Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Romeo Fabulini
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 03:33 pm
Hey to all my Israeli friends let me remind you that America stabbed you in the back by recently doing a deal with Iran to allow them to go on building nuke reactors.
Okay, it looks like Israel is on her own now that she can't rely on Uncle Sam, but that's a blessing in disguise because it means Israel will be able to act on her own military initiative from now on without having to ask Washington's permission..Smile
cicerone imposter
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 05:20 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Great! Israel against all the ME countries. I'd like to see the result of that!

Some people are ignorant about the world population, and how many countries count themselves as Muslim or Islamic.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 06:18 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
There are some others out there as well Wink

Other who?

Mr. Sheridan, 21, wears a wristband that says “Israel Is Strong” in Hebrew. He spent his gap year in Israel, has an Israeli flag in his dorm room and did an internship at the American Jewish Committee.

“The second I question Israel — Israeli policies, not its existence — all of a sudden I’m a pariah?” he asked.

It really depends on the nature of the question that is being asked.

If the question is premised on a false accusation that Israel is committing some sort of horrendous misdeed, then even asking the question is an act of anti-Semitism.
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 06:21 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Hey to all my Israeli friends let me remind you that America stabbed you in the back by recently doing a deal with Iran to allow them to go on building nuke reactors.
Okay, it looks like Israel is on her own now that she can't rely on Uncle Sam, but that's a blessing in disguise because it means Israel will be able to act on her own military initiative from now on without having to ask Washington's permission..Smile

We have not stabbed Israel in the back (at least when it comes to this issue -- our treatment of Jonathan Pollard has been shameful and anti-Semitic). If Iran does not halt their illegal pursuit of nuclear weapons, we will bomb their nuclear facilities.

Israel has never had to ask our permission before bombing Iran. We have convinced them so far to wait and let us give negotiations a chance. But if they feel that they have no choice but to bomb Iran themselves before we ourselves are ready to do it, Israel is always free to do so.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 12:26 am
I gave a link to the report.
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 01:01 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
I gave a link to the report.

I saw. But the link didn't explain who or what you meant by "some others out there".

It also didn't contain examples of what sort of things this guy was complaining about being chastised for, so I was unable to form a conclusion as to whether or not he has a legitimate complaint.
0 Replies
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 07:57 am

Moment-in-Time wrote:

My goodness, Advocate, how melodramatic can one get?! The facts are when the Palestinians do get their own state they will show a lot more human tolerance than Israel has hitherto shown the Pals. The Israeli government is a ruthless cold-blooded nation; we see this by the way they cruelly mistreat the most defenseless occupied Palestinians.

Foofie wrote:
remember when two Israeli reservists got lost going to their training camp, and were captured by just regular Palestineans, and then butchered. One came grinning to the window, which a cameraman caught, showing the blood of the butchered Israelis on his hand proudly, and smilingly.

I. too, remember the Ramallah killing; four Israelis got lost and captured by Palestinians. One was thrown threw the window to the angry mob and another inside the building was brutally killed; one Palestinian boy appeared in the window, displaying hands smeared in blood.

Foofie wrote:
My point is that the Israelis are not enjoying the violence they might need to do; however, there is more than one Palestinean that looks upon killing an Israeli as a festive act. You might be a little naive to not see the total difference in cultures, at least amongst many of the males.

The murder of these unfortunate lost Israelis is certainly sad; however, this is the result, the acute consequences, of Israeli illegal occupation on Palestinian land. How much can an enraged suppressed people take?! Eventually, they break, after all, you know, they are human! Many Israelis think of Palestnians as a subspecies and refer to them as "dogs" or "vermin." Israel's IDF have killed thousands more than the tiny number killed in Ramallah. So I understand your remorse at what seemed in your eyes like senseless killing, but my sorrow and pain is for a far greater number of Palestinians who've died just trying to hold on to their land. Did you say "Israelis are not enjoying the violence they might need to do"?! Surely you jest! Stealing other people's land, killing for over 60 years the Palestinians, and you say Israel should do more?! Damn, you've got a reptilian heart!!!

After WW2 the world took pity on European Jewery and gave them a little spot in Palestine. Who could envision they would not be satisfied with the little plot of land they were given by the UN but would try and kick the native people out! Kill them indiscriminately! Grab their land with the acquiescence of the bribed and bought United States Congress who would throw their mother under the bus for the money they get from AIPAC. Actually, Kerry is wasting his time, but I do not believe the European governments acting collectively are wasting their time. If these latest talks fail Europe will blame the defiant Israeli government.

When the Palestinians erupt it's because Israel has pushed them to this level. And if Israel succeeds in defying the world community, and continue taking all their land, the Palestinians will never forget and their descendants will carry on the struggle. The future for Israel will always be an insecure one until it returns that which it has stolen.
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 10:01 am
Now people look at native Americans with idealised romanticism, but that wasn't always the case.

With Bascom unwilling to exchange prisoners, Cochise and his party killed the members of a passing Mexican wagon train. The Apache killed and ritually mutilated nine Mexicans, and took three whites captive, but killed them later.

Sun 29 Dec, 2013 10:22 am
Are you sure you are not a Muslim? The one-sided twisted garbage that you put forth is incredible. Moreover, you certainly know better. For some reason, you are obviouslly an extreme Jew-hater willing to endlessly lie about Israel and its people.
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:21 am

Are you sure you are not a Muslim?

No! I am NOT a Muslim....I am a non-believer in gods.

The one-sided twisted garbage that you put forth is incredible.

Ah! I know, the truth in your perception when it comes to Israel, is always seen as distorted crap.

Moreover, you certainly know better. For some reason, you are obviouslly an extreme Jew-hater willing to endlessly lie about Israel and its people.

I am intensely hostile towards Israeli policies, Advocate, which keep the Palestinian people down while stealing their land with the help of the US congress. That mideast Israeli/Palestinian conflict should have been resolved many years ago if they had not the aid of the US no-good congress.

I am not a Jew-hater; my mother was partially-Jewish via my ethnic Jewish grandpa. So stop calling me a "Jew-Hater!" YOU, Advocate, are the harbinger of much hatred towards others. You refer to the Palestinians as "Vermin." Now we know your sidekick Oralloy refers to Palestinians in a diseased manner, but he appear to have a mental aberration which is quite transparent via his posts when he attacks Meredith Kercher, the brutally murdered victim, calling her a whore while castigating the Kercher's family for pursuing justice for their daughter, as well as excoriating the African bar owner who was lied on by Amanda Knox. Or when he loudly states he would like to "grind new born Italian babies into food for dogs to eat." Oralloy's sayings are not normal and can be described as sick!!! To even conceive of killing little new born angles for food shows a **very disturbed mind**....So one ignore the ravings of a psychopath. You, Advocate, at least appear normal with one obvious flaw....you house deep prejudices against Palestinians, Muslims and minorities; you easily dismiss any harm or the thousands of deaths by IDF hands against the Palestinians as if they deserve it; they [Palestinians] are fighting to hold on to their land which Israel seems determined to take away.
cicerone imposter
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:22 am
Hey, Advocate, we're all Jew-haters, because in your world nobody must speak against the illegal takeover of property from the Palestinians in Israel. The many Jews like yourself are the real Jew-haters, because you can't see the injustice of those land-grabs by the Jews that are deemed unethical and illegal in the eyes of those who understand human rights and equality.

You show how hateful you are as a bigoted human, and you do no favors to all Jews of this world.

Romeo Fabulini
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:25 am
Another message to my Israeli friends:-
Don't worry if America carries on cosying up to the Iranian regime by letting them continue building nuke reactors, Israel DOESN'T NEED America or anybody else..Smile

In 2003 Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld, was quoted as saying-
"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome.
Most European capitals are targets for our air force.
Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point.
We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible.
Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third.
We have the capability to take the world down with us.
And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under"

Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:33 am

Now people look at native Americans with idealised romanticism, but that wasn't always the case.

So are you saying the Palestinians should wait to be decimated and in the finality, the survivors will look with "idealized romanticism" on the Israelis!? Who knows, you might be right, but the Arabs of the middle east have a long memory. My father, BTW, is Native American, descended from the Black Foot tribe of Canada; my husband is also Native American. There doesn't seem to be much discontent over what happened many moons ago. For all practical purposes we are Americans....and this has never changed!
Walter Hinteler
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:34 am
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A panel of Israeli cabinet ministers endorsed proposed legislation on Sunday to annex an area of the occupied West Bank likely to be the eastern border of a future Palestinian state.
The move, pushed by far-right members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, could weigh on troubled U.S.-brokered peace negotiations several days before another visit to the region by Secretary of State John Kerry.

Haaretz: Ministers support bill annexing Jordan Valley settlements to Israel
Bill would extend Israeli legal, administrative systems to valley settlements and lift all restrictions on construction.
Under the bill, the State of Israel’s legal and administrative system would apply to the settlements in the Jordan Valley and the roads leading to them. No restrictions will apply to construction in the area unless specifically approved by the Knesset.

Regev said she submitted the bill “solely for diplomatic and security reasons, since the communities and lands of the Jordan Valley constitute the strategic defense line of the State of Israel on its long eastern border.”
... ... ...

Jerusalem Post: Ministers vote to annex Jordan Valley

Yesh Atid, Hatnua are likely to appeal vote on bill that would apply Israeli law to the area, significantly limit PM, Livni in peace talks; Erekat: Bill shows Israel's "indifference" to international law, undermines peace efforts.
MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz) said the committee's approval of the bill indicates that "Netanyahu suffers from a split personality, or he's a serial cheat."

"On the one hand, he frees murdering terrorists and with the other he allows the extremists in his party pass laws that stop negotiations. On the one hand he sends Tzipi Livni to talk to the Palestinians and on the other he builds settlements. Either way, he is hurting the citizens of Israel," Horowitz said.
cicerone imposter
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:35 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
You are another foolish, ignorant, human being. Your ideas about Israel's ability to attack any country only guarantees mutually assured destruction. With the ideas embedded in many Jews minds, they believe they can attack any country in this world, because of their ignorance about political and economic associations by the world community.

Nuclear weapons are no longer defensive weapons; they are world destruction weapons. The 100 warheads owned by Israel doesn't mean much except to the extent that foolish Israel is ready to use any one of them to initiate a war they wouldn't be able to stop! Anybody looking at a map of Israel knows how small a country they are - except some big-headed Jews who think they own the world with their weapons.

When Israel uses that first nuclear weapon, they will only isolate themselves from the rest of the world. That's an assurance they can take to the bank.

0 Replies
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:39 am
I think you qualify as the excrement queen. I was not spewing "crap" in my comments on your twisted garbage.

BTW, stop lying about my statements. I never said or implied that all Pals are "vermin." I made it clear that I was referring to those who target children and the elderly, and other Israeli innocents. They are truly vermin.
cicerone imposter
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:41 am
Your ad hominems only proves you have only name-calling to challenge what is said about the Jews of Israel. You have never provided FACTS or EVIDENCE contrary to what is being posted by the people who understand what's really happening in Israel against the Palestinians.

Yes, Advocate, we're all anti-Semites! You should be able to do much better.

Stay on the topic if you can; name calling only shows your ignorance.
0 Replies
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:46 am
No, I'm merely pointing out that Foofie's tales of the brutality of the Palestinians could easily have been said about native Americans back in the day. The tactics used by Foofie are the same as those used by the robber barons in the 18th Century.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:48 am
Cicerone said: The 100 warheads owned by Israel doesn't mean much except to the extent that foolish Israel is ready to use any one of them to initiate a war they wouldn't be able to stop

Israel will wait til another country initiates nuclear war.
At the moment there are no hostile muslim regimes that possess nukes; Pakistan has them but their regime is friendly to the west because we're bribing them with truckloads of "foreign aid" cash to keep them sweet.
But friendly regimes have a habit of changing for unfriendly ones further down the line, and when that happens it'll really hit the fan when nukes are handed out around the muslim countries.
I envisage a muslim nuke strike against Tel Aviv, resulting in Israel launching a massive nuke counter-strike against every muslim city and town in the mideast.
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 11:49 am
Those who Target children, old folks, innocents are vermin, A. You
are describing US governments, us military personnel, CIA , FBI and
all the folks like MiT who provide cover for said terrorists.
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