Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Sun 5 Jan, 2014 04:42 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Heard Netanyahu on the radio this morning on my way for coffee. He said the US and Israel is ready for piece, but the Palestinians are not.

The best defense is an offense; Netanyahu knows the game very well. We want a piece of that land, and a piece of this land.....

So the gamesmanship continues until Israel takes over Israel = 100%! Not until then will piece be found in Israel.

Don't give up your day job.

BTW, Israel's Gaza experience should give you a good idea of what happens when Israel gives land for peace. Israel abandoned its settlements in Gaza, and even left hundreds of commercial greenhouses, replete with computers.
The first thing the Gazans did was to destroy the greenhouses (how mindless is that?). They then shot about 10,000 rockets and missiles into Israel.

CI, did you say a single word in Israel's favor when that happened?
cicerone imposter
Sun 5 Jan, 2014 05:12 pm
CI, did you say a single word in Israel's favor when that happened?

I defer to history; the past six decades of no progress, and the takeover of land from the Palestinians all that time!

What more evidence does anybody need to see and determine what will come out of the current "negotiations" for piece?

Pieces continue to be lost as they continue to "negotiate." What a joke!
Sun 5 Jan, 2014 06:39 pm
@cicerone imposter,
He must be doing something right. The Isralie prime minister? wants Obama to fire him.
cicerone imposter
Sun 5 Jan, 2014 10:53 pm
The U.S.-brokered Israeli-Palestinian talks resumed in July after a three-year halt, with Kerry pushing for an accord within nine months despite skepticism on both sides.

Kerry has previously asked Israel to reconsider the 2002 Arab peace plan, originally proposed by King Abdullah, which offers Israel full recognition in return for giving up land it captured in 1967 and a "just" solution for Palestinian refugees.

Netanyahu is NOT GOING TO AGREE to give up land for piece.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 02:24 am
Israel did not give up land for peace. Sharon increased settlement activity, they drew out of Gaza because it was too difficult to manage.

Talking of Sharon, understand he's not too good right now, that's Karma for you.
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 12:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

CI, did you say a single word in Israel's favor when that happened?

I defer to history; the past six decades of no progress, and the takeover of land from the Palestinians all that time!

What more evidence does anybody need to see and determine what will come out of the current "negotiations" for piece?

Pieces continue to be lost as they continue to "negotiate." What a joke!

Wrong!!!!!!!!!! Israel took over no land between '48 and the Arab invasion in '67.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 12:20 pm
Advocate wrote:
Wrong!!!!!!!!!! Israel took over no land between '48 and the Arab invasion in '67.
The Palestinian Bedouin of Naquab were forced from their land in the 1950's.
Their ancestors bought land from the Turkish and British authorities, as records show. But even today, Israel says Bedouin 'trespass' on state land. (See the Prawer bill, which threatens to destroy the Bedouin villages in the Negev.) Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman accused the Bedouin of "robbing our lands" ... ... ...
cicerone imposter
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 02:22 pm
From btselem.org.
This deliberate and systematic process of assimilation obscures a number of fundamental truths about
the settlements. The fundamental truth is that the "communities" mentioned in the article are not part of the State of Israel, but are settlements established in the West Bank − an area that, since 1967, has been occupied territory under a military regime and in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Mon 6 Jan, 2014 03:08 pm
@cicerone imposter,
...in violation of the "Geneva Convention."

ABSOLUTELY! Israel is well aware of these guidelines and rules, but stubbornly refuses to obey the UN; it feels as long as the US congress will veto all UN resolutions against the Zionist nation, the rest of the world can go screw itself. Oh, Israel superficially feigns interest in peace talks while continuing to build more and more settlements in the West Bank, but any thinking individual will see where Israel is coming from. Actually, Israel is insulting the American taxpayers' intelligence, but the devious little state realizes the American people can do nothing as long as it via AIPAC has bought the US congress lock stock and barrel......And justice might not ever be served.
cicerone imposter
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 03:23 pm
Actually, Israel is insulting the American taxpayers' intelligence, ...

I don't think it's possible to insult the intelligence of Americans. They don't keep up with the facts about Israel, and are buried in their personal lives of job and family. They don't even know that the congress in 2013 was the least productive in history - working to repeal ObamaCare some 40 times. That's the reason why the same dumb-heads get reelected into Washington.

Mon 6 Jan, 2014 03:35 pm

Talking of Sharon, understand he's not too good right now, that's Karma for you.

Oh, I would not describe what Sharon is enduring right now as Karma; he's in a coma and as far as he is concerned when he entered his coma with no return to consciousness, his problems were over....imo, the controversial leader escaped relatively easy. BTW, he and his son were under criminal investigation when he was stricken. [General] Sharon got away with murder, especially after the Sabra and Shatila massacre in the refugee camps in Lebanon. To me the PM got off easily; however the world could be better off with him gone only in stepped Netanyahu replacing Sharon who is just as scheming and deceitful.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 03:49 pm
Chile Jewish Community Hurt by Soccer Club Shirt
SANTIAGO, Chile January 7, 2014 (AP)

A soccer shirt is igniting a war of words between Chile's Jewish and Palestinian communities.

The Palestino soccer Club of Chile's first division recently released its new jersey. But many are outraged because shirts that include the number "1'' show the numeral in the shape of Israel and the Palestinian territories, implying all the land is Palestinian.

Gerardo Gorodischer is president of Chile's Jewish Community. He tells The Associated Press that the group is demanding an apology from the club and asking Chile's soccer association not to allow the shirts because they don't recognize the Israeli state.

Chile's Palestinian Federation said in a statement Monday that it backs the club's choice of the shirt.

The country's Palestinian community is among the world's largest, with about 350,000 immigrants and their descendants.

It took me some time to find the relevant photos - here are the best I could get
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 04:01 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Advocate wrote:
Wrong!!!!!!!!!! Israel took over no land between '48 and the Arab invasion in '67.
The Palestinian Bedouin of Naquab were forced from their land in the 1950's.
Their ancestors bought land from the Turkish and British authorities, as records show. But even today, Israel says Bedouin 'trespass' on state land. (See the Prawer bill, which threatens to destroy the Bedouin villages in the Negev.) Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman accused the Bedouin of "robbing our lands" ... ... ...

Please provide a link to your proof.
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 04:03 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Would you agree the inference is that more than a few Palestineans think that ALL OF ISRAEL BELONGS TO PALESTINEANS????
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 04:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Actually, Israel is insulting the American taxpayers' intelligence, ...

Cicerone Imposter wrote:

I don't think it's possible to insult the intelligence of Americans. They don't keep up with the facts about Israel, and are buried in their personal lives of job and family. They don't even know that the congress in 2013 was the least productive in history - working to repeal ObamaCare some 40 times. That's the reason why the same dumb-heads get reelected into Washington.

You would be surprised at the number of Americans who follow closely foreign policy and Israel in particular; all are not in academia, but ordinary Americans. There is a TV public forum called C-Span which airs daily; this forum has notable persons on and the public participates by calling in and discussing their favorite subject. It was by accident I discovered this channel by scrolling. Many Americans hold deep-seated anger against Israel and the congress for being an impediment against justice in the middle east, for having a double standard; no wonder the Arabs don't trust us and harbor deep animosity against the US. The US has established Israel as a super power in the middle east which has its own nuclear facility...the latest in military arms and the assurance of the US Israel will be the ruler of all she surveys in the middle east with the military edge over all.

My taxpayer money go to help Israel suppress the Palestinian people, to steal their land and mistreat these occupied people. I, and many Americans are against this. My University along with myriad US universities are involved with boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, but the US government blocks us. So yes, Americans in more diverse areas of America are aware and insulted.

Mon 6 Jan, 2014 04:10 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
My taxpayer money go to help Israel suppress the Palestinian people, to steal their land and mistreat these occupied people. I, and many Americans are against this. My University along with myriad US universities are involved with boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, but the US government blocks us. So yes, Americans in more diverse areas of America are aware and insulted.

You might find this of interest.

American taxpayers have given more money to Israel than to any other nation, despite the fact that Israel is one of the smallest and richest countries on earth.

Thanks to special interest lobbying, which, until now, has largely gone unopposed, Israel receives $3 billion American tax dollars each year. This comes to a whopping $8.5 million per day. But that is not all. Special arrangements that benefit Israel combined with aid paid out to other countries on its behalf cost Americans nearly $7 million more each day and thousands of jobs.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 04:11 pm
Advocate wrote:
Please provide a link to your proof.
You're joking, I suppose.
The discussion about the Prawer bill and the history behind it has been published not only in ALL Israel media during the last couple of months but in the international press as well.

Besides that, I gave a link to the recent discussion in Israel a few pages back.

But >here is a link< to an opinion by the researchers from academia who are assisting the plaintiffs in Bedouin land ownership cases currently before the Israel Supreme Court.
cicerone imposter
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 04:12 pm
Foofie, How stupid are you? You have to ask how Palestinians feel about Palestine? You're an idiot; they don't have the freedoms enjoyed by Jews in Israel. You can deny that as long as you think you yourself believe that, but you only prove how stupid you are! It doesn't matter whether it's a few or 100% of the Palestinians. They are not free! Israel IS NOT A DEMOCRACY; IT'S A APARTHEID STATE.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 04:13 pm
Foofie wrote:
Would you agree the inference is that more than a few Palestineans think that ALL OF ISRAEL BELONGS TO PALESTINEANS????
I know less Palestineans than Jews. I really have no idea what all or most or a few think.
cicerone imposter
Mon 6 Jan, 2014 04:14 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What galls me more is that the GOP doesn't want to extend unemployment benefits to American but can agree to give Israel $8 million every day.


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