Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Tue 24 Dec, 2013 12:22 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:


This is how Israeli soldiers treat Palestinian women.

I am far ahead of you, Ci, I could tell you tales, for instance how the devil IDF broke a little Palestinian boys arm in two places for throwing rocks; the sound was on and the audience heard the cracking while the reporter was shooting the scene and it was later aired on MSNBC. My heart broke. Many times Palestinian women in labor are held up at the crossing for an interminable length of time just so she can suffer. The IDF and the Israeli government are harbingers of unclean hands regarding the Palestinians.= Heck, the IDF have used their tanks to run over homes and sometime disabled Palestinians are not quick enough to get out of the way.

Have you no ethics at all? The thing about the broken arm is ancient history and, I think, happened only once before it was stopped. I wonder how many people were injured by the rocks and bricks thrown by the Pals, including those thrown by adults. For instance, Jewish motorists have been killed, or badly injured, by the rock throwers.
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 12:28 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
About 10 years ago a US or Brit TV crew did a documentary about Israel/Palestine and asked a young Israeli soldier on patrol how he thought the problem could be solved.
"Well we could give them their land back" he answered.
I wonder how many other Israelis feel the same way but are afraid to say it?

I doubt very many. That soldier sounds highly ignorant (you do mention his youth).

First, the terms "their land" and "back" are pretty bizarre, since that land has never belonged to the Palestinians.

But more importantly, Israel has repeatedly and incessantly tried to offer the Palestinians that very land if only the Palestinians would make peace, and the Palestinians just flat out refuse to ever make peace.

Israel even experimented with giving up the land without negotiating, but that only proved to make the Palestinians even more eager to massacre innocent Israelis.

The problem is going to be solved by forcibly deporting all the Palestinians out of the West Bank and sending them to Gaza.
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Romeo Fabulini
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 12:30 pm
Oralloy said: Israel has repeatedly and endlessly offered 1967 borders if only the Palestinians would make peace with them.

I suppose that proves the Pals don't WANT peace, they just want to go on killing Jews like the Koran orders them to-

[Koran 5.82] "Certainly you will find the most violent of people to be the Jews and those who are polytheists"
[Koran 5.51] "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends"
[Koran 9.123] "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard against evil"
cicerone imposter
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 12:30 pm
Even if the "broken arm" was some time ago, the killing of a 3 year old girl happened recently. Who's the one without any ethics? Guess.
0 Replies
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 12:33 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

About 10 years ago I watched a US or Brit TV documentary about Israel/Palestine and they asked a young Israeli soldier on patrol how he thought the problem could be solved.
"Well we could give them the Palestinians their land back" he answered.
I wonder how many other Israelis feel the same way but are afraid to say it?

PS- and in another TV docu later, another soldier was asked the same sort of question and gave the same sort of answer, but his commanding officer overheard and came over to fetch him away from the camera!

Talk about anecdotal evidence . . .!
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 12:39 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
I suppose that proves the Pals don't WANT peace, they just want to go on killing Jews like the Koran orders them to-
Quite a few of those "Pals", generally known as Palestinias, follow the bible as well - a bit less than 10% in the West Bank are Christians, Patriarch Theophilos III is a Palestinian and "Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine, Syria, beyond the Jordan River, Cana of Galilee, and Holy Zion", the city of Gaza is mostly inhabited by Christians (a local ecumenical gospel choir gave several concerts to their partner parishes there during the Easter week this year) ...
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 12:41 pm
Advocate wrote:
Have you no ethics at all?

A complete absence of ethics is a necessary requirement in anyone who supports the Palestinians.

People with ethics just tell the Palestinians to stop killing innocent people, and accept a deal for 1967 borders.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 01:14 pm
Since it's Christmas (Eve), I will post a Jewish song about the love to Palestine:

Genig gilost fin yeden auf sich treten
genig gimacht zi shpot mich in zi shand
genig giwen bei yenem ein gibeten
ich hob schon auch a heim a eigen land.

Palestina is mein Faterland,
Palestina die bist shen in grand
beim barg le vo non wie die zeder blihen
dus heilig Land dort wie die oves rihen
Palestina ist mir angenehm
Palestina is mein sise heim
host bei mir dem grestenwert
heilig Land ich kishdein erd
Palestina is mein Faterland.

Composer: Arnold Perlmutter
Lyricist: Isidor Lilien

Listed in the Laurence Maverick Collection of Copyrighted Yiddish Plays at the Library of Congress:
Walter Hinteler
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 01:34 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
This is even better for Christmas:



For years and years my tears were falling,
In dreams the world I seem'd to roam,
I hear the angels softly calling,
"Come back, come back to your home sweet home."

In Palestine, In Palestine,
It seems like the olden time,
Beside the river Jordan fair,
I see them there,
Sweet Ruth and Joseph kneeling in pray'r,
In Palestine, in Palestine,
The world once again is mine.
The temple bells are ringing
I hear sweet voices singing,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Come back to old Palestine.

I see the golden sun arising,
Above a city far away.
I see the shadows disappearing
And view the scenes of yesterday.

Song, copyrighted 1918 (Composer: Kendis & Brockman & Alfred Bryan; Lyrics: Kendis & Brockman & Alfred Bryan; Publisher: Kendis-Brockman Music Co., New York)
This popular Zionist song still refers to the homeland as Palestine, but then "borrows" the musical phrase "Jerusalem" from "The Holy City," a Christian song.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 01:38 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Sources for both posts above:
- arab kitsch - songs about the middle east
- Library of Congress
0 Replies
Tue 24 Dec, 2013 07:48 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Quite a few of those "Pals", generally known as Palestinias, follow the bible as well - a bit less than 10% in the West Bank are Christians, Patriarch Theophilos III is a Palestinian and "Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine, Syria, beyond the Jordan River, Cana of Galilee, and Holy Zion", the city of Gaza is mostly inhabited by Christians (a local ecumenical gospel choir gave several concerts to their partner parishes there during the Easter week this year) ...

It's likely only a matter of time before the Islamic Palestinians genocide all the non-Islamic Palestinians.
0 Replies
Wed 25 Dec, 2013 05:05 pm
Considering that they've spent 1400 years or so living side-by-side, I doubt it.
Wed 25 Dec, 2013 06:23 pm
Your doubt is likely to be small comfort to them when they are being massacred.

Do you also doubt that Muslims are massacring Coptic Xians in Egypt?

How about the Iraqi Xians?

How long did those Xian groups live side by side with the Muslims who are now exterminating them?
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cicerone imposter
Wed 25 Dec, 2013 07:22 pm
The Zionists on this thread who truly believes Israel is interested in PEACE is just not living in the real world.

Israel plans new settlement push while freeing Palestinian prisoners
4 hours ago
Israel's PM Netanyahu attends weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.
View gallery
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem December …

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel plans to announce a push for more construction in Jewish settlements when it frees two dozen Palestinian prisoners next week, an Israeli official said on Wednesday, in a move that could jeopardize U.S.-brokered peace talks.

Related Stories

Official: Israel plans new settlement construction Associated Press
Bloodshed, settlements hike pressure on Mideast talks AFP
Kerry meets Israel's Netanyahu to push peace talks Associated Press
Kerry back to Mideast to push peace talks Associated Press
Abbas aide lambasts US push for framework deal Associated Press

Palestinians have said any further settlement expansion could scuttle the negotiations, which resumed in July after intensive shuttle diplomacy by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Talks ran aground in 2010 over the same issue.

And from many more decades before that!
The US and Kerry is just wasting their time trying to negotiate a peace when the Jews continue to expand their settlements. When are they going to get their heads out of their arses? How many more decades are they planning to play this game? It's total bull shyt!
cicerone imposter
Wed 25 Dec, 2013 07:52 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I left out an important paragraph from the article I posted above.
"I think it is our right to build, certainly according to our understandings and agreements with the Americans. And in accordance with that, we shall continue to build."
cicerone imposter
Wed 25 Dec, 2013 07:55 pm
@cicerone imposter,
From Wiki.
International law and Israeli settlements
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The international community considers the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal under international law,[1][2][3][4][5] but Israel maintains that they are consistent with international law[6] because it does not agree that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the territories occupied in the 1967 Six-Day War.[7] The United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Court of Justice and the High Contracting Parties to the Convention have all affirmed that the Fourth Geneva Convention does apply.[8][9]
Numerous UN resolutions have stated that the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are a violation of international law, including UN Security Council resolutions in 1979 and 1980.[10][11][12] UN Security Council Resolution 446 refers to the Fourth Geneva Convention as the applicable international legal instrument, and calls upon Israel to desist from transferring its own population into the territories or changing their demographic makeup. The reconvened Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions has declared the settlements illegal[13] as has the primary judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice[14] and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
The position of successive Israeli governments is that all authorized settlements are entirely legal and consistent with international law,[15] despite Israel's armistice agreements having all being with High Contracting Parties.[16] In practice, Israel does not accept that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies de jure, but has stated that on humanitarian issues it will govern itself de facto by its provisions, without specifying which these are.[17][18] The majority of legal scholars hold the settlements to violate international law, while others have offered dissenting views supporting the Israeli position.[2]
cicerone imposter
Wed 25 Dec, 2013 07:58 pm
@cicerone imposter,
This is comical if not so serious.

Ahead of prisoner release || U.S. pressuring Israel not to announce new settlement construction
Haaretz Daily Dec 18 10:51am
In addition to EU's warning it will hold Israel responsible for failure of peace talks, Kerry urges Netanyahu to exercise restraint in announcing new building in West Bank, East Jerusalem when next group of prisoners released at end of December.
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Thu 26 Dec, 2013 03:48 pm

Excellent holiday news from Twitter this afternoon:
#BreakingNews: Two Israeli air strikes hit #Gaza: Al Arabiya corespondent

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Walter Hinteler
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 01:58 pm
There are some others out there as well Wink

Members of Jewish Student Group Test Permissible Discussion on Israel
Mr. Sheridan, 21, wears a wristband that says “Israel Is Strong” in Hebrew. He spent his gap year in Israel, has an Israeli flag in his dorm room and did an internship at the American Jewish Committee.

“The second I question Israel — Israeli policies, not its existence — all of a sudden I’m a pariah?” he asked.
cicerone imposter
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 03:14 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I found this paragraph from your link important to share with all of us anti-Semites.

In a major step affecting that dispute, professors in the 5,000-member American Studies Association voted this month to boycott Israeli academic institutions over Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.
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