Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

cicerone imposter
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 04:00 pm
Actually, you are the Nazi with your incessant attacks on Israelis and other Jews.

You continue to prove that English is not your primary language. Your ignorance about definition of words proves the point.


Na·zi (näts, nt-)
n. pl. Na·zis
1. A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
2. often nazi An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.

Prove with any evidence that Walter was or is a Nazi?
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 04:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The Japanese were allied with the Nazis. Do you still feel a kinship?
cicerone imposter
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 04:06 pm
I'm third generation American. Why would I have any "kinship" to Japan?
When Japan bombed Honolulu, they also attacked my relatives living there.

The 442nd Infantry made up of Japanese Americans was the most decorated army unit of any war the US have been involved in - and many were from Hawaii. Mainland Japanese Americans volunteered from US concentration camps to prove their loyalty to the US.

Any more dumb questions?
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 04:07 pm

The Japanese were allied with the Nazis. Do you still feel a kinship?

This from a guy who is fond of slinging terms like "anti-semitic" around.

That is a very low remark.
cicerone imposter
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 04:09 pm
Ignorance are inborn is some people; Advocate happens to be one of them.

BTW, all my brothers and I served in the US military.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 04:16 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I really think that this type of person is ill.

(As some A2K'ers know from personal experience,I'm quite engaged in politics ... and here especially in the anti-neo-Nazi movement, since my school days in the 60's.)
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 04:19 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Fortunately, I don't read what that Nazi Pamela Rosa writes. But I really wonder that Advocate is on her thread ... or not ( he might as well be a neo-Nazi agent provocateur).

Advocate wrote:

I think you have things mixed up. Pamela rails against racism, and her thread is all about exposing the racists. Actually, you are the Nazi with your incessant attacks on Israelis and other Jews. You would have flourished in Nazi Germany.

Here you go again, Advocate, flailing and spouting off at the mouth incessantly referring to others as Nazis. If anyone on this thread is unzipped it's you! Get a grip, or at least a new spiel because that worn out banal crap "you're a Nazi, you're anti-Semitic" has lost all its impact and is so stale it's making me ill.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 04:30 pm
Advocate wrote:
Pamela rails against racism,
Well, I think that she was educated at the "the cradle of apartheid".
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 05:11 pm
Advocate wrote:
Pamela rails against racism,

Up is down and black is white. You've gone through the looking glass hook, line and sinker.

0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 05:18 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Here you go again, Advocate, flailing and spouting off at the mouth incessantly referring to others as Nazis. If anyone on this thread is unzipped it's you! Get a grip, or at least a new spiel because that worn out banal crap "you're a Nazi, you're anti-Semitic" has lost all its impact and is so stale it's making me ill.

He has gone into meltdown. When I mentioned his participation on Pamela Rosa's thread and accused him of being a racist. I never thought he'd be quite so obliging.

Maybe I should accuse him of shagging pigs and see where he goes with that.
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 06:53 pm
McTag wrote:
Advocate wrote:
The Japanese were allied with the Nazis. Do you still feel a kinship?

This from a guy who is fond of slinging terms like "anti-semitic" around.

If you Nazi scumbags don't want to be denounced for your anti-Semitism, then stop spewing anti-Semitism.

McTag wrote:
That is a very low remark.

Maybe so. But it was also entirely appropriate and exactly what the little freak deserved.

Good post, Advocate.
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 03:33 am

No doubt Advocate feels content to have a person like you in his corner.
A reasonable person would consider it a slur and an insult.
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 05:38 am
McTag wrote:
No doubt Advocate feels content to have a person like you in his corner.
A reasonable person would consider it a slur and an insult.

Interesting how thugs like you always think your Nazism and general scumbagery is a sign of "reasonableness".
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 06:18 am
The Nazis used to go around invading other countries and killing their citizens.
Bush, Blair, Obama and Cameron do that, so we could call them and the people who voted for them Nazis too..Smile
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 06:25 am
@Walter Hinteler,

I really think that this type of person is ill.

I don't believe Advocate to be "ill" although he does come across most times as having a genetic aberration with his perverse answers. He's a rotten human being wilth quite the recalcitrant soul, a pygmy-size putrescent little mind overflowing with hate for those who offer criticism of his beloved Zionist nation. He most likely patronizes the Pamela Rosa thread inasmuch as he feels most at home there, and can hide behind her racism by yelling the lie that Rosa the supremacist "rails against racism."
Walter Hinteler
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 07:13 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
He most likely patronizes the Pamela Rosa thread inasmuch as he feels most at home there, and can hide behind her racism by yelling the lie that Rosa the supremacist "rails against racism."
What really makes me wonder (and thus, I think, he is ill) is that he obviously admire a person who is one the most frequent posters on a website (category: Genetics, eugenics, racial science and related subjects), established as a website in 1995 by former Ku Klux Klan leader ...
To quote wikipedia:
Its prominence has grown since the 1990s, attracting attention from watchdog organizations that oppose racism and antisemitism.
I can add that is it is observed by the "homeland security department" (Staatsschutz) of our State Criminal Police Office as well as by Offices for the Protection of the Constitution.
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 03:35 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
What really makes me wonder (and thus, I think, he is ill) is that he obviously admire a person who is one the most frequent posters on a website (category: Genetics, eugenics, racial science and related subjects), established as a website in 1995 by former Ku Klux Klan leader ...

Oh, I don't know. Those zealots who followed Hitler religiously were not crazy...they had found in the Nazi leader someone who appealed to their baser nature; those fanatics who make up the KKK, with the exception of a couple of really weirdos, are people who're able to distinguish right from wrong. Extremists who belong to the Neo-Nazis, and other right-wing extremist groups, etc, are radicals, pure and simple. They tend to gravitate towards those who think the way they do. These dispassionate individuals walk among us everyday. All one has to do is look at Ted Cruz, US junior Senator from Texas. That guy is pure vomit. Yet, we would not describe Cruz as "ill" but an overly ambitious, cold-blooded ass-hole.

Advocate is self-oriented, self-centered and squeamishly overprotective of Israel. He sees nothing wrong in Pamela Rosa's racist words that demeans minorities......Advocate only cares for Jews and seemingly will stand by never saying anything when he see a wrong committed as long as it's not done to a Jewish individual.

The late Meir Kahane, (assassinated in November 1990) was a rabbi and right-wing extremist. This pestiferous Rabbi referred to Palestinians as dogs in every sentence. (When Kahane was assassinated, there must have been pure joy in the West Bank.) Kahane's followers are alive and well and Advocate could very well be among his continued followers.

Let me add, people who belong to these extremists groups who openly espoused hated racist ideology against those who are different are not the brightest people; hence, not only do the world have to contend with these perniciously abhorrent individuals but their utter transparent stupidity which motivates these creeps.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 07:52 pm
Miller wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

Blacks have been cheated out of social security benefits from its inception, because life expectancy for blacks was so low, the majority never reached the age for benefits.

If this is true, than American males, having a shorter life expectancy than American females are also being "cheated" out of social security benefits.


The word "cheated" is a good diversionary tactic, in my opinion. One can also say that American women are being cheated out of being the "happy homemaker," due to the economy not being able to give a husband a "family wage" that supports three children, a wife, a mortgage, car payments, and a dog.

Also, the word "cheated" implies someone's machinations. How can there be an effort to cheat anyone that just has a shorter lifespan?
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:00 pm
I guess you have not seen the things CI has said about me, or his vicious comments about Israel and its people. Thus, I am not about to take it easy with him.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 08:06 pm
Why should I hold back on telling the truth about you and your cohorts? You love to lie about Israel and Israelis to blacken their reputations. Just one egregious example is when, to buttress you case, which is false, that that the Pals have a long history in the ME, you said that the Muslims had many people in the ME 2,000 years ago. I could go on, but that would be a waste of my time.
0 Replies

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