Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Fri 20 Dec, 2013 04:57 pm
korkamann wrote:

Foofie, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the African American brain, but people like you need desperately to believe this to be so....it's a crutch many whites use to justify their lack of accomplishment in the US, and it's so damn good for your personal ego with a need to elevate your image as being superior to minorities.

I never said anything is wrong with the African American brain. I only said they do not perform equally on standardized IQ tests.

You also do not know whether my "personal ego" needs to elevate my image as being superior to minorites. That is your false accusation/premise.

Assuming you are white, I have met many Blacks that I would think are more intelligent than yourself. Let's leave me out of the analysis, since I am quite humble towards certain demographics in the U.S. that have nothing to do with race.

But, if you think talking to me will correct the mass of white Americans that do believe in racial superiority, then that in itself says something about you.

And, to all a good night.
cicerone imposter
Fri 20 Dec, 2013 05:27 pm
When you denigrate any minority as you have, we assume it's based on your own insecurities and ignorance. Until you understand the history of each race, culture, and ethnicity, you are making assumptions that can be easily challenged.

Every race, culture, and ethnicity has their levels in socio-economic standings that are equal to each other when based on their history.

There are many other people of race, culture, and ethnicity who are brighter, richer, and admired than your own. That's a fact for all of us to comprehend.

Just another thought: it was revealed that standardized tests in US schools were prepared by and benefited Caucasians. Think how that impacted all the other race and cultures that went to the same schools and class.

Those were also the times when tv ads had all whites representing 99% of the products and services. Newsrooms didn't have any minority. THAT'S A FACT. *In other words, progress doesn't happen over night.

Sat 21 Dec, 2013 02:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

When you denigrate any minority as you have, we assume it's based on your own insecurities and ignorance. Until you understand the history of each race, culture, and ethnicity, you are making assumptions that can be easily challenged.

Every race, culture, and ethnicity has their levels in socio-economic standings that are equal to each other when based on their history.

There are many other people of race, culture, and ethnicity who are brighter, richer, and admired than your own. That's a fact for all of us to comprehend.

Just another thought: it was revealed that standardized tests in US schools were prepared by and benefited Caucasians. Think how that impacted all the other race and cultures that went to the same schools and class.

Those were also the times when tv ads had all whites representing 99% of the products and services. Newsrooms didn't have any minority. THAT'S A FACT. *In other words, progress doesn't happen over night.

The above is pure garbage. There is good and bad in every grouping of people.

I remember one test that blacks argued was biased. When pinned down to show exactly how it was biased, all they could point to was that the test included the word "regatta," which was a very tiny part of the test.
cicerone imposter
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:15 pm
The above is pure garbage. There is good and bad in every grouping of people.

You have just contradicted yourself. But then, that's to be expected from people like you who are bigoted.
cicerone imposter
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:26 pm
@cicerone imposter,
From Time.com.

This is not the only instance where race has become an important factor for how standardized tests are used in public education. Just last month public schools in both Virginia and Washington D.C. announced targets for how many students in each racial group must pass for schools to remain in good standing. For example, in Virginia only 45% of black students in each school must pass standardized math tests while 68% of whites, and 82% of Asians must do the same. Officials say that these plans are not discriminatory because students who are the farthest behind must progress the most, but critics reason that if one expects less from some students, those lower educational expectations will become a self-fulfilling prophecy for school districts and those students will fall even farther behind.

(MORE: Why Do We Care More About Diversity on TV Than In Our Schools?)

What these recent developments make clear is that instead of setting different educational benchmarks for groups based on race or income, it may simply be time for us to stop relying so heavily on standardized tests to begin with. Though opinions differ as to why, on k-12 achievement tests and college entrance exams, lower income students, as well as black and Latino students, consistently score below privileged white and Asian students. These gaps persist despite decades of research and numerous studies attempting to explain and then close them. One theory suggests that students with grandparents who have graduated from college always score higher, suggesting that the tests unfairly penalize students who are the first in their family to attend college. Whatever the explanation, it is difficult to reconcile why we rely on such tests when we know that they so heavily advantage some and disadvantage others.

(MORE: Why the Online Education Craze Will Leave Many Students Behind)

And if the standardized testing gap between racial minorities is bad, it’s nothing compared to the gap between the poor and the wealthy. For example, one recent study by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that the gap for achievement test scores between rich and poor have grown by almost 60% since the 1960s and are now almost twice as large as the gap between white students and children of other races. The playing field is far from level when we continue to use tests where we know at the outset that wealthy students will do better than less wealthy students and white and Asian students will outperform blacks and Latinos.

One thing all this research has shown us is that the issue lies with how we use these tests, not with the kids who take them. Just consider the history of standardized tests which — according to Columbia University Professor Nicholas Lemann’s history of the Educational Testing Service, The Big Test: The Secret History of America’s Meritocracy — were first developed in the 1940s as a way to exclude Jewish students from Ivy League campuses. Interestingly, Stanley Kaplan, today one of the largest test preparation organizations, got its start when Mr. Kaplan resolved to come up with test-taking techniques to “beat the test” and ensure that such students did well.

Read more: Why It's Time to Get Rid of Standardized Tests | TIME.com http://ideas.time.com/2012/10/11/why-its-time-to-get-rid-of-standardized-tests/#ixzz2o9B6q1Sv
0 Replies
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 05:28 pm
re Advocate:

Cultural bias, yeah, economic bias in testing, yeah, sexual bias in testing, yeah. I took the GREs a couple decades ago, and the similarity between the ETS college tests and IQ testst has been often remarked on. They "measure" the same kinds of things, in the same kinds of ways.

At the GREs,there was a rather lovely Argentinian woman sitting a couple seats behind me, and we chatted in the breaks. The last test of the day was a math reasoning test. One of the problems, on which four or five questions were based, was on baseball. Now baseball is so far down the list of Argentinian sports, if it exists there at all, that it's not usually mentioned when people talk sports, and I, who know more about baseball than any other sport, didn't think it was particularly self-evident what they were talking about in the test, and I thought to myself "she's really gonna have trouble with this one". When the test was over, the first thing she said to me was , very perplexedly, "What is an I-ning?" She'd never head of an "inning", which the questions were all based around. She hadn't a clue what the whole thing was about, and in a test which measures how many questions you can answer correctly, and how fast you can do it, that was a completley unfair handicap. And of course sports, especially spectator sports, are far more a guy thing than a woman thing (listen to the ratio of callers on sports radio, if you can stand to). Fair to all? No.
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 10:54 pm
I would say that the bias, relative to the student from Argentina, was the exception that proved the rule.
cicerone imposter
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 10:57 pm
You missed the whole article, because you can't accept the fact that Palestinians are treated like second-class citizens in their own country. They are afforded very little opportunity for economic gain based on their travel restrictions, loss of home and land, and access to good education.

Without equality, the Palestinians will perform in the lower rung of any standardized testing.
cicerone imposter
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 11:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
From JewishVoiceForPeace.org.
Q: Are Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel treated equally?
A: No. Although Palestinian citizens of Israel are entitled to vote and participate in Israeli political life, and several Palestinians are members of the Knesset (the Israeli parliament), they do not receive the same treatment as the Jewish citizens at the hands of the government. Israel still applies 20 laws that privilege Jews over Arabs. For example, the 1950 Law of Return grants automatic citizenship rights to Jews from anywhere in the world upon request, while denying that same right to Palestinians. The Basic Law of Human Dignity and Freedom ensures that Israel is the state of the "Jewish people," not its citizens. This law was passed in 1992 to serve as a "bill of rights," as Israel does not have a written constitution.

Israel's flag and other national symbols are Jewish religious symbols, not neutral or national ones that represent all the citizens of the state. Government resources, meanwhile, are disproportionately directed to Jews and not to Arabs, one factor in causing the Palestinians of Israel to suffer the lowest living standards in Israeli society by all economic indicators.

Human Rights Watch has compiled an extensive study of Israel's policy of "separate, not equal" schools for Palestinian children, finding that "Government-run Arab schools are a world apart from government-run Jewish schools. In virtually every respect, Palestinian Arab children get an education inferior to that of Jewish children, and their relatively poor performance in school reflects this."

Nearly 25% of Israel's population is not Jewish.

As many as 100 Palestinian villages in Israel, many of which pre-date the founding of the state, are not recognized by the Israeli government, and are not listed on maps and receive no services (water, electricity, sanitation, roads, etc.) from the government. More than 70,000 Palestinians live in these unrecognized villages. Meanwhile, hundreds of new Jewish towns have been established on lands confiscated from Palestinians.

0 Replies
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 12:13 am
Advocate says:

I would say that the bias, relative to the student from Argentina, was the exception that proved the rule.

You do realize that that's nonsense, don't you? An exception does not "prove" a rule, it disproves it. You are apparently unaware that, when whoever coined that aphorism first coined it, to "prove" something meant to test it, a usage that survives in the military usage of "proving grounds", as places where new weapons are tested to see whether or not they meet the specs laid down for them. To twist it around so that somehow an exception shows that a rule is valid, as you are trying to do, goes entirely against what the saying meant when it was first said. If the rule can't explain the exception, it's simply not a generally valid rule.
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 04:08 am
Advocate is stupid, he spouts nonsense all the time. That's why he's so into notions of racial superiorit; having achieved little himself he seeks solace in his race, which for him is an achievement. He's a textbook example of a dimwitted, small minded racist.
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 08:50 am
izzythepush wrote:

Advocate is stupid, he spouts nonsense all the time. That's why he's so into notions of racial superiorit; having achieved little himself he seeks solace in his race, which for him is an achievement. He's a textbook example of a dimwitted, small minded racist.

When a child playing a game gets called "out," the child might whine, "That's a do over." Similarly, when a Brit, with their horrendous history at colonization, whines, "Let's now focus on other people that might be racist," it is very much like the child's "do-over," in my opinion.

P.S.: You recently just pointed out, in another thread, that you do not read minds. What is that mind reading of yours above? One might think it is just a projection of one's own motivations, in my opinion.
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 09:04 am
Foofie said: Brit, with their horrendous history at colonization..

Horrendous? Nah! We Brits civilised half the world by stopping them eating each other..Wink
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 09:18 am
I'm not going to listen to any lectures from someone who was personally involved in the slaughter of thousands of innocent Vietnamese.
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 09:35 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Foofie said: Brit, with their horrendous history at colonization.

Romeo Fabulini wrote
Horrendous? Nah! We Brits civilised half the world by stopping them eating each other.

BBC News - 'Proof' Jamestown settlers turned to cannibalism
Newly discovered bones prove the first permanent English settlers in North America turned to cannibalism over the winter of 1609-10, US researchers say.
'Proof' Jamestown settlers turned to cannibalism
By Jane O'Brien
BBC News, Jamestown, Virginia

"The evidence is absolutely consistent with dismemberment and de-fleshing of this body" - Doug Owsley, forensic anthropologist
Continue reading the main story
Related Stories

Proof of colonists' cannibalism Watch
Newly discovered human bones prove the first permanent English settlers in North America turned to cannibalism over the cruel winter of 1609-10, US researchers have said.

Scientists found unusual cuts consistent with butchering for meat on human bones dumped in a rubbish pit.

The four-century-old skull and tibia of a teenage girl in James Fort, Virginia, were excavated from the dump last year.

James Fort, founded in 1607, was the earliest part of the Jamestown colony.

'Starving Time'

Researchers fashioned a three-dimension replica of the girl's face
"The evidence is absolutely consistent with dismemberment and de-fleshing of this body," said Doug Owsley, a forensic anthropologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.

Written documents had previously suggested the desperate colonists resorted to cannibalism - but the discovery of the 14-year-old girl's bones offers the first scientific proof.

Smithsonian researchers believe the dead child became food for a community struggling to survive the harsh winter of 1609-10, known to historians as the Starving Time.

"There were numerous chops and cuts - chops to the forehead, chops to the back of the skull and also a puncture to the left side of the head that was used to essentially pry off that side," Dr Owsley said. "The purpose was to extract the brain."

The marks also indicate that the tongue and facial tissue were removed.

Continue reading the main story
Jamestown: America's First Colony

Considered America's first permanent English colony
Established in 1607, 13 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock
Named after King James, who sponsored the for-profit Virginia Company of London Capt John Smith, who took over leadership of the colony in 1608, established a working relationship with the native Powhatan tribe
After Smith returned to England in the autumn of 1609, the Starving Times began
Source: The Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation.

"The clear intent was to remove the facial tissue and the brain for consumption," he said. "These people were in dire circumstances. So any flesh that was available would have been used."

The same flesh taken from animals would have been considered a delicacy in the 17th Century. Hogs' heads in particular featured prominently in recipes from the period.

The cuts to the girl's bones also indicate the work was hesitant - whoever performed the dismemberment was not a skilled butcher of animals.

It is also possible the ersatz butcher was a woman, as they made up the majority of the fort's inhabitants.

How the girl died is unknown, but the assault on her body would have taken place very soon afterwards.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 11:34 am
They love to use terms that are contradicted by their use all the time. All of us speaking against the apartheid of Israel are "anti-Semites."

They still haven't figured it out that they've twisted the use of that term so badly, it's lost any meaning.
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 11:39 am
@cicerone imposter,
Thanks for putting things back on track. The latest.

A Palestinian has been shot dead in northern Gaza by Israeli troops, Palestinian sources say.

The body of 22-year-old Odeh Hamad was recovered from near Beit Hanoun, close to the border with Israel, emergency services in Gaza said.

Sun 22 Dec, 2013 11:47 am
Careful Foofie. When one refers to imperalist England Izzy becomes very defensive even to calling one stupid and uneducated. Im sure you will shortly understand to what I am refering.
Walter Hinteler
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 12:08 pm
Jealous because the USA didn't join the 'club' of imperialistic countries before 1898?
Sun 22 Dec, 2013 01:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
All of us speaking against the apartheid of Israel are "anti-Semites."

They still haven't figured it out that they've twisted the use of that term so badly, it's lost any meaning.

Well many pro-Zionists are on the defensive because the UN resolutions against Israel seems inexhaustible. The US to its discredit always vetoes these most damaging resolutions. This only make followers of Israeli/Palestinians conflict angrier and angrier which in turn is interpreted by pro-Zionists as anti-Semitism. But one things posters who use this term time after time should realize they have rendered the adjective "anti-Semitic" meaningless. Their failure to recognize this overuse of the term gives us an idea as to their state of mind. The English language is filled meaningful words by which one may express themselves without boring the reader tediously with the same old monotone.

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