Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Romeo Fabulini
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 08:19 pm
JTT said:
Every president since before you were born has been a war criminal.

Well let's see:-
Ike busted Hitler's ass,
Truman gave the Japs atomic payback for Pearl Harbor and then kicked Nth Korea out of Sth Korea,
Kennedy faced down Kruschev over the cuban missiles,
Johnson stood against North Nam aggression,
Nixon had the balls to halt the Nam War,
Ford, Carter and Reagan didn't do anything nasty did they?
Bush senior kicked Saddam out of Kuwait
Clinton blitzed mid-east terror camps with cruise missiles,
Bush junior got Saddam,
Obama bust Bin Laden's ass.

So the Presidents seem alright to me..Smile
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 08:22 pm
Jewish identity, as a nationalist ideology, is predicated upon religious mythologies and 19th century European nationalism.

It's easy to grasp how these myths became established. When people hold something dear, when people hear these myths from childhood, they really want to believe.

Just look at all the myths people so desperately want to believe about the US when none of those myths have any foundation in fact or history.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 08:36 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
You haven't read one of the sources I provided for you. It's not possible when weave these ludicrous fantasies and you remain so profoundly ignorant of the facts.


Truman proceeded to organize a major counter-insurgency campaign in Greece which killed off about one hundred and sixty thousand people, sixty thousand refugees, another sixty thousand or so people tortured, political system dismantled, right-wing regime. American corporations came in and took it over. I think that's a crime under Nuremberg.


Well, what about Eisenhower? You could argue over whether his overthrow of the government of Guatemala was a crime. There was a CIA-backed army, which went in under U.S. threats and bombing and so on to undermine that capitalist democracy. I think that's a crime. The invasion of Lebanon in 1958, I don't know, you could argue. A lot of people were killed. The overthrow of the government of Iran is another one -- through a CIA-backed coup. But Guatemala suffices for Eisenhower and there's plenty more.


Kennedy is easy. The invasion of Cuba was outright aggression. Eisenhower planned it, incidentally, so he was involved in a conspiracy to invade another country, which we can add to his score. After the invasion of Cuba, Kennedy launched a huge terrorist campaign against Cuba, which was very serious. No joke. Bombardment of industrial installations with killing of plenty of people, bombing hotels, sinking fishing boats, sabotage. Later, under Nixon, it even went as far as poisoning livestock and so on. Big affair. And then came Vietnam; he invaded Vietnam. He invaded South Vietnam in 1962. He sent the U.S. Air Force to start bombing. Okay. We took care of Kennedy.


Johnson is trivial. The Indochina war alone, forget the invasion of the Dominican Republic, was a major war crime.

Your abysmal ignorance knows no bounds.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 05:58 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
oralloy wrote:
They do succeed in raising another fascinating question: if the Jews really didn’t leave in 70 AD, what became of them 600 years later, after the rise of Mohammedanism? Did they become the Palestinians?

What is fascinating about a question based on an untrue premise?


The fact that the Palestinians are not in any way descended from the ancient Israelites, means that any speculation that they were is nonsensical gibberish.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 06:00 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
In addition, the way he trashed the poor Kerchers whose daughter, Meredith, was brutally murdered is UNFORGIVABLE!!!

Don't be silly. It is perfectly legitimate to condemn people who deliberately try to send innocent people to prison so they can steal their money.
Romeo Fabulini
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 06:08 am
JTT said:
You haven't read one of the sources I provided for you.

Sorry mate but my mother told me never to read sources from strange men.
Er..you are a man aren't you? Your profile is a complete blank as if you're too embarrassed or wimpy to say what you are and where you are.
Heck you could be an Al-Qaeda supporter for all we know, or even worse a Barry Manilow fan!..Smile
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 09:15 am
And it's perfectly legitimate to condemn the US and its people, those who deliberately murder innocents just so they can steal their wealth.

And this rampant murder and theft to state the least has been going on in an unceasing fashion for two centuries now.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 09:43 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Such fabulously lame responses, Romeo. You were, you are so spectacularly wrong about what the US is and has been.

There is just no accounting for studied ignorance.
Romeo Fabulini
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 11:09 am
But if some Presidents are so bad, why did the American people vote for them in the first place?
In fact they liked some Pesidents so much that they voted them in for a second 4-year term such as Bush junior and Obama ..Smile
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 01:11 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
But if some Presidents are so bad, why did the American people vote for them in the first place?
In fact they liked some Pesidents so much that they voted them in for a second 4-year term such as Bush junior and Obama ..

People liked Hitler, Pol Pot, Pinochet, but that doesn't make them any less the war criminals.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:09 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

From a film review
In the end, the filmmakers involved in Exile don’t really prove anything. They do succeed in raising another fascinating question: if the Jews really didn’t leave in 70 AD, what became of them 600 years later, after the rise of Mohammedanism? Did they become the Palestinians?

They were allowed to settle on the banks of an ancient river, The Ashkenazi. Get it.
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:10 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Oralloy said:
Very few of the Jews were ever Jesus' followers

Certainly most of the hardcore snooty Jewish priestly classes hated his guts, but many ordinary people liked him-
"Large crowds from Galilee, the Ten Cities, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him" (Matt 4:25)
"And the common people heard him gladly" (Mark 12 :37)

And he pulled crowds of over 4000 and 5000 at two gigs alone (Matt 15:32, Matt 14:13)
Heck he was almost as big as Elvis, right Elv?


Elvis might have had some affinity to the Hebrews?
0 Replies
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:14 pm
InfraBlue wrote:

The reason for the violence directed against Israel by the Arabs is that Israel, through the abetment of the UK and later the US, was established by arrogating Palestine and repressing the Palestinian peoples therein in the name of an ethnocentric state "for the Jews." The West Bank alone isn't the crux of the issue. The crux of the issue is the rights that the Palestinians have in regard to Palestine that the Israelis have continually violated and denied.

The "crux" of the issue is that people, like some on this forum, give the Arabs hope that world opinion will one day eliminate the State of Israel, so nothing can happen positively, since under those circumstances the Arabs feel they should just have patience. Many of those that have no dog in the hunt, so to speak, are just making the situation presently unsolvable, in my opinion.
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:23 pm
InfraBlue wrote:

Jewish identity, as a nationalist ideology, is predicated upon religious mythologies and 19th century European nationalism.

However, the religious mythologies that gave us Catholic Europe and Protestant Europe/America/Austrialia/Canada/New Zealand serves as a safe haven for those who follow Christ. But, Jews had to deal with two-millenia of anti-Semitism, culminating in the Holocaust, since no safe haven existed for them. And, by the way, those followers of Christ were really not hospitable to Jews, in the full sense of the word. An ethnocentric Israel exists because of the intractable mental illness of anti-Semitism, that originated in Christian Europe, and has spread around the world. It's really quite simple.

You seem to believe, in my opinion, that no other countries are ethnocentric. Well, not in name, but in deed.
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:26 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

JTT said:
Every president since before you were born has been a war criminal.

Well let's see:-
Ike busted Hitler's ass,
Truman gave the Japs atomic payback for Pearl Harbor and then kicked Nth Korea out of Sth Korea,
Kennedy faced down Kruschev over the cuban missiles,
Johnson stood against North Nam aggression,
Nixon had the balls to halt the Nam War,
Ford, Carter and Reagan didn't do anything nasty did they?
Bush senior kicked Saddam out of Kuwait
Clinton blitzed mid-east terror camps with cruise missiles,
Bush junior got Saddam,
Obama bust Bin Laden's ass.

So the Presidents seem alright to me..Smile

God Bless America!
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:51 pm
Foofie wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:

The reason for the violence directed against Israel by the Arabs is that Israel, through the abetment of the UK and later the US, was established by arrogating Palestine and repressing the Palestinian peoples therein in the name of an ethnocentric state "for the Jews." The West Bank alone isn't the crux of the issue. The crux of the issue is the rights that the Palestinians have in regard to Palestine that the Israelis have continually violated and denied.

The "crux" of the issue is that people, like some on this forum, give the Arabs hope that world opinion will one day eliminate the State of Israel, so nothing can happen positively, since under those circumstances the Arabs feel they should just have patience. Many of those that have no dog in the hunt, so to speak, are just making the situation presently unsolvable, in my opinion.

Ironically, the State of Israel will eventually become Arab within a few generations seeing as how the Arab population is growing faster than the Jewish one.

In the end it will have been much ado about nothing, or at the very least, very little.
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:56 pm
Foofie wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:

Jewish identity, as a nationalist ideology, is predicated upon religious mythologies and 19th century European nationalism.

However, the religious mythologies that gave us Catholic Europe and Protestant Europe/America/Austrialia/Canada/New Zealand serves as a safe haven for those who follow Christ. But, Jews had to deal with two-millenia of anti-Semitism, culminating in the Holocaust, since no safe haven existed for them. And, by the way, those followers of Christ were really not hospitable to Jews, in the full sense of the word. An ethnocentric Israel exists because of the intractable mental illness of anti-Semitism, that originated in Christian Europe, and has spread around the world. It's really quite simple.

You seem to believe, in my opinion, that no other countries are ethnocentric. Well, not in name, but in deed.

Sure, but "Jewish" indignation doesn't justify the Zionists' repression of the Palestinian peoples. This is even simpler.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:58 pm
Foofie wrote:
They were allowed to settle on the banks of an ancient river, The Ashkenazi. Get it.
Again, I quoted, I clearly quoted.
What I got or didn't get - that's just something more you have no idea about.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 03:05 pm
An ethnocentric Israel exists because of the intractable mental illness of anti-Semitism, that originated in Christian Europe, and has spread around the world.

This might also explain why many Jewish-Americans are such supporters of Israel; in case the world turn its back on them again they will have somewhere to go where they are welcome.

I've done a lot of research on the Holocaust, trying to make sense of man's inhumanity to man. The Holocaust was one of the blackest mark on humankind....to systematically starve humans, tatto them, lead them to the gas and later see the bodies consumed by fire in ovens.

The Jews were not the only ones who suffered during the Holocaust. Homosexuals were persecuted and murdered, Gypsies, mentally disturbed people....Hitler was trying for a pure Aryan race of men.

I can understand Israel's psychological and emotional need to have their own home, but for the love of me, I cannot understand Israeli government's policies towards the defenseless Palestinians who are the indigenous people in the area; the Pals can trace their roots back to the time of the ancient Israel. I do not see why Israel continues to take land from the Palestinians, and why the continued occupation of the disputed territories.

Whereas after WW2 the world embraced the Jews after observing what they went through. The movie "Exodus" with Paul Neumann, went a long way in convincing America of the devastation visited on European Jews. The movie "The Holocaust" with Meryl Streep and Michael Moriarity, James Woods, was so moving I watched it over and over. I have it on DVD which I purchased from Amazon about 4 years ago.

Today, a lot of that warm sentiment for the Jews, has dissipated, largely because of the callousness visited upon the Palestinians and the many killings of these people by the Israeli government.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 11 Nov, 2013 03:15 pm
Foofie wrote:
But, Jews had to deal with two-millenia of anti-Semitism, ...
True. Before that period, historians call it (in English) anti-Judaism.
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