Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:05 pm
He now embraces homophobia, accusing me of wanting congress with Frank Apisa and Om Sig David, as if that would be something to be ashamed of. I'm not gay, but unlike JTT, I don't think homosexuality is something to be ashamed of.

Izzy's off on another of his lying sprees.

I don't think that it would be at all shameful for you to hook up with OmSig, Izzy, and I've stated as much. I think that you two would make quite the pair as would you and Frank.

What is shameful is what JTT has said about abusing 13 year old girls, something he likes to talk about at the drop of a hat.

Lies of omission, blatant outright lies, you do them all, Iz. Let's just set the record straight again regarding this Izzytheputz lie that YOU are obsessed with, that YOU frequently bring up.


Izzy: Let's deal with the facts,

jtt: That suits me fine, Izzy, but it's not something that you are capable of.

Izzy: I said that it was a bit creepy the way you obsess with Gracie. It is a bit creepy, you're a bit creepy.

jtt: Yes, you did raise this nonsense without the least bit of proof. You continued to advance it, again, without any proof.

Izzy: Your personal profile shows that you're still following her.

jtt: No, it doesn't show that at all. But with your exceptional talent of spreading lies, you are attempting to make it look that way.

Izzy: When I asked you why you wouldn't talk about any war crimes you may have participated in,

jtt: Really, think about what you are saying, Izzy. Think about what you were trying to do, again, without a scintilla of proof.

Izzy: you suggested in very strong terms that I had been sodomising my daughter since she was 13.

jtt: A flat out lie, but what can one expect from you. I SPECIFICALLY stated that such an accusation was as ludicrous an accusation as the ones you were advancing. You were the dishonest fellow who took a statement that a four year old child could not fail to understand and ran with it. One can only begin to imagine how badly you twisted the facts when you PMed your daughter.

Izzy: My daughter had to slap you down for the creep you are.

jtt: Yes, I notice that your daughter was a regular chip off the old block - or, she was so badly misinformed by Izzytheliar that she failed to discern for herself how the facts actually played out.

You were the one who brought up the issue of sodomising 13 year old girls,

Explained above. But let me explain it once more to illustrate just how deeply ingrained dishonesty is in your person, Izzy.

You made some outlandish accusations without a shred of evidence. I described those being as equally outlandish, being on the same level as an untrue accusation that you had been sodomizing your daughter.

Again, it was you, the dishonest one who twisted all that into whatever it is your twisted mind can conjure up just because you get caught out on your hypocrisy and your lies.

13 being the same age Gracie was when she last posted on this forum.

jtt: A typical piece of Izzy "evidence". But you didn't stop there, Izzy. More typical examples of Izzy "evidence" followed.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:09 pm
sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff

"Okay Frank, now it's your ... . Hey Frank, there's Izzy."
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:11 pm
**** off you racist ****.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:13 pm
You can wheedle as much as you like, but the fact remains, when faced with a question you didn't like, you started going on about sodomising 13 year old girls.

That says a lot about how your mind works, and the sort of person you are.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:16 pm
**** off you racist ****.

Do you think that being racist is worse than being an apologist for war criminals and terrorists, Izzy? You are so front and center with the stuff Israel pulls off but you are so circumspect when it comes to US/UK stuff and those two really do make Israel look like a piker.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:19 pm
When asked a straight question you change the subject.
You're the biggest apologist on A2K. You brushed aside the rape of Nanjing as if it had never happened.

Don't pretend to care for your fellow man, that's something you're incapable of.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:25 pm
you started going on about sodomising 13 year old girls.

Facts are not your long suit, Izzythecompulsiveliar.

I didn't "start going on about sodomising 13 year old girls". I specifically said that the fatuous accusations you were making were as ludicrous as an accusation that you had sodomized your daughter.

You are the guy that took that comparison and ran with it, distorting it in every fashion you could, following your normal Izzy manner of lying, obfuscating, diverting from the truth.

You are the guy who keeps bringing it up, Izzy.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:28 pm
You brushed aside the rape of Nanjing as if it had never happened.

That's another bald faced Izzy lie from Izzy the self confessed liar.


Post: # 5,477,328

Izzy: So I'm lying, ... .

0 Replies
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:33 pm
sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff

I'm very curious, JTT, are you an in-patient or an out-patient? Your lasciviousness is not wanted on this board. There are boards that cater to lechery. Try Google.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:39 pm
I'm very curious, JTT

You are one of the most incurious people I have ever come across, MiT. You pretend you're interested in exposing the US's crimes but you showed early on that you are only interested in posing as a crusader.

Tell me. Why are you so focused on Israel when Israel is small potatoes in the war crime category? The US is the one supporting Israel in furtherance of those war crimes/terrorist actions and MiT is silent on that. Why?
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:58 pm
Why are you so focused on Israel when Israel is small potatoes in the war crime category?

Right now my intense focus is on YOU, JTT. I do not share your obsessive passion to tear down the US 24/7 and truth be known, your repetitiveness regarding US crimes have become wearisome. If you were not suffering from a mental defect which is transparent to all even you would see your flat monotone is tedious as hell.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 02:07 pm
I do not share you obsessive passion to tear down the US 24/7

That simply counters the 24/7/365/12month/centuries long US propaganda cycle, MiT. But there's no tearing down of the US when one shows the crimes of the US, the relentless terrorism perpetrated by the US.

The US is supposed to stand for the rule of law, for "all men are created equal".

Your complaints with me aren't that what I offer here at A2K is false. Your complaint is that it is, sadly, all too true. And you know it and that's what bugs you so; given that you are an apologist for these vicious crimes against humanity and you can't counter the truth, you seek to attack me personally.

0 Replies
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 02:19 pm
and truth be known, your repetitiveness regarding US crimes [have] has become wearisome.

Do you think more wearisome than the crimes themselves, MiT?

Should we ask the people of Nicaragua or those in Vietnam who seek recompense for the chemical weapons the US used on them or the people of Cuba who wonder why the US has terrorized them for over a century?

Take those three countries and multiply it by a million fold and you still don't come close to the pain and suffering that the USA has caused to countries and peoples around the globe.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 02:25 pm

Do you think more wearisome than the crimes themselves, MiT?

Should we ask the people of Nicaragua or those in Vietnam who seek recompense for the chemical weapons the US used on them or the people of Cuba who wonder why the US has terrorized them for over a century?

Take those three countries and multiply it by a million fold and you still don't come close to the pain and suffering that the USA has caused to countries and peoples around the globe.


Sun 10 Nov, 2013 02:34 pm
Your delusion, MiT, your inability to face reality is perfectly understandable. You're American.

When you tire of your smelly little hole and you are able to face reality, come on back and we can discuss the US and the evil it has done, continues to do.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 04:12 pm
Bite me, you foul-mouth POS.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 04:16 pm
I notice that there is no rebuttal from you anti-Semetic shits.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 05:04 pm
Hey JTT what's your take on 9/11?
Who did it, Al-Qaeda or the US?
And what about the Apollo program, did they really go to the moon or was it faked?
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 08:03 pm
Advocate wrote:

The fact of the matter is that there was no Palestinian people in a political sense until the early 20th century. Before then, those people alluded to themselves in terms of their religious persuasion, etc. There was no nationalistic cohesion among those people.

Politically speaking, Palestinian nationality consolidated at the time that the Zionists began their endeavors to arrogate Palestine and repress the Palestinians to create an ethnocentric state "for the Jews."

This in no way negates the fact that the Palestinian peoples have inhabited Palestine for millennia and have rights to Palestine that the Zionists violate and deny to them.

advi" wrote:
On the other hand, the Jewish identity goes back 5,000 or so years

Jewish identity, as a nationalist ideology, is predicated upon religious mythologies and 19th century European nationalism.
Sun 10 Nov, 2013 08:06 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
What's your take on how ignorant [in the non-pejorative sense] you were with regard to every issue you raised and I debunked?

Every president since before you were born has been a war criminal. You get the facts and you go all goofy.

Did you even read any of the source material?
0 Replies

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