Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

cicerone imposter
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 06:02 pm
People seem to forget that many blacks have accomplished much in most areas of science, literature, and politics - including sports.

Even today, more blacks suffer from discrimination than most other minorities.

I believe many people's bias against blacks are based on "ignorance."

Even the fact that the majority in prison are blacks, people fail to understand simple facts that blacks are more prone than whites to be incarcerated for the same crime.

Another fact: more whites receive welfare than blacks, but you don't find many whites talking about this government assistance.

From Huff Post.
Saki KnafoBecome a fan
[email protected]
When It Comes To Illegal Drug Use, White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time


The Economix blog at the New York Times reported the following in February of last year:

Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.
White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 06:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

People seem to forget that many blacks have accomplished much in most areas of science, literature, and politics - including sports.

Even today, more blacks suffer from discrimination than most other minorities.

I believe many people's bias against blacks are based on "ignorance."

Even the fact that the majority in prison are blacks, people fail to understand simple facts that blacks are more prone than whites to be incarcerated for the same crime.

Another fact: more whites receive welfare than blacks, but you don't find many whites talking about this government assistance.

From Huff Post.
Saki KnafoBecome a fan
[email protected]
When It Comes To Illegal Drug Use, White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time


The Economix blog at the New York Times reported the following in February of last year:

Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.
White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share.

Of course whites receive more welfare than do blacks. Didn't you know that that the white population is 800 percent higher?

BTW, does the fact that there are many wonderful blacks and that there is still significant bias against against blacks make it okay for black racism against whites? Moreover, is it okay for that black racism to manifest itself in murder and and other violence aimed at whites ?
cicerone imposter
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 06:21 pm
You get more stupid every day. In within that article is the following.
African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.

You shame all Jews.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 07:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,

I believe many people's bias against blacks are based on "ignorance."

Uh-huh. But it's more than that, Cicerone Imposter. Blacks in America serve many roles, one psychological. An insecure white individual will look at the darker skin of blacks and feel so privileged. How often do we hear "I am free, over 21 and white." Some whites use blacks as a measuring rod to measure their own status in the US. There are professional blacks throughout the world of Academic Disciplines‎, but somehow the media rarely spotlight the positive, only the negative stereotype –– the black, uneducated, poor bastard. The Trayvon Martin case is a perfect example of whits viewing blacks through a racial prism.
cicerone imposter
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 07:16 pm
You got that right! Insecurity does strange things to people.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 07:22 pm
korkamann wrote:
How often do we hear "I am free, over 21 and white."

I don't think I've ever heard that phrase before.

Of course, the freedom part is good. Freedom is always worth celebrating.

korkamann wrote:
The Trayvon Martin case is a perfect example of whits viewing blacks through a racial prism.


The Left flips out about that case because they hate the Constitution. They wish that Americans did not have the right to defend themselves when attacked.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 08:09 pm
@cicerone imposter,

You got that right! Insecurity does strange things to people.

Uh-huh. Low self esteem, self-doubt may possibly turn a normal person into a spiteful and vindictive person towards others.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:31 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Miller wrote:
If baptized a Catholic, you remain a "baptized Catholic", until you convert to Judaism, which under most circumstance will involve a mikvah emersion, or if you will "an undoing of the Catholic baptism".
Not according to the Canon Law.

My dear Walter: You're a very foolish man, if you think a Jewish woman cares anything at all about canon law.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:59 pm
oralloy wrote:

Miller wrote:
Why do Hispanic and Afro- Americans perform so poorly on IQ tests?
Are they just "poor test takers" or is it something lacking in their genomes, but present in the Asian-American gene makeup?

None of the above. It is the environment in which they are raised, the opportunities they are given, and the expectations that are made of them.

Trap any person in an inner city ghetto, give them no real education and no real opportunities to ever do anything meaningful with their lives, and you will almost always get poor performance on standardized tests.

American Blacks and Hispanics have the lowest scores on standardized IQ tests. These tests are given in the first grade, and as such the results have nothing to do with so-called inner city ghettos or any expectations that would be made of them. What kind of expectation would even be placed on a 6-7 year old kid relative to the taking of a test at this young age?

Now to the "inner city ghetto". First of all no one is "trapped" in an inner city ghetto. Because of the liberals, all people have the opportunity for "uppward mobility". If you're a lazy SOB , you have no one to blame but yourself if you're stuck, on welfare , and going no where in life.

As far as IQ tests, the plain truth is that 33% of the IQ is derived from the genome. The rest is determined by the educational environment in and outside of the home. Do your kids read books at home, or do they sit with their over weight parents eating potato chips and watching TV on a 40 inch screen, day after day.

Why would any woman with character and any sense of pride, allow herself to produce 8 children in 9-10 years, live on welfare at the rate $1000/child/month, consume hundreds of $$ in food stamps and moreover, if that isn't enough, have a different father for each kid and not even know who the individual father is?

Why are there generations of folks "stuck" on welfare? One answer, it's easier to stay in bed when the temp in a city like Chicago is -20 F, and not have to go outside and wait for the bus, while freezing your ass off so you can go to work. Stay in bed and let the crazy liberals pay you thousands in welfare $$ , food stamps, and public housing.

Yes, there are many upwardly mobile black folks, and Mrs Obama happens to be one. Why? Because her mother and father maintained a good home life and her father worked a solid City job, while his wife kept a good and decent home for the entire family. Also notable is the fact that Mrs Robinson ( Mrs Obama's mothers name ) had only 2 children and she was married to the father of her children.

cicerone imposter
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:11 pm
Now to the "inner city ghetto". First of all no one is "trapped" in an inner city ghetto. Because of the liberals, all people have the opportunity for "uppward mobility". If you're a lazy SOB , you have no one to blame but yourself if you're stuck, on welfare , and going no where in life.

From Ask.com.
Who is on Welfare More Blacks Or Whites?
White people collect 61 percent of welfare as opposed to the 33 percent black people collect. However, it should be noted that black people are only 12 percent of the population which

From US Department of Commerce.
Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %

Although there seems to be a plurality of recipients between whites and blacks, the larger white population results in more whites receiving welfare.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:23 pm
Friday, Feb 4, 2005 08:55 PM EST
Does Social Security shortchange blacks?

Bush says it does -- but the facts show that he's dealing this race card off the bottom of the deck.
Farhad Manjoo

Topics: Social Security, News

Republicans are generally loath to acknowledge the racial inequalities that plague American society. When liberals argue that issues like the education system or the criminal justice system or election reform must reckon with racial disparities, Republicans often accuse them of race-baiting. But in its push to privatize Social Security, the GOP has been surprisingly willing to play the race card.

“African-American males die sooner than other males do, which means the system is inherently unfair to a certain group of people,” President Bush said at a White House-sponsored conference on Social Security in January. “That needs to be fixed.”

Because blacks, on average, don’t live as long as whites, Bush contends that they collect fewer Social Security retirement benefits than whites. Last week, he made a personal pitch to black leaders in a closed-door meeting, arguing, according to spokesman Scott McClellan, that the private investment accounts he favors for Social Security will let blacks “build a nest egg of their own and be able to pass that nest egg on to their survivors.”

The idea that blacks are being cheated by Social Security could prove to be a powerful rhetorical weapon for Republicans. Already, the media is falling for the story line. CNN, for example, broadcast a heart-tugging story Thursday that focused on the plight of the dependents of African-Americans who die young. The network interviewed Barbara Haile, a black woman whose husband died of cancer in 1997. He was 50 at the time of his death; through payroll taxes, he’d been contributing to Social Security for about 30 years. But because he hadn’t reached retirement age, neither he (nor his dependents) were eligible to receive any money from Social Security.

Under the Bush plan, conservatives say, Haile would have been eligible to receive the money that her husband had been collecting in his “personal account,” invested in the stock market. Because blacks (especially black men) have lower average life expectancies than whites (especially white women), the current system is unfair to them, Republicans contend, and private accounts would be a boon for them. Although CNN did interview supporters of the current system, the emotional upshot of its report was clear: Social Security screws poor black people and President Bush wants to help them out

SOURCE: SALON.com, 2/4/2005
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:28 pm
Now we know what Farhad had to say and where he said it.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:48 pm
I might be foolish, and actually I don't care who calls whom what - but I only gave the reason why it is "once baptised ever baptised" according to the Canon Law.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 20 Dec, 2013 07:15 am
There are "good Blacks" ...

Mandela received weapons training from Mossad agents in Ethiopia
Top-secret archive document also reveals that Mandela was 'familiar with the problems of Jewry and of Israel' and that Israeli operatives tried to 'make him a Zionist.'

... and there's apartheid

Why Israel supported South Africa's apartheid regime

What does 'Israeli Apartheid' mean, anyway?
The meticulous sub-division of people in Israel is guided by a principle of inequality that benefits the ruling class.

What do those who say “Israeli Apartheid” mean?

They definitely don’t mean the official and popular biological racism that ruled South Africa. True, there is no lack of racist and arrogant attitudes here, with their attendant religious-biological undertones, but if one visits our hospitals one can find Arabs and Jews among doctors and patients. In that regard, our hospitals are the healthiest sector of society.

Those who say “Israeli Apartheid” refer to the philosophy of “separate development” that was prevalent in the old South Africa. This was the euphemism used for the principle of inequality, the deliberate segregation of populations, a prohibition on “mixing” and the displacement of non-whites from lands and resources for their exploitation by the masters of the land. Even though here things are shrouded by “security concerns,” with references to Auschwitz and heaven-decreed real estate, our reality is governed by the same philosophy, backed by laws and force of arms.

What, for instance?

There are two legal systems in place on the West Bank, a civilian one for Jews and a military one for Palestinians. There are two separate infrastructures there as well, including roads, electricity and water. The superior and expanding one is for Jews while the inferior and shrinking one is for the Palestinians. There are local pockets, similar to the Bantustans in South Africa, in which the Palestinians have limited self-rule. There is a system of travel restrictions and permits in place since 1991, just when such a system was abolished in South Africa.

Does that mean that apartheid exists only on the West Bank?

Not at all, it exists across the entire country, from the sea to the Jordan River. It prevails in this one territory in which two peoples live, ruled by one government which is elected by one people, but which determines the future and fate of both. Palestinian towns and villages suffocate because of deliberately restrictive planning in Israel, just as they do in the West Bank.
... ... ...
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 20 Dec, 2013 07:51 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Those who do practice and have the mental and physical discipline play very well.

Yup. I'm just wondering why blacks dominate. Do you have any ideas on that?
0 Replies
Fri 20 Dec, 2013 10:48 am
Miller wrote:

Foofie wrote:

... many white boys will be marrying Hispanic girls, since white girls are losing their preferred place in the marriage market.

Is this your rather sexist opinion, or do you have documentation that white girls are losing "their preferred place" in the marriage market?

Have you always been a SEXIST, or is it merely an "AGE" thing with you?

What's "sexist" about having opinions about male preferences. Admittedly white girls have been the preferred historical mate in the marriage market, in my opinion. Where does it say that some things don't lose value, and other things don't gain value. Economics was not your major, I would guess.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Dec, 2013 10:50 am
oralloy wrote:

There is no correlation between "race" and performance on IQ tests.

Average IQ test scores, classed by race, does show differences.
cicerone imposter
Fri 20 Dec, 2013 10:52 am
Those are the results of myopia; they don't consider many socio-economic issues related to the why's of those results.
Fri 20 Dec, 2013 10:52 am
oralloy wrote:

No big deal so long as people are marrying the person who they are in love with.

Marrying for love is fairly a new innovation in man's history of mating. And, you are ignoring all the variable that go into "falling in love." How old are you. What's your education?
0 Replies
Fri 20 Dec, 2013 10:57 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Miller wrote:
If baptized a Catholic, you remain a "baptized Catholic", until you convert to Judaism, which under most circumstance will involve a mikvah emersion, or if you will "an undoing of the Catholic baptism".
Not according to the Canon Law.

Canon Law is about as valued as Sharia Law by Jews.

Canon Law is followed by Catholics. Sharia Law is followed by Muslims. Jewish religious law is followed by practicing Jews. Unless one is living in a theocracy, they only apply to the followers.

Oh yes. EU law is followed by members of the EU. I live in a sovereign nation (so far).

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