Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:10 am
korkamann wrote:
Uh-uh! Your theory will not work, Oral. The high-ranking Nazi mass murderer Heydrich, was one of the planners of Hitler's Final Solution. A network of over 40,000 facilities in Germany and German-occupied territory were used to concentrate, hold, and kill Jews and other victims with a majority in Poland. It did not begin with the aim at executing all Jews (the Nazis wanted them out of Europe) but with so many Jews in one area, lack of decent sanitation, very little soap, no decent food, and many borderline starvation, disease broke out within these densely packed neighborhoods/camps. Disease created further chaos, spurring the planning of Heydrich's Final Solution. If you pack all Palestinians into the Gaza Strip, the same type of problem will soon emerge as a result of overcrowding. You, Oral, are using the same process as the Nazi leader, Reinhard Heydrich.

Deporting the Palestinians out of the West Bank (and for a very good reason) is nothing at all like when you Nazis murdered millions of innocents (and for no reason at all).

And I'll thank you to stop falsely accusing me of your own evil scumbagery.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:13 am
Foofie wrote:

Miller wrote:

Quote from moment-in-time:

... in Poland, on Good Friday, it wasn't safe for a Jew to be seen on the streets for he would feel the wrath of the Catholic Polish people.

I'm confused about this sentence. Where all the Polish people out to kill the Jews or was it only the Catholics? How about other Christian groups? How did they feel about the Polish Jews?

I've seen and heard similar accusations about Catholics, especially in the USA.
Why do many American Jews believe that Catholics are out to get them and then turn around and find their children marrying Catholic women( many of whom are Asian-American or Irish American?

If you are familiar with Catholic theology, the covenant with God, at the time of Jesus' birth replaced God's covenant with the Jews. Protestants do not believe this, inorder for bible prophecy to come to fruition, since the Jews must return to Israel for the Second Coming to occur. In effect, in my opinion, Catholicism has no use for Jews, and therefore the drunken, anti-Semites in their midst might have had no problem with Jew baiting, or a pogrom.

However, Catholicism does teach that we are all Gods children, and therefore if a Catholic marries a Jew, and the children of that marriage are raised Catholic, according to the Catholic church, the children are Catholic, not "half-Jew." Plus, oddly, or not so oddly, Protestants seem to be more concerned about maintaining some sort of pedigree, so marrying a Jew might reflect a drop of status amongst the other members of one's club, so to speak. Catholics do not play this social game to the same degree, at least in the U.S., so marrying a Jew only is problematic if the children are not to be raised Catholic.

What this all means is that in the future, in the U.S., there will be a large population of Catholics that will say that a grandparent, great grandparent, was Jewish (or "Jew"). This might lessen anti-Semitism in the Catholic community. Plus, to their credit, the Catholic church seems to be making an effort to re-educate its flock for the two-millenia learning curve of anti-Semitism.

Many white Catholics seem to be trying very hard to think of Jews in a less negative manner, due to the new focus. But, one should still sleep with one eye open, so to speak, in my opinion, since there are some elements in society that might not have gotten with society's program of hard-work and education, and still resent Jews for their efforts.

The question I asked had nothing to do with what you're posting above. Moment-in-time, has said that Polish Jews were killed by Polish Catholics.
I've asked," Were all the Poles, who killed Jews, Catholics"? If not, then why then not say Polish Christians killed Jews?
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:21 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

"You are only a Catholic when you are baptised, no matter how you are raised.

If baptized a Catholic, you remain a "baptized Catholic", until you convert to Judaism, which under most circumstance will involve a mikvah emersion, or if you will "an undoing of the Catholic baptism". Now you are called a "Jew by Choice" or by the standards of the Catholic Church you're called a "fallen away Catholic". No matter what you're called, in the eyes of God you are a Jew.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:31 am
Miller wrote:


FRIDAY, FEB 4, 2005 05:55 PM PST
Does Social Security shortchange blacks?
Bush says it does -- but the facts show that he's dealing this race card off the bottom of the deck.

What's the source of this post and who is "Farhad Manjoo"?

The above quote, posted by CI is still unanswered. So, who is FARHAD MANJOO?

Is he related to CI?
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:38 am
Why do Hispanic and Afro- Americans perform so poorly on IQ tests?

Are they just "poor test takers" or is it something lacking in their genomes, but present in the Asian-American gene makeup?

Remember, about 33% of a person's IQ derives from their gene makeup. So, if more Hispanic and Afro-Americans inter-marry with Asian-Americans, will the Hispanic-Afro-American IQ values improve, since the test takers in question are now at least bi-racial?
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:43 am
For the first time in American history, the Super Bowl will be broadcast in both Spanish and English. Why do you suppose?

If the growing Hispanic-American population is approaching 30-40%, does this mean, that the Super Bowl is being broadcast in Spanish & English because very few Hispanic-Americans speak or even understand either written or spoken English?

If this is the case, then our Country is in deep, deep trouble.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:48 am
Miller wrote:

The question I asked had nothing to do with what you're posting above. Moment-in-time, has said that Polish Jews were killed by Polish Catholics.
I've asked," Were all the Poles, who killed Jews, Catholics"? If not, then why then not say Polish Christians killed Jews?

Because, while Catholics consider themselves Christians, there are Evangelical Christians that do not consider Catholics "worthy" Christians, since they do not focus on reading the bible, and do not have the personal relationship with Jesus that they claim to have. I am not commenting on Moment-in time's orientation; it is just possible that in some parts of this country that differentiation is made, and not ignored by northeastern folks where Catholics are fairly numerous and a force to be reckoned with in politics. Just my opinion.

And, since the Catholic church really is the original author of Christian anti-Semitism, why not give the Catholic church credit where credit is due? Catholics in Poland killed Jews, not Protestants. And, as I've said before, historically, Catholicism has no place for Jews theologically, since the covenant with the Jews was replaced by the birth of Jesus, in the theology of the Catholic church. Not so in Protestant theology where bible prophecy needs to be fulfilled (Jews returning to Zion) for the Second Coming to Occur.

0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:49 am
Miller wrote:
Why do Hispanic and Afro- Americans perform so poorly on IQ tests?
Are they just "poor test takers" or is it something lacking in their genomes, but present in the Asian-American gene makeup?

None of the above. It is the environment in which they are raised, the opportunities they are given, and the expectations that are made of them.

Trap any person in an inner city ghetto, give them no real education and no real opportunities to ever do anything meaningful with their lives, and you will almost always get poor performance on standardized tests.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:53 am
Miller wrote:

Walter Hinteler wrote:

"You are only a Catholic when you are baptised, no matter how you are raised.

If baptized a Catholic, you remain a "baptized Catholic", until you convert to Judaism, which under most circumstance will involve a mikvah emersion, or if you will "an undoing of the Catholic baptism". Now you are called a "Jew by Choice" or by the standards of the Catholic Church you're called a "fallen away Catholic". No matter what you're called, in the eyes of God you are a Jew.

There can also be the opinion that baptizing a Gentile results in a baptized pagan. Perhaps, only Jews can be baptized into Christianity? Remember that Jesus never proselytized to the Gentiles. Saint Paul (originally Saul) decided to let Gentiles join the monotheistic club.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:54 am
Miller wrote:
If the growing Hispanic-American population is approaching 30-40%, does this mean, that the Super Bowl is being broadcast in Spanish & English because very few Hispanic-Americans speak or even understand either written or spoken English?
If this is the case, then our Country is in deep, deep trouble.

Becoming a bilingual nation will make us much stronger as a culture.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:57 am
oralloy wrote:

Miller wrote:
If the growing Hispanic-American population is approaching 30-40%, does this mean, that the Super Bowl is being broadcast in Spanish & English because very few Hispanic-Americans speak or even understand either written or spoken English?
If this is the case, then our Country is in deep, deep trouble.

Becoming a bilingual nation will make us much stronger as a culture.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:58 am
oralloy wrote:

Miller wrote:
If the growing Hispanic-American population is approaching 30-40%, does this mean, that the Super Bowl is being broadcast in Spanish & English because very few Hispanic-Americans speak or even understand either written or spoken English?
If this is the case, then our Country is in deep, deep trouble.

Becoming a bilingual nation will make us much stronger as a culture.

The issue is intelligence and IQ values, not culture per se. We are slowly (!) becoming a country of illiterates.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:00 am
Miller wrote:

Why do Hispanic and Afro- Americans perform so poorly on IQ tests?

Are they just "poor test takers" or is it something lacking in their genomes, but present in the Asian-American gene makeup?

Remember, about 33% of a person's IQ derives from their gene makeup. So, if more Hispanic and Afro-Americans inter-marry with Asian-Americans, will the Hispanic-Afro-American IQ values improve, since the test takers in question are now at least bi-racial?

Hispanics are of Asian genomes. Also, West Indian Blacks do have a higher IQ, I believe. Perhaps, the colonies being poorer than Britain and France were buying slaves that the slave traders could sell discounted? If yes, why? What might the African chiefs selling slaves have known?

Are Ethiopean Jews in Israeli performing poorly? They can pass civil service tests, since news media shows them as police, etc.

And, when one goes to the hinterlands in the U.S., one meets many Caucasians that are not exactly the bright urban types in upscale neighborhoods. I believe the left side of the bellcurve is quite integrated.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:05 am
Miller wrote:

For the first time in American history, the Super Bowl will be broadcast in both Spanish and English. Why do you suppose?

If the growing Hispanic-American population is approaching 30-40%, does this mean, that the Super Bowl is being broadcast in Spanish & English because very few Hispanic-Americans speak or even understand either written or spoken English?

If this is the case, then our Country is in deep, deep trouble.

No. It means that Hispanics have not bought into the canard that English is the preferred language to be spoken at home. Past our lifetimes, this country can be truly bi-lingual, and later still, a new language can emerge that is a mixture of the two.

I do not think the country is in trouble. I just think that in the future many white boys will be marrying Hispanic girls, since white girls are losing their preferred place in the marriage market. Hispanic women have the image of being more feminine than Anglo women, in my opinion.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:08 am

"Why do Hispanic and Afro- Americans perform so poorly on IQ tests?"

The issue is Hispanic and Afro-Americans in the USA, not Ethiopians in Israel!
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:15 am
Foofie wrote:

... many white boys will be marrying Hispanic girls, since white girls are losing their preferred place in the marriage market.

Is this your rather sexist opinion, or do you have documentation that white girls are losing "their preferred place" in the marriage market?

Have you always been a SEXIST, or is it merely an "AGE" thing with you?

Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:07 pm
Miller wrote:
The issue is intelligence and IQ values, not culture per se. We are slowly (!) becoming a country of illiterates.

Speaking Spanish instead of English does not mean illiteracy. It just means literacy in a different language.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:07 pm
Foofie wrote:
Hispanics are of Asian genomes. Also, West Indian Blacks do have a higher IQ, I believe. Perhaps, the colonies being poorer than Britain and France were buying slaves that the slave traders could sell discounted? If yes, why? What might the African chiefs selling slaves have known?

There is no correlation between "race" and performance on IQ tests.

There is however a correlation between the opportunities someone is given and the expectations that people have of them, and how they perform.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:16 pm

Oralloy, there is no doubt from your vile posts here that the worst excesses of the Nazi regime are not beyond you.

So you are worse. You are a disgrace to humanity.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this.
Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:19 pm
Foofie wrote:
I just think that in the future many white boys will be marrying Hispanic girls, since white girls are losing their preferred place in the marriage market.

Instead of setting out to marry into a certain ethnicity, I strongly recommend that everyone marry the person who they are in love with.

It is true though that with the increasing number of Hispanics in our culture, there will likely be more marriages between Hispanics and non-Hispanics.

No big deal so long as people are marrying the person who they are in love with.

BTW, speaking of all this marriage stuff, I heard on the news either this morning or last night that the courts just struck down a key law against polygamy in Utah.

Not sure how relevant that is, but since everyone is suddenly talking about marriage I just remembered it was on the news.

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