Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:07 pm
Miller wrote:

Quote from moment-in-time:

... in Poland, on Good Friday, it wasn't safe for a Jew to be seen on the streets for he would feel the wrath of the Catholic Polish people.

I'm confused about this sentence. Where all the Polish people out to kill the Jews or was it only the Catholics? How about other Christian groups? How did they feel about the Polish Jews?

I've seen and heard similar accusations about Catholics, especially in the USA.
Why do many American Jews believe that Catholics are out to get them and then turn around and find their children marrying Catholic women( many of whom are Asian-American or Irish American?

If you are familiar with Catholic theology, the covenant with God, at the time of Jesus' birth replaced God's covenant with the Jews. Protestants do not believe this, inorder for bible prophecy to come to fruition, since the Jews must return to Israel for the Second Coming to occur. In effect, in my opinion, Catholicism has no use for Jews, and therefore the drunken, anti-Semites in their midst might have had no problem with Jew baiting, or a pogrom.

However, Catholicism does teach that we are all Gods children, and therefore if a Catholic marries a Jew, and the children of that marriage are raised Catholic, according to the Catholic church, the children are Catholic, not "half-Jew." Plus, oddly, or not so oddly, Protestants seem to be more concerned about maintaining some sort of pedigree, so marrying a Jew might reflect a drop of status amongst the other members of one's club, so to speak. Catholics do not play this social game to the same degree, at least in the U.S., so marrying a Jew only is problematic if the children are not to be raised Catholic.

What this all means is that in the future, in the U.S., there will be a large population of Catholics that will say that a grandparent, great grandparent, was Jewish (or "Jew"). This might lessen anti-Semitism in the Catholic community. Plus, to their credit, the Catholic church seems to be making an effort to re-educate its flock for the two-millenia learning curve of anti-Semitism.

Many white Catholics seem to be trying very hard to think of Jews in a less negative manner, due to the new focus. But, one should still sleep with one eye open, so to speak, in my opinion, since there are some elements in society that might not have gotten with society's program of hard-work and education, and still resent Jews for their efforts.

Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:08 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
It is more likely that she was a victim of black racism against whites. There are many, many, such victims in the USA, and the situation is not improving.
cicerone imposter
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:13 pm
Your myopia is very telling; more crimes are white against black than the other way around. You don't even know the realities of blacks living in the US. You have no shame for being so ignorant about race relations in this country you dare to call home.

Have you ever lived in the southern states?
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:15 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

The Nazis used to go around invading other countries and killing their citizens.
Bush, Blair, Obama and Cameron do that, so we could call them and the people who voted for them Nazis too..Smile

How would you refer to those leaders?

BTW, I never voted for Bush. I did vote twice for Obama, and feel that he is definitely not a Nazi. Further, he is possibly the best president ever.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:19 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:


I really think that this type of person is ill.

I don't believe Advocate to be "ill" although he does come across most times as having a genetic aberration with his perverse answers. He's a rotten human being wilth quite the recalcitrant soul, a pygmy-size putrescent little mind overflowing with hate for those who offer criticism of his beloved Zionist nation. He most likely patronizes the Pamela Rosa thread inasmuch as he feels most at home there, and can hide behind her racism by yelling the lie that Rosa the supremacist "rails against racism."

Wow, you are quite the pedant! BTW, please show us the lies posted by Pamela. I think she carefully documents everything she posts.

I think it is just that you love to attack those who don't share your opinions.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:24 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Moment-in-Time wrote:
He most likely patronizes the Pamela Rosa thread inasmuch as he feels most at home there, and can hide behind her racism by yelling the lie that Rosa the supremacist "rails against racism."
What really makes me wonder (and thus, I think, he is ill) is that he obviously admire a person who is one the most frequent posters on a website (category: Genetics, eugenics, racial science and related subjects), established as a website in 1995 by former Ku Klux Klan leader ...
To quote wikipedia:
Its prominence has grown since the 1990s, attracting attention from watchdog organizations that oppose racism and antisemitism.
I can add that is it is observed by the "homeland security department" (Staatsschutz) of our State Criminal Police Office as well as by Offices for the Protection of the Constitution.

It is funny to see a German (of all people) who obviously hates Jews allege that I subscribe to racist views. I don't have such views. But I do see a big problem (e. g., knockout games) with black racism against whites that needs to be exposed. That hardly makes me a racist.
cicerone imposter
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:40 pm
It is funny to see a German (of all people) who obviously hates Jews...

You can't prove from any post that Walter has written to show he hates Jews.

If you can, cut and paste from any of his post to prove your claim; FYI it ain't there. Your imagination is now going wild; you need to slow down and get a hold of yourself.

What you need to do is study history about the hatred of whites against all minorities in the US. Even the hatred of whites against whites. After that, you may present your thesis on black hate against whites.
cicerone imposter
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 10:06 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Advocate, Why are you taking so long to provide evidence of your claim that Walter is a Jew hater?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 11:58 pm
Foofie wrote:
However, Catholicism does teach that we are all Gods children, and therefore if a Catholic marries a Jew, and the children of that marriage are raised Catholic, according to the Catholic church, the children are Catholic, not "half-Jew."
You are only a Catholic when you are baptised, no matter how you are raised.
Walter Hinteler
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 12:01 am
Advocate wrote:
It is funny to see a German (of all people) ...
I know: it's an original sin and automatic stigma to be born here.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:09 am

If you Nazi scumbags don't want to be denounced for your anti-Semitism, then stop spewing anti-Semitism.

Ludicrous and distasteful nonsense.
Many of my best friends are Red Sea Pedestrians. I am a supporter of the State of Israel, its right to exist.

I draw your attention again to the fact however, that the tactics of the right-wingers in Israel towards the Palestinians is identical to the tactics and propaganda employed in the 1930s by the nazi regime against the Jews.

For nazi scumbags, look in the mirror.
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 06:24 am
McTag wrote:
oralloy wrote:
If you Nazi scumbags don't want to be denounced for your anti-Semitism, then stop spewing anti-Semitism.

Ludicrous and distasteful nonsense.

You Nazi scumbags don't like it when people denounce your vile anti-Semitism. Too bad.

McTag wrote:
Many of my best friends are Red Sea Pedestrians.

That does not justify your evil anti-Semitic lies, you vile Nazi scum.

McTag wrote:
I am a supporter of the State of Israel, its right to exist.

That does not justify your evil anti-Semitic lies, you vile Nazi scum.

McTag wrote:
I draw your attention again to the fact however, that the tactics of the right-wingers in Israel towards the Palestinians is identical to the tactics and propaganda employed in the 1930s by the nazi regime against the Jews.

Repeating your horrible lies only reinforces what an evil Nazi scumbag you are.

McTag wrote:
For nazi scumbags, look in the mirror.

You trash shouldn't run around falsely accusing your betters of your own Nazism and scumbagery.
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 06:26 am
Nice debating skills there, oral.

I think you need a lie down, old boy.
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 06:34 am

It is funny to see a German (of all people) who obviously hates Jews allege that I subscribe to racist views.

No only is Walter correct, but you confirm such by using the phrase "It's funny to see a German (of all people)...." Why "the
German of all people"? The Germans are not the only people to have committed atrocities against humanity. Why, man's civilization is replete with gross inhumanity against its own.

I don't have such views.

You might have a hard time convincing others of such.

But I do see a big problem (e. g., knockout games) with black racism against whites that needs to be exposed. That hardly makes me a racist.

This knock out game is not limited to just black on white crime; this also involves Latino youth. But whatever, it's really quite sad to be unable to walk down the street and the next thing find yourself coming to in the hospital. I did see one incident where an orthodox Jew had undoubtedly been attacked (which night have disturbed you especially, Advocate....are you still having nightmares?); he was rushing from the hospital, hoping to get home before the Sabbath. I have not followed this too closely but it seemed to have died down for if it had escalated one would read of this in the papers. Racism or black on white crime is something the media can sink its teeth into and play on sensitive nerves like yours who then tend to blame every living black just the way you are still blaming all Germans on what happened over 70 years ago. Germany has a new generation of people and there are laws against any racist act against Jews in that country. One cannot even read Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler's diatribe against the Jews.

The book "Mein Kampf" is sold in America and I did read it many years ago.
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 06:39 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
Nice debating skills there, oral.

Debate? What debate?

The Nazi was spewing anti-Semitism, and I responded in the only way that is appropriate to such an outrage.

Lordyaswas wrote:
I think you need a lie down, old boy.

Nah. I just got up. What I need is to find my way over to the coffee pot. My heart doesn't start beating I think until there is a suitable density of coffee grounds flowing through my blood.

But I wouldn't mind seeing all anti-Semitic scum dragged off and tortured. The screams would be kind of cool to listen to. They could release a CD recording of it or something.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 06:52 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
The Germans are not the only people to have committed atrocities against humanity. Why, man's civilization is replete with gross inhumanity against its own.

Your own vile support for sending innocent people to prison for example.

What is it with people who are horrible enough to support Palestinian vermin that they always support sending innocent people to prison?
0 Replies
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 08:51 am

your betters

So much is obvious from your posts.

(but not that)
cicerone imposter
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 11:23 am
They love to use words like "anti-Semite" and "your betters," but don't have the slightest inkling about their meaning. They prove it daily about how they are bigoted, and are some of the worst of inhumane sob's on this planet.

When we ask them to prove their claim about any poster who challenges them, they never seem to answer. They never have.

You have to laugh at their total ignorance!
0 Replies
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 11:50 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Foofie wrote:
However, Catholicism does teach that we are all Gods children, and therefore if a Catholic marries a Jew, and the children of that marriage are raised Catholic, according to the Catholic church, the children are Catholic, not "half-Jew."
You are only a Catholic when you are baptised, no matter how you are raised.

Then many U.S. Jews are Catholics, due to being baptized in hospital at birth, since an infant, in an emergency, can be baptized by a lay person (aka, nurse). If a Jewish infant got sick and died, a caring nurse did not want the infant to rot in limbo. So, one can think of U.S. Jews as a sect of Catholics?
Wed 18 Dec, 2013 11:55 am
McTag wrote:

Many of my best friends are Red Sea Pedestrians. I am a supporter of the State of Israel, its right to exist.

The "reply," you made was the retort in the 1950's movie Gentleman's Agreement. When a Gentile doctor was accused of anti-Semitism, by only mentoring the Gentile medical students, the reply was, "Some of my best friends are Jews."

The "reply" has become a joke amongst those that are aware of the inference of the reply in the movie. It might be better for one to say that one has both Jewish and non-Jewish friends.

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