Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

cicerone imposter
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 05:22 pm
Because I'm talking about you! Simple conclusion.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 05:45 pm
Advocate wrote:
Izzy, Ms. Piggy loves ya, and would like to wallow in the fillth with you.

I am afraid you are mistaken. Miss (not Ms.) Piggy does not love Izzy. She loves Kermie. And she does not like to wallow in the fillth (sic). Being the impeccable lady swine that she is, she keeps herself clean at all times. Now, Izzy, being a guy (like yours truly), doesn't mind getting dirty when he has to. Mr. Green
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:01 pm
Advocate and Foofie, you missed the article I posted.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 08:22 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

Advocate wrote:
Izzy, Ms. Piggy loves ya, and would like to wallow in the fillth with you.

I am afraid you are mistaken. Miss (not Ms.) Piggy does not love Izzy. She loves Kermie. And she does not like to wallow in the fillth (sic). Being the impeccable lady swine that she is, she keeps herself clean at all times. Now, Izzy, being a guy (like yours truly), doesn't mind getting dirty when he has to. Mr. Green

Ah, a spelling Nazi! BTW, it was a typo.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 09:12 pm
Now you are avoiding the article I posted.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:18 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
According to the findings, 54% of Israelis and 46% of Palestinians support a permanent- settlement package along the lines of the Clinton parameters proposed on December 23, 2000, which included a divided Jerusalem, a Palestinian state in the entirety of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip except for several large blocs of settlements, and a demilitarized Palestinian state. These findings represent an increase in Palestinian support, up from 43%, and a decrease in Israeli support, down from 56%, for such a deal compared to that reported by a similar poll in December 2012.

If the Palestinians really want it, they still have one last chance under these talks set up by Secretary Kerry.

But they better act fast. This will likely be the last time the Palestinians are ever offered 1967 borders.

Furthermore, 47% of the Israelis support, and 48% oppose, the dismantling of most of the settlements in the West Bank as part of a peace agreement with the Palestinians.

Once the offer of 1967 borders is ended for good, it will be inevitable that the Palestinians will have to be removed from the West Bank. Israel cannot allow a hostile population to stay in that territory.

Once the Palestinians have been removed, I don't see why the West Bank settlements shouldn't be allowed to thrive and flourish.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:18 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

Anti-Semitic NGOs sure are despicable.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:19 pm
Advocate wrote:
A number of NGO's concerned with Pal-Israeli matters lie. The famed attorney Alan Dershowitz said he interviewed people in the NGO a few years ago and they admitted that Israel doesn't tortue, but that it is keeping the name to attract attention. The statements of the NGO should be given no credence.

Yes. Anti-Semitic NGOs are little different from any other anti-Semitic organization.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:19 pm
Foofie wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Eventually the Palestinians will all have to be deported to Gaza.

Perhaps, the euphemism used by England, when they sent people to Australia, would be better? "Transportation."

Maybe. Diplomacy isn't really my thing.

I just know that Israel cannot allow the Palestinians to stay in the West Bank unless they make peace.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 10:22 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
The US has given Israel the most advanced military weapons as well as assuring they have the edge over their enemies in the region. However, in 2006, the Israeli/Lebanon conflict involving Hezbollah, Israel was the loser. Hezbollah won that war and the IDF left so hurriedly they left a lot of their equipment behind.

By my recollection, Israel blew up everything in Lebanon that could possibly be blown up, then went home out of boredom because there was nothing left to shoot at.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
rockets kept reigning down on Israel. My campus erupted in joy!

Anti-Semitic vermin sure are despicable.

Those same scumbags will probably be whining bitterly when all the Palestinians are being transported from the West Bank to Gaza.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
During that conflict in Lebanon, Israel used a toxic substance called White phosphorus which caused severe burns when coming in contact with the skin. There were quite a number of Lebanese citizens with severe burns....signs of the WP chemical on their skin. For once Condoleezza Rice, belatedly, spoke out harshly to Israel saying they were not supposed to use that chemical on humans.

It is highly unlikely that Condoleezza Rice said anything so stupid.

WP is a legitimate weapon of war, and the US applies it to Islamic skin far more often than Israel does.

It is also unlikely that such burns are really evidence of WP use. Both the US and Israel use other more effective incendiaries. It is just that scumbags (of both the anti-Semitic and anti-American variety) seem to fixate only on WP for some reason.

The Battle of Fallujah in Iraq is the perfect example of this fixation. The US made heavy use of thermobaric devices to flash-fry the occupants of any houses suspected of enemy activity. This was a legitimate act of war, but it is also the exact sort of thing that anti-American scumbags love to get hysterical about. However, because they are all so stupid, all they do is yammer about the fact that the US used WP at Fallujah. They miss out on some quality hysteria because of their stupidity.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel was desperate to win the 2006 war, but alas! Just wasn't meant to be.

Again, I recall Israel wantonly bombing every possible target in Lebanon and then going home because there was nothing left to shoot at.

I recall being quite pleased at the extent of the damage done to Lebanese infrastructure.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 11:28 pm
At least I'm not stupid. Nor do I make up stuff like you. Show me where I lied. Not your opinion but a fact.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 11:31 pm
Advocate wrote:
Ah, a spelling Nazi! BTW, it was a typo.

Oh, I knew that! Laughing I really wasn't putting you down. Smile

Don't worry about me. I'm not one of your opponents in this debate (or whatever it is), and I'm certainly not your enemy. I'm just a harmless online clown -- an outsider, if you please -- in my own lame sort of way (at least when I'm not losing my temper). I was just trying to relieve the tension with a little humor, and I do mean "little." So, everything's cool; and y'all can get back to what you enjoy doing, which is -- oh, never mind. On with the sh -- er, carry on! Cool

0 Replies
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 12:19 am
RABEL222 wrote:
At least I'm not stupid.

Huh? Yes you are.

RABEL222 wrote:
Nor do I make up stuff like you.

You trash shouldn't run around falsely accusing your betters of your own dishonesty.

RABEL222 wrote:
Show me where I lied. Not your opinion but a fact.

Your post was not so much a lie as it was a vague complaint that your lies always get ignored and/or denounced. As such, I did not denounce any lies in your post, but merely commented on your silly whining.

That said, you did in fact spout two lies in the midst of your whining. I just didn't bother denouncing those lies until now.

a) You lied when you falsely accused Israel of terrorism (as if they were a bunch of Palestinians or something).

b) And you lied when you said that Israel's government was immoral.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 01:43 am
Foofie wrote:
But, you are disseminating specific information. You are choosing to ignore my comparison above. It is quite relevant, since Jews were considered an alien presence in Europe, and now considered an alien presence in their own country. You still do not see the morbid humor, at best?
Obviously, I have a different understanding of nation, with or without quotation marks.

In Germany, Jews lost their German nationaly from 1935 onwards due to the Nuremberg law, the 'Reichsbürger law' and especially the "Verordnungen zum Reichsbürgergesetz", a by-law, which mainly regulated the citizenship etc of Jews.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 02:04 am
Foofie wrote:
They also learned that Germany is alive and well, rather than being dissolved for fomenting two world wars in the twentieth century. That lesson implies that might may not make right, but it might ensure survival.
Could you explain a bit more what you mean by that?
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 03:47 am
Advocate ain't too smart. That's why he spends all his time fantasising about pigs and **** and stuff. The muppets will just have to join the long list of things that are beyond his comprehension.

I wonder if he has as much trouble with Scooby Doo.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 10:43 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Foofie doesn't understand anything that has to do with history.
0 Replies
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 11:22 am
When you've got nought out comes the bullshit anti line.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 11:34 am
oralloy wrote:
Anti-Semitic NGOs sure are despicable.
With this inflationary use of the term "anti-Semitic" you (and Advocate) certainly do a disservice to those who fight it.

Are, in your opinion, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch anti-Semitic, too?
cicerone imposter
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 11:40 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Anyone who criticizes the apartheid of Israel are "anti-Semites," even prominent Jews - of which there are many.

Even young Jews who have served in the IDF and have seen first hand the brutality against Palestinians and have spoken out against them are all anti-Semites.


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