Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Sun 15 Dec, 2013 03:37 am
@Walter Hinteler,
He also has no conception of irony. Someone who spends a lot of time with his tongue lodged right up Pamela Rosa's arse shouldn't call anyone else a bigot. People who live in glass houses and all that.

Advocate has called all Palestinians vermin, and agrees with Pamela Rosa when she states the black people are a different species from the rest of us.

He's beneath contempt, and very stupid.
Walter Hinteler
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 06:17 am
Fortunately, I don't read what that Nazi Pamela Rosa writes. But I really wonder that Advocate is on her thread ... or not ( he might as well be a neo-Nazi agent provocateur).
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 08:16 am
@Walter Hinteler,
It still turns up on my posts after I spammed it with a load of stuff about SFC. that's when I spotted Advocate.
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 09:09 am

He also has no conception of irony. Someone who spends a lot of time with his tongue lodged right up Pamela Rosa's arse shouldn't call anyone else a bigot. People who live in glass houses and all that.

Advocate has called all Palestinians vermin, and agrees with Pamela Rosa when she states the black people are a different species from the rest of us.

He's beneath contempt, and very stupid.

I have endeavored to see a positive side to Advocate, taking into account he doesn't have too many supporters except ideological fanatics and he's frightened he's losing. In a way, I felt pity for a cornered animal. This latest exchange which showed Advocate had not researched the topic or even know a little surrounding blacks during the Nazi period portray him as being not too bright, or ethical. He blurted out with "the Nazis killed every black in Germany!" What the hell is this man talking about?....most unknowledgeable people on the outside looking in will just assumed the Nazis killed all blacks because in American there is still institutionalized racism....however, things are not always the way they seem!

Advocate's contemptuousness for blacks and even non-Jews, is so deep-rooted that he feels all blacks should have been killed just for existing.

He has to learn to show respect to his academic betters, namely, a scholar such as Walter Hinteler, from whom Advocate can learn, and not show scorn towards towards who recognize the pearls of wisdom that emanate from this citizen of Germany.

During the Nazi period, there were many Germans who put their lives on the line by rescuing Jews, hiding them, and taking many chances because anyone helping Jews were killed on the spot! Throughout our civilization there have always been those who stood strong and straight for what's morally right and fought for the underdog. Walter Hinteler, in his own way, is educating us, at least many of those with an open mind, who're willing to learn.

Advocate, along with many other posters, might learn a lot from this thread.
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 09:19 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Advocate, along with many other posters, might learn a lot from this thread.

Pigs might fly. There's none so blind as those that will not see.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 10:01 am
You're correct, MiT, that this "Nazis killed all blacks" shows a lot about Advocat's contemptuousness. It seems to be very deep rooted - there are even exhibitions online which could teach about it.

I just want to put facts straight.
0 Replies
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 10:46 am

It still turns up on my posts after I spammed it with a load of stuff about SFC. that's when I spotted Advocate.

Ah ha! Advocate's other home...the "Pamela" thread! Doesn't surprise me now after his latest expose that "Nazis killed all blacks." Advocate appeared to know absolutely NOTHING regarding black existence during Nazi Germany, but in his subjective mind, his written words indicate blacks should have been exterminated, lock stock and barrel. On reflection, I now see Adovate's hatred for blacks as deep-seated, just as extensive as his hatred for all Germans. He probably dislikes other minorities like Gays, Latinos, Native Americans, all non-Jews.

I perceive in Advocate, someone who is not just merely incognizant of the world outside his own little Zionist bubble, but a diehard racist!
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 10:59 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Advocate appeared to know absolutely NOTHING regarding black existence

Sorry to cut you off mid sentence, but I think it's equally correct just like that. From what I have read of Advocate's posts on that thread, I don't think he views people with darker skins as anything other than a threat. Other race's humanity isn't something he concerns himself with, at least I've seen no evidence of it.
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 02:32 pm
@cicerone imposter,

I don't give that much credence to any race that seems to show a high degree of education.

Neither do I, Ci. We are one species and intelligence or lack of is spread evenly throughout our breed.

My university give mathematical and physics test in Africa, Asia, Europe and throughout the Americas. Those who score the highest are given an annual stipend and an apartment as a lure and added benefit to come to the US. Many of these students never return home, but stay in the US. They on the whole make valuable contributing citizens and their offspring benefit from their parents. It is a myth that Asians are more intelligent than other ethnics. It is fair to say some groups strive harder (Asian tiger mom) if they have a goal to shoot for. In the case of immigrants,America is the land of opportunity from their many stressful poverty-ridden countries.

African Americans have a legacy of slavery, a mental brainwashing that is slowly being cast aside. We have many African Americans along with Africans that attend our Universities that is not a result of Affirmative Action. For generations, African-American parents have told their children that the surest path to professional advancement and to distinguish themselves in racist America is via a college education. Ph.Ds in the pure scientists have intensified within the black community. The black environment is still rife with drugs, illegal guns, black-on-black crime and too many African Americans along with Latinos in jail, but that's a distraction from the real work and progress being made within that community.

There is a growing Latino communiy of academics among us and as we see them emerge it reminds us that soon, very soon, America will have a majority minority, especially by 2040....we see this trend already by the Spanish language along side English menus.

There was a time in American history when Blacks were not allowed to be taught. When they were allow to get an education, it was an inferior one. Progression has been conspicuously slow within the confines of Institutionalizd racism which describes any kind of system of inequality based on race. It can occur in institutions such as public government bodies, private business, etc. Blacks have had an even greater challenge to prove themselves to be just as intelligent as others because American society stereotypes and devalues them as a people.

Europeans Jews have also had a particular hard row to hoe. Many Ignoramuses still claim "Jews killed Jesus." The truth is under Roman rule, Jews had no power to kill and the order came from Pilate. Be that as it may, in the past in Poland, on Good Friday, it wasn't safe for a Jew to be seen on the streets for he would feel the wrath of the Catholic Polish people. The Jews made themselves useful by getting an education, doctors, etc and having an occupation that would benefit their Gentile neighbors, they survived through some very harsh times in Europe where they were thought to be second class citizens. In my opinion, there has to be a strong motivating factor for one to pursue an education; sometimes it's the parents, and sometimes it's our own determined initiative that propels us forward.

In every ethnic group one will find those who will make a difference, stand out above others intellectually, and in every ethnic group there will be those who lack the get-up-and-go drive; they're content to not make waves and let life pass them by.

cicerone imposter
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 03:08 pm
What I have observed is that no matter how successful many blacks are in this country and others, they're still tagged as lazy and the beneficiaries of welfare.
People don't know or care that there are more whites on welfare than there are blacks.

Blacks have been cheated out of social security benefits from its inception, because life expectancy for blacks was so low, the majority never reached the age for benefits.

This is how the GOP plays facts about the shorter lifespans of blacks to privatize social security; they have no shame.

FRIDAY, FEB 4, 2005 05:55 PM PST
Does Social Security shortchange blacks?
Bush says it does -- but the facts show that he's dealing this race card off the bottom of the deck.

Republicans are generally loath to acknowledge the racial inequalities that plague American society. When liberals argue that issues like the education system or the criminal justice system or election reform must reckon with racial disparities, Republicans often accuse them of race-baiting. But in its push to privatize Social Security, the GOP has been surprisingly willing to play the race card.

“African-American males die sooner than other males do, which means the system is inherently unfair to a certain group of people,” President Bush said at a White House-sponsored conference on Social Security in January. “That needs to be fixed.”

Because blacks, on average, don’t live as long as whites, Bush contends that they collect fewer Social Security retirement benefits than whites. Last week, he made a personal pitch to black leaders in a closed-door meeting, arguing, according to spokesman Scott McClellan, that the private investment accounts he favors for Social Security will let blacks “build a nest egg of their own and be able to pass that nest egg on to their survivors.”

The idea that blacks are being cheated by Social Security could prove to be a powerful rhetorical weapon for Republicans. Already, the media is falling for the story line. CNN, for example, broadcast a heart-tugging story Thursday that focused on the plight of the dependents of African-Americans who die young. The network interviewed Barbara Haile, a black woman whose husband died of cancer in 1997. He was 50 at the time of his death; through payroll taxes, he’d been contributing to Social Security for about 30 years. But because he hadn’t reached retirement age, neither he (nor his dependents) were eligible to receive any money from Social Security.

Under the Bush plan, conservatives say, Haile would have been eligible to receive the money that her husband had been collecting in his “personal account,” invested in the stock market. Because blacks (especially black men) have lower average life expectancies than whites (especially white women), the current system is unfair to them, Republicans contend, and private accounts would be a boon for them. Although CNN did interview supporters of the current system, the emotional upshot of its report was clear: Social Security screws poor black people and President Bush wants to help them out.

They have no conscience or shame.
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 01:43 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Blacks have been cheated out of social security benefits from its inception, because life expectancy for blacks was so low, the majority never reached the age for benefits.

If the above is correct, it wasn't that Black Americans were being cheated out of Social Security, since there was no malevolent effort to make Black Americans have a shorter lifespan.

The one way not to "cheat" them out of Social Security is to give them ownerhip of their benefits, so beneficiaries could inherit the value of their Social Secuirty accounts. This is what the Republicans wanted to do. It sounds to me that whether or not it was a viable approach, for the first time Black Americans, having a shorter lifespan, could then not be "cheated," since the value would go to a benefitiary?

Do you see the errors of your accusation?

Mon 16 Dec, 2013 02:30 pm

FRIDAY, FEB 4, 2005 05:55 PM PST
Does Social Security shortchange blacks?
Bush says it does -- but the facts show that he's dealing this race card off the bottom of the deck.

What's the source of this post and who is "Farhad Manjoo"?
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 02:33 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:

Blacks have been cheated out of social security benefits from its inception, because life expectancy for blacks was so low, the majority never reached the age for benefits.

If this is true, than American males, having a shorter life expectancy than American females are also being "cheated" out of social security benefits.

Mon 16 Dec, 2013 02:47 pm
Quote from moment-in-time:

... in Poland, on Good Friday, it wasn't safe for a Jew to be seen on the streets for he would feel the wrath of the Catholic Polish people.

I'm confused about this sentence. Where all the Polish people out to kill the Jews or was it only the Catholics? How about other Christian groups? How did they feel about the Polish Jews?

I've seen and heard similar accusations about Catholics, especially in the USA.
Why do many American Jews believe that Catholics are out to get them and then turn around and find their children marrying Catholic women( many of whom are Asian-American or Irish American?
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 02:52 pm
Moment in time:

You're equating a high degree of education with a high IQ.

This is not the intention of CI, since on many other threads on A2K, CI agreed with many published scientifc papers, that have concluded that Asian-Americans have higher IQ values than any other ethnicity in the USA.

The lowest IQs recorded for Americans have been for Hispanic and Afro-American ethnicities. This is a well known fact, although the basis for this observation is not known.
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 03:25 pm
Careful, Izzy, the excrement king, and MIT are going to jump all over you saying you are a racist.

A few blacks survived Nazi Germany (such as some kids who were sterilized.) The survivors are the exceptions who proved the rule.
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 03:31 pm
Miller wrote:

Quote from moment-in-time:

... in Poland, on Good Friday, it wasn't safe for a Jew to be seen on the streets for he would feel the wrath of the Catholic Polish people.

I'm confused about this sentence. Where all the Polish people out to kill the Jews or was it only the Catholics? How about other Christian groups? How did they feel about the Polish Jews?

I've seen and heard similar accusations about Catholics, especially in the USA.
Why do many American Jews believe that Catholics are out to get them and then turn around and find their children marrying Catholic women( many of whom are Asian-American or Irish American?

The Poles were notorious anti-Semites. They would organize pogroms in which they would raid Jewish areas in Poland and Russia killing and otherwise harming Jews.
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 03:33 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Advocate appeared to know absolutely NOTHING regarding black existence

Sorry to cut you off mid sentence, but I think it's equally correct just like that. From what I have read of Advocate's posts on that thread, I don't think he views people with darker skins as anything other than a threat. Other race's humanity isn't something he concerns himself with, at least I've seen no evidence of it.

Some blacks, such as the ones who play knockout games, are vermin. In other words, they are like you.
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 03:36 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Fortunately, I don't read what that Nazi Pamela Rosa writes. But I really wonder that Advocate is on her thread ... or not ( he might as well be a neo-Nazi agent provocateur).

I think you have things mixed up. Pamela rails against racism, and her thread is all about exposing the racists. Actually, you are the Nazi with your incessant attacks on Israelis and other Jews. You would have flourished in Nazi Germany.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 03:36 pm
Advocate wrote:
A few blacks survived Nazi Germany (such as some kids who were sterilized.) The survivors are the exceptions who proved the rule.
Correct, since there were not more than 2,000 blacks in Germany.
Unlike the Jews, blacks were so few in numbers that we were relegated to low-priority status in the Nazis' lineup for extermination.

Hans Massaquoi, late editor of Ebony magazine, author of "Destined to Witness" (Neger, Neger, Schornsteinfeger! Meine Kindheit in Deutschland. ) and perhaps the most famous black German of that period.
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