Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Sun 22 Dec, 2013 01:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,

Without equality, the Palestinians will perform in the lower rung of any standardized testing.

Help Palestinians in Gaza Access Education!

Dear Amnesty International USA member group:
Thank you for joining our campaign to help Palestinians in Gaza access education. The Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip prevents thousands of Palestinian students from pursuing higher education in the nearby West Bank – part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Palestinian students also face obstacles if they want to study abroad.

Israeli authorities say the blockade is a response to attacks from Palestinian armed groups. But Israeli authorities are collectively punishing the entire population of Gaza, rather than targeting those responsible for carrying out rocket or other attacks. The majority of Gaza residents are children. Learn More

How can you help Palestinians in Gaza access education?
Endorse the Campaign!

Click here: http://bit.ly/GazaStatement

Add your Amnesty International member group as a co-signer of the following statement. We will send it to Congress, the White House, and the Israeli government.


We call on the Israeli government to stop restricting access to education for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. We urge the Israeli government to completely lift the blockade on Gaza.

Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip traps over 1.6 million Palestinian civilians. Many are cut off from jobs, medical care, and educational opportunities. 70% of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip now depend on humanitarian aid as a result.

Israel effectively bars thousands of Palestinian students in the Gaza Strip from pursuing higher education in the nearby West Bank, part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Palestinians who want to travel abroad for their studies face significant obstacles as well.

Israel must stop blocking Palestinians in Gaza from access to the education they desire and to which they have a right.

cicerone imposter
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 01:55 pm
MiT, Thanks for sharing that article, but you'll be tagged an anti-Semite for that! LOL
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 03:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,

MiT, Thanks for sharing that article, but you'll be tagged an anti-Semite for that! LOL

Haven't you heard, I am always referred to as a militant "anti-Semite" first and foremost, followed by my board handle. Truth be known, there is a significant number of secular Jewish-Americans more brutal in rhetoric than I would ever be. These are highly intelligent Jewish-Americans who realize that if there is to be a happy future for Israel, one that doesn't lurch from mini-war to mini-war or dreaded calamity peering around every corner, there will have to be reconciliation with the Palestinian people and sharing of land, and that means giving back that land which Israel has stolen and currently occupies. Israel thinks since it's bought the US government and intimidates the President of the US, that all it has to do is stall until a Republican government takes the presidency. Meanwhile the world is watching and patience with the Zionist nation is wearing thin. How many times will Israel stick its finger in the eye of the global community?
cicerone imposter
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 03:19 pm
Fortunately for all of us, most of the western democracies sees Israel for what they are, and their governments aren't bought and sold on the open market concerning Israel.

American media hasn't helped the cause of equality and freedom in Israel either, and I often wonder where their head's are.
cicerone imposter
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 03:42 pm
@cicerone imposter,
From Obama in 2012.


Obama has praised past Israeli leaders for their kind gestures of peace towards Palestinians but refused to recognize their earlier attempts that led to violence and death of Israelis.

Me: Bull shyt!

• Barack Obama mentions that he is in support of resumption of the aid to the Palestinian government with a condition that the government 'renounces terrorism'.

Me: Bull shyt, again! What does he expect when their homes and property are stolent from them?

• Obama opines thus, "Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people." He has declared recently in his speech ?our enemies are not just terrorists, it's not just Hezbollah, it's not just Hamas, and it?s also cynicism."

Me: The real terrorists are those who steal other people's property, and kills them when they try to retaliate.

• Obama contends that there is a need to preserve Israel as a Jewish state though it has its politicians and its security as well.

Me: What is he trying to say? Double talk - and full of bull shyt.

• With regard to the security of Israel Barack Obama stated, "you will not see, under my presidency, any slackening in commitment to Israel?s security."

Me: What about the security of the Palestinian people? Doesn't their property and lives count?

• Obama stood strong with regard to Israel's right to defend itself from the rocket attacks and raids of Hezbollah.

Me: Typical bull shyt.

He hates characterization and rejects the term apartheid in any discussion with regard to Israel's progress.

Me: Obama's a ******* joke! He doesn't even understand the word.
a·part·heid (-pärtht, -ht)
1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 03:57 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The ultimate apartheid is the Pal policy to forbid a single Jew to live in its territory.
cicerone imposter
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 04:08 pm
ROFLMAO You are a very confused individual without any humanity or ethics in what you write.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 04:14 pm
Advocate wrote:
The ultimate apartheid is the Pal policy to forbid a single Jew to live in its territory.
So Palestinians have now got the political and juridical power in Israel?
Others think that there still is a system to restrict the human rights of one group - Palestinians - with the aim of keeping political power in the hands of another demographic group - Israeli Jews.

But maybe that you are not aware what "apartheid" means? It is Africaans (Dutch) ... "'apart-hood" enforced through legislation.
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 04:25 pm

The ultimate apartheid is the Pal policy to forbid a single Jew to live in its territory.

Please tell me I did not read what you just posted, Advocate. You sound like someone punch-drunk!
cicerone imposter
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:01 pm
This tells the whole story about the takeover of Palestinian lands.
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:02 pm

cicerone imposter wrote:
All of us speaking against the apartheid of Israel are "anti-Semites."

Anyone who falsely accuses Israel of Apartheid is indeed an anti-Semitic scumbag.

cicerone imposter wrote:
They still haven't figured it out that they've twisted the use of that term so badly, it's lost any meaning.

No, the denunciation of you anti-Semitic scumbags still carries the same meaning as always.

You freaks are a disgrace to humanity.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:04 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Well many pro-Zionists are on the defensive because the UN resolutions against Israel seems inexhaustible.

Nonsense. That the UN is infested with anti-Semitic vermin is unfortunate, but all that means is that people ignore the UN.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
The US to its discredit always vetoes these most damaging resolutions.

That we block anti-Semitism is to our credit.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
This only make followers of Israeli/Palestinians conflict angrier and angrier which in turn is interpreted by pro-Zionists as anti-Semitism.

Your anti-Semitism is denounced as anti-Semitism because of all the hateful lies that you vomit all over the internet.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
But one things posters who use this term time after time should realize they have rendered the adjective "anti-Semitic" meaningless.

You anti-Semites might wish that the world turned a blind eye to your vile anti-Semitism. But no. It is hardly meaningless when people stand up to your evil hate speech.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Their failure to recognize this overuse of the term gives us an idea as to their state of mind.

The word is hardly being overused. It is appropriate to use it every time an anti-Semitic freak starts spewing freakish anti-Semitism.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
The English language is filled meaningful words by which one may express themselves without boring the reader tediously with the same old monotone.

And the proper term for anti-Semitic hate speech is: anti-Semitic hate speech.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:05 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
We call on the Israeli government to stop restricting access to education for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. We urge the Israeli government to completely lift the blockade on Gaza.
Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip traps over 1.6 million Palestinian civilians. Many are cut off from jobs, medical care, and educational opportunities. 70% of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip now depend on humanitarian aid as a result.
Israel effectively bars thousands of Palestinian students in the Gaza Strip from pursuing higher education in the nearby West Bank, part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Palestinians who want to travel abroad for their studies face significant obstacles as well.
Israel must stop blocking Palestinians in Gaza from access to the education they desire and to which they have a right.

If Palestinian vermin wish the blockade to be lifted, they will have to stop using the Gaza Strip as a base from which to wage war on Israel.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:13 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Haven't you heard, I am always referred to as a militant "anti-Semite" first and foremost, followed by my board handle.

Actually after your recent nonsense about Jews being deceivers, it is far more appropriate to call you an outright Nazi.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Truth be known, there is a significant number of secular Jewish-Americans more brutal in rhetoric than I would ever be.

Self-hating Jews can be pretty goofy.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
These are highly intelligent Jewish-Americans who realize that if there is to be a happy future for Israel, one that doesn't lurch from mini-war to mini-war or dreaded calamity peering around every corner, there will have to be reconciliation with the Palestinian people and sharing of land,

If they are even remotely intelligent, they will have taken note of the fact that Israel has continuously and endlessly tried to offer just that, and yet the Palestinians still refuse to make peace.

They likely also, if they are even remotely intelligent, are dismayed at the way you helped the Palestinians undermine these latest peace talks (and after it had looked like there was actually more hope for a deal than any time since Bill Clinton was in office).

Moment-in-Time wrote:
and that means giving back that land which Israel has stolen and currently occupies.

Stop lying. The only land thieves here are the Palestinians.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel thinks since it's bought the US government and intimidates the President of the US, that all it has to do is stall until a Republican government takes the presidency.

I am not sure how much planning ahead Israel is doing.

They must surely know that this is the very last chance for 1967 borders, but I don't know that they've thought about what to do after that falls through.

The answer is clear: The Palestinians all need to be deported out of the West Bank. But I doubt that reality has dawned on many Israelis yet.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Meanwhile the world is watching and patience with the Zionist nation is wearing thin. How many times will Israel stick its finger in the eye of the global community?

It is really silly the way you anti-Semites pretend that you speak for the world.

But to answer your question, I imagine that all the anti-Semitc scum won't like it very much when the Palestinians start getting bussed out of the West Bank.

I hope it happens in my lifetime so I can make fun of all the tantrums and impotent whining.
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:13 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Advocate wrote:
The ultimate apartheid is the Pal policy to forbid a single Jew to live in its territory.

So Palestinians have now got the political and juridical power in Israel?

He wasn't referring to Israel. He was referring to Palestinian territory.

Walter Hinteler wrote:
Others think that there still is a system to restrict the human rights of one group - Palestinians - with the aim of keeping political power in the hands of another demographic group - Israeli Jews.

You mean where non-Israelis are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections?

Not a lot different from the way Americans don't get to vote in German elections.

Walter Hinteler wrote:
But maybe that you are not aware what "apartheid" means? It is Africaans (Dutch) ... "'apart-hood" enforced through legislation.

Are you aware of what anti-Semitism means? It is when someone falsely accuses Jews of horrendous crimes.
cicerone imposter
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:15 pm
MiT, Now you're a Nazi.

a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism.


Web definitions
Nazism: a form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader

I'd like to know when you became a member of the National Socialist German Worker's party?

featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader
defines Zionism to its foundation!
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
MiT, Now you're a Nazi.

Personally, since the Orally poster is on ignore, I wasn't aware he referred to me as a "Nazi." His posts, when it comes to Israel, is so fanatically ass-backwards that it's sheer self-indulgence for me to keep him on ignore. YOU, Ci, have a stronger stomach than I.
cicerone imposter
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:44 pm
I learned to have a thick skin, and learned how to fight the good fight - with so many of the morons on a2k. They rarely, if ever, provide credible sources for their opinions, and of those that are imagined in their own brains are so far-fetched, it's a wonder they are considered 'normal' by their family and friends.

0 Replies
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 07:10 pm
izzythepush wrote:

I'm not going to listen to any lectures from someone who was personally involved in the slaughter of thousands of innocent Vietnamese.

I was never overseas in the military? You are spreading false accusations.

I guess you have a low opinion of all American military veterans?
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 07:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

They love to use terms that are contradicted by their use all the time. All of us speaking against the apartheid of Israel are "anti-Semites."

They still haven't figured it out that they've twisted the use of that term so badly, it's lost any meaning.

Well, its lost its ethical meaning to many.
0 Replies

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