack,” he said.

“They are aware of the coordinates and exact location of where these people are.”


Even the White House can't stay quiet anymore.

White House spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan says the U.S. is also “extremely concerned” that thousands of Palestinians aren’t safe in U.N.-designated shelters in Gaza.

cicerone imposter
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 04:35 pm
Voting for any president has nothing to do with 1) our government's support of Israel, and 2) the killings that goes on in Gaza.
cicerone imposter
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 04:38 pm
Also, the Zionists bombing of the school was after they were told 17 times that civilians were in there to seek shelter. What does the Zionists do? They strike the very location where families and children are seeking shelter.

cicerone imposter
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 05:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Israel's security cabinet decided to continue its offensive in the enclave and there was no sign of a halt to a 23-day conflict in which 1,346 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have died. On the Israeli side, 56 soldiers and three civilians have been killed.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 05:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Also, the Zionists bombing of the school was after they were told 17 times that civilians were in there to seek shelter. What does the Zionists do? They strike the very location where families and children are seeking shelter.


This is what we were discussing earlier, ci.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 07:32 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What does the Zionists do?

For one thing, use better grammar.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 09:52 pm
McTag wrote:
Please. The place is crawling with media reporters and TV units from all countries. The evidence is there, has been verified, is being filmed.

Your request that I blindly accept falsified evidence, is denied.
0 Replies

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