Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Tue 31 Dec, 2013 11:33 pm
JTT wrote:
Absolutely unbelievable! The war criminals/terrorists are threatening with pretense rule of law dictums.
It's like Hitler threatening to arrest Jackson for speaking at Nuremberg.

It may be the case that a rare individual Israeli soldier commits a war crime (as is the case with any army). However, you cannot name a single war crime that Israel has ever committed (as Israel has never done such a thing).

Terrorism involves targeting civilians. Targeting civilians is a Palestinian thing. You do Israel a grave injustice when you falsely accuse them of acting like a bunch of Palestinians.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2013 11:38 pm

cicerone imposter wrote:
Okay, oralboy, if I'm stupid, show me how?

I believe a good case has been made that your mind is slipping away due to your age.

If it's not due to that, perhaps your stupidity comes from inferior genetics. Or maybe you got dropped on your head a lot when you were a baby.

cicerone imposter wrote:
You ignoramus!

You trash shouldn't run around falsely accusing your betters of your own ignorance.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2013 11:39 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Really, Ci, by now you should realize arguing with Oralloy is similar to being on a treadmill?

A lot of it depends on how honorable you are.

If all you want to do is spew vile lies, you will likely not make much headway when I am around to point out the truth.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
That poster lives in his own bubble and thinks a god gave all of Palestine to the European Jews,

Stop lying. I've never said any such thing and you know it.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
and the Arabs who are the natural owner and natives of this land

The Palestinians are nothing but land thieves. They own none of the land, and are native to no part of the West Bank.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
For what it's worth you and I are in perfect harmony regarding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

One Nazi is much the same as another.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
You realize the US Congress will never allow there to be a Palestinian state don't you?

Er, YOU are the one who just undermined peace talks that could have given the Palestinians a state.

Don't go blaming anyone else for what YOU just did.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2013 11:40 pm
JTT wrote:
Great comparison, Romeo. That's what the Americans did to gain their independence from England. It's called fighting for your freedom.

We never massacred civilians in our fight for freedom.

Muslims are not fighting for freedom when they massacre civilians.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:03 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Fortunately, Harry Reid used the nuclear option to get rid of the filibuster

I don't know what it is with most Democrats that they never care about following rules, but Obama has already guaranteed that a Republican will be elected president in 2016.

The Democrats are going to be doing a lot of whining once the Tea Party is choosing all of our federal judges.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:03 am
JTT wrote:
For the umpteenth time, why can you be so honest about the crimes of the USA but completely blind to the crimes of Israel?

No such crimes.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:09 am
JTT wrote:
That's always been the case, Frank, for the simple fact that liberals think. Thinking people dispute and they are made stronger for it.
Conservatives ideas are an incestual pool that grows more stagnant, more inbred with each discussion.

Nonsense. There are smart liberals and stupid liberals. And there are smart conservatives and stupid conservatives.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:10 am
Advocate wrote:
Of course there is no hope of a Pal state. Arafat walked out of Camp David, without making any counterproposals to Israeli proposals, saying that he would be assassinated were he to sign an agreement. I'm sure that current Pal leaders feel the same way.

Well, there may be hope of a sort.

It is pretty much inevitable that Israel will eventually be forced to deport the Palestinians out of the West Bank and dump them all in the Gaza Strip.

Perhaps one day the Palestinians can call themselves Gazans, and the Gaza Strip will become their state.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:11 am
JTT wrote:
Advocate wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
You ignoramus!

Prove that Oralloy is an ignoramus. Otherwise, shut the hell up.

Oralboy proves that with most every one of his posts, Advocate.

Such big words from someone who can't ever point out anything that I am wrong about.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:37 am

cicerone imposter wrote:
The only "incessant attacks" are from the Jews stealing Palestinian lands,

There is no such thing as Palestinian lands. It is not possible to steal something that does not exist.

And no, the only incessant attacks are from the Palestinians, with their non-stop efforts to massacre innocent children.

cicerone imposter wrote:
and their unequal treatment. Palestinians are not free to drive on many roads in Israel.

Well duh. Palestinians have no business trying to enter countries where they are not welcome.

cicerone imposter wrote:
Anybody calling Israel a democracy just doesn't understand the term.

No, we understand the term just fine.

cicerone imposter wrote:
It's an "apartheid state."

You Nazis are disgusting.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:37 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
B'Tselem offers different figures.

It is inadvisable to accept figures put forth by self-hating Jews. Such figures are very likely to be bogus.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:41 am
JTT wrote:
Agree, and I have said it many times. As war criminals and terrorists the Israelis are pikers compared to the USA. But as you have noted they still are war criminals and terrorists.

No such war crimes. No such terrorism.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:50 am
Foofie wrote:
that hour-glass shape that is Israel, without the West Bank, is the reason the West Bank is needed for defense. I do not think Israel will ever let that be a Palestinean state, since Palestineans could then invite terrorists to launch an attack from there. Some people do not understand the military importance of the West Bank,

Actually, Israel has repeatedly offered the West Bank to the Palestinians, but only in exchange for peace, which the Palestinians refuse to agree to.

However, these offers are about to draw to a close I think. The Europeans torpedoed the Oslo Accords when they extended UN recognition to the Palestinians.

There is one last hope for talks under Mr. Kerry. But the Palestinians have done much to damage these talks as well. I think this will be the last time the Palestinians will ever be offered the West Bank.

Eventually the Palestinians will all have to be deported to Gaza.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:51 am
Foofie wrote:
The dilemma is that the West Bank is needed for defense, because of the otherwise hour-glass shape of Israel. The Palestineans will just have to learn to live amongst Jews. Sort of like you in your previous career.

I don't think so.

First, Palestinians are a bit too fond of murdering innocent people for them to ever be allowed to live among human beings.

And second, if Israel allowed the Palestinians to stay in the West Bank when they annex it, the Palestinians would eventually win the right to vote in Israeli elections. And that would be the end of Israel.

In the absence of a peace agreement, Israel does indeed need to keep the West Bank. But Israel also needs to deport all the Palestinians to the Gaza Strip before they annex the West Bank.
Walter Hinteler
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:51 am
oralloy wrote:
It is inadvisable to accept figures put forth by self-hating Jews. Such figures are very likely to be bogus.
So e.g. the Advisor on Interreligious Affairs to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel,, Director of the American Jewish Committee's Department of Interreligious Affairs,former Chief Rabbi of Ireland ... is actually a self-hating Jew as well as quite a few chairs of the Hebrew University Jerusalem and a lot more?
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:55 am
JTT wrote:
It must be a burden on you going thru life following one so ignorant.

Just as with me, I noticed that you failed to show any fact that Foofie is wrong about.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 12:57 am
How do you call those Arabs in Israel, who speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic, are Sunni or Christians and are Israel citizens? Isn't one of the judges in the Supreme Court a Palestinian Arab?
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 01:05 am
RABEL222 wrote:
This isent about jews its about an immoral government in Israel. Most jews that I know I like. I could post many articles about the Isralie terrorists but they have been posted before and been either ignored or denied so why bother.

It is right that your Nazi lies are ignored and denied. You are despicable.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 01:06 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
So e.g. the Advisor on Interreligious Affairs to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel,, Director of the American Jewish Committee's Department of Interreligious Affairs,former Chief Rabbi of Ireland ... is actually a self-hating Jew as well as quite a few chairs of the Hebrew University Jerusalem and a lot more?

If they are part of a group that pushes inaccurate figures in order to unjustly make Israel look bad, that is likely the explanation.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 01:06 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
How do you call those Arabs in Israel, who speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic, are Sunni or Christians and are Israel citizens?

They are Palestinians also. But the fact that some Palestinians are Israeli citizens does not mean that non-Israeli Palestinians will ever be welcome in Israel.

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