College is stressful. There’s really no total elimination of that.
I can tell you how I handle things. Of course, for me, it helps that I haven’t really been out of the loop since I graduated high school. Meaning; I have kept my degree ongoing. I’m now in a graduate program. So my study habits have been kept fairly fresh.
Stress can be lowered by keeping yourself well informed in all of your subjects. Don’t save cramming till exam time. Listen (very intently) to all lectures. Take notes…take notes…and take more notes! On your homework assignments that require x-amount of chapters to be read….make sure you take good notes, also. Participate often in class. This keeps you mentally into it. Just sitting there listening can be boring and almost put you to sleep. If you find yourself with a little bit of free time ….. go back and revisit all those notes you’ve been taking. Helps to keep them fresh, so that when a test or exam is facing you, your stress level isn’t near as great. It’s funny how the mind is almost like a huge library of information. If you keep that information “dusted off”, you’ll be surprised how easily the answer to a question will just pop out of there when needed.
Exercise is a great stress reliever. Do it often. It really doesn’t take that much time, once you are in the habit. Your campus will likely allow you to use their facilities. Especially during exam weeks. This is HUGE for mental alertness, not to mention, energy.
Try to get enough sleep. Hard to do a lot of times. That’s probably my worst bad habit. It really is important, though.
Eat properly. That goes without saying. Food, sleep, exercise, and good study habits will keep your stress level at a minimum.
One more thing. I have always tried to memorize, by association. If you don’t do this, try it. You’ll be amazed at how much you can retain that way. Plus, it’s actually kinda fun! Association can be about anything you want. It doesn't even need to make sense to anyone but you. It's your creation. Your skit. You might even get to the point that you can't wait for the next chapter to be read and entered. Really!
Arricalee, tell yourself that you are THE BEST. If you don’t believe that, you will, after drilling it into your mind often enough. Once you believe it, you’ll have more drive than most students. (This makes retention, easier). Keep the end result of your degree, center front. In other words, do not lose sight of the fact that all of your dedication, and hard work, will give you the edge and so much more bargaining power when you seek out that job in the end. All of that equals motivation. Motivation can equate to less stress. It just makes learning easier. Not to mention, more fun.
You ARE the best! Believe it!
Good luck!