Mon 5 Jan, 2009 12:33 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Advocate wrote:

Let' s see, Israel should release all Pal prisoners, including mass murderers, in return for one Israeli soldier kidnapped from Israeli territory. Some bargain!

What has Israeli intransigence gotten them so far? How long would Israel last without the implicit U.S. guarantee of protection? How long will U.S. willingness to live with this millstone around our necks continue? Do Zionists really believe they can build a state guaranteeing lasting peace and security for Jews on the backs of the Palestinians they have displaced and oppressed?

Eight years of not retaliating to rockets hitting their population is "intransigence"? I do believe Zionists believe they can build a state that may not have lasting peace, to give you my response to your question above. Security may be just a virtue when one lives in a tough neighborhood with people that hate you. The hate will not dissipate from their neighbors, I believe. Why then stay there? That is what might make Jews different from other folks? The two-thousand year sojourn in Europe, as being a pariah, was apparently good OJT.

It is interesting to read your posts that obviously have taken sides. Our present Commander In Chief does not agree with you, I believe.
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 04:07 pm
George, you are such a BS artist. Israel has hardly oppressed the Arabs. Arab Israelis are better off in every sense than the Arabs in the other ME states.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 04:20 pm
Since I like to see countries that give women the freedom to live their lives as they choose, I believe an argument can be made that Israel's ongoing fight with its Muslim neighbors might end not just with peace, but with the liberation of Muslim women. Women that cannot make males stop behaving in a self-destructive manner need to be liberated from such oppression. Has any other Americans noted how Muslim women in America look so different than the image of Muslim women in Muslim countries. I wonder if it has to do with their realization that their daughters will have a real life.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 04:24 pm
revel wrote:

The victory was never in doubt considering the overwhelming weaponry Israel has compared to Hamas. Nevertheless at the end of the day, all Israel will succeed in doing is further breaking the people in Gaza. Hamas will be temporarily set back, but have no doubt; they will simply regroup and live to fight another day. All they have to do is survive and unless Israel drops a nuclear weapon on Gaza and totally wipe out the whole place, they can survive; though they will be set back and broken. This is why military solutions will never work, either for Palestine or Israel.

If only the Palestinians would out the HAMAS...
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 05:17 pm
Our present Commander In Chief ...

You sully the title and office.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 05:18 pm
Eight years of not retaliating to rockets hitting their population is "intransigence"?

Care to do a count of the casualties on both sides.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 07:04 pm
H2O MAN wrote:
If only the Palestinians would out the HAMAS...

Then there would still be the problem, festering, perpetual and unresolved, of Israel's discrimination of and oppression of the Palestinian people which is the crux of the conflict in Israel/Palestine.
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 07:25 pm
Hamas stops all firing of missiles, bombs or any other violent action originating from the West Bank or Gaza, and co-operates in actively jailing anyone from any faction that breaks this ceasefire.

You (or the author of the piece you quoted) dont seem to want to learn the truth.
Read article 13 of the Hamas charted and you will see that Hamas clearly states that jihad is the ONLY solution, and that they will NOT participate in any type of talks regarding peace.

So, how do you negotiate with that?
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 07:27 pm
InfraBlue wrote:

H2O MAN wrote:
If only the Palestinians would out the HAMAS...

Then there would still be the problem, festering, perpetual and unresolved, of Israel's discrimination of and oppression of the Palestinian people which is the crux of the conflict in Israel/Palestine.

Eliminating HAMAS... It's a good start.
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 07:31 pm
Foofie wrote:

Eight years of not retaliating to rockets hitting their population is "intransigence"? I do believe Zionists believe they can build a state that may not have lasting peace, to give you my response to your question above. Security may be just a virtue when one lives in a tough neighborhood with people that hate you. The hate will not dissipate from their neighbors, I believe. Why then stay there? That is what might make Jews different from other folks? The two-thousand year sojourn in Europe, as being a pariah, was apparently good OJT.

It is interesting to read your posts that obviously have taken sides. Our present Commander In Chief does not agree with you, I believe.

I don't think I have takes sides in the way that you suggest. I have great sympathy for the motives and (some of) the goals of the Zionists who fled Europe in desperation to create a new state in Palestine.

However, there are some rather fundamental lessons of human history that apply here. It is generally not possible to build long term freedom and security for one group of people on the backs of another who are displaced and oppressed. There are numerous examples of this in the history of the modern world, and all point to the long-term, lasting hatreds and opposition, both political and (para) military that usually result, and the practical impossibility of sustaining a tribal or sectarian state in these conditions.

It was one thing to create a sanctuary for Jews: quite another to charter it as a Jewish state with unequal treatment and status for non-Jews, and to make the maintenance of a Jewish majority an essential priority of the state. After the 1967 War and the subsequent renunciation of claims on the West Bank by Jordan, Israel had the opportunity to create either a Federal or other pluralistic state that could hope to represent the aspirations of all its inhabitants. Instead Israel embarked on a systematic policy of displacing Palestinians from their land in the West Bank and isolating those that remained in distinct cantonments whose connections were under the control of the Israeli military. The people of the West Bank have lived under these conditions, subject to Israeli military control and with no political rights, for over forty years.

Israel is now riding the tiger, unable to either stay on or get off safely. This is a situation purely of her own making. Whatever may be your opinion or mine, it is fairly clear that public attitudes in the United States towards Israel have changed profoundly in the last ten years and the rate of that change is accelerating. The tired old arguments, endlessly repeated by Advocate, of the supposed security benefits we get as a result of our security guarantee for Israel don't persuade anymore. Most people know better, just by observing the scene and applying a little common sense.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 08:01 pm
When it comes to Israel, I think it is the blind hatred in your mind that is festering, distorting, generating lies, etc.
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 08:06 pm
It is your blind, self-delusional support of Israel that keeps you from acknowledging the reality of the situation.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 08:14 pm
To read Benny Morris is to be quite able"and quite free"to doubt that there should ever have been an Israeli state to begin with. But to see Hamas at work is to resolve that whatever replaces or follows Zionism, it must not be the wasteland of Islamic theocracy.


Israel needs to wake up, when thoughtful people like Hitchens have come the the conclusion that maybe Israel should never have been born we know that the tide has shifted. The Zionists have always been able to count on being able to play global guilt for the Final Solution for profit....NO MORE! It is ancient history, almost everyone alive at the time is now worm food, that power play no longer works very well.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 08:31 pm
Foofie wrote:
Here is the thought: historically, those that could claim a long ethnic heritage to a piece of land could claim it was their land. Now remembering that this planet has a finite amount of habitable land, with an ever increasing population, that paradigm might be obsolete. To replace it, the world, if it wanted to be truly effective as a civilization, would say only the non-wasteful land dwellers have the moral right to a nation state. So, by those standards, the U.S., western Europe and other "western" and some Asian countries have all the rights to their nationhood. And, there are countries and peoples that do not add to the world's productive civilization, either through agrarian means, commerce or technology to be productive enough to warrant a nation state.

Now, in addition to your persecution complex you add more of your sociopathic supremacism to your rationalizations for Israel's oppression of the Palestinian peoples. You're beyond healing, Foo. Unfortunately, that supremacism is a part of the foundation of the Zionists' ideology and their state's raison d'etre.

Any land the Zionists got became productive, as opposed to much of the land that had been left fallow.

Preach your tired Zionist propaganda to your knee-jerk Israel supporters. The early Zionists saw things considerably differently from the claptrap you spew.

In a report to Theodor Herzl written prior to the Second Zionist Congress of 1898, Leo Motzkin wrote, "Completely accurate statistics about the number of inhabitants do not presently exist. One must admit that the density of the population does not give the visitor much cause for cheer. In whole stretches throughout the land one constantly comes across large Arab villages, and it is an established fact that the most fertile areas of our country are occupied by Arabs..." (Protocol of the Second Zionist Congress, Pg. 103).

That avaricious Ukrainian referred to Palestine as "our land."

O.K., let us fast forward past WWI and WWII and we see that this little corner of the world is a good place to put the survivors of the Holocaust, considering WWI eliminated the old owners of Palestine, and the British, as victorious in WWII could engineer the placing of these non-English speaking "displaced people" into this historical place that for Jews seemed to have a nostalgic value in their religion.

The self-delusion is extreme to opine that Palestine was a good place to put Holocaust refugees. The Arabs had already been violently railing against the repressive incursion of the Zionists and their British accomplices since the end of the first world war.

I believe, in reality, even if the neighboring Arab states did not attack Israel in 1948, it was a set-up from the beginning for the Jews to "not really" have a "homeland," since from day one of the fledgling state, the Arab fecundity was greater than the Jews' fecundity. It would only have been a matter of time when the Arab Israelis outnumbered the Jewish Israelis. So, I believe as Israel saw, in the last 60 years, that many in Europe were quite content in their post-Christain mindset, it was only natural to also see that there was a European distaste by many for anything that smacked of prior religiousity. I believe that is when Israel realized a Zionist state was needed, since the world (unfortunately) did not think like the U.S. and a few other countries, and Jews needed a homeland.

So, because Palestine, in reality, isn't a good place for a Jewish homeland, it's the rest of the world's fault? It was the Zionists that pushed for it in the first place, and they convinced the British Empire to abet them in their arrogation of Palestine.

What I am saying is Gentile heal thyself, before any claiming that Israel is this or that. If Israel today "is this or that" it is specifically because of the historical and current behavior of the western Gentile, not the Middle Eastern Muslim that makes a Jewish homeland necessary, I believe.

If a Jewish homeland were necessary after the Holocaust, it would have been a homeland specifically for the Ashkenazim in Central and Eastern Europe, their homelands. There is no need for healing for stating the obvious to the oblivious, but maybe a little for attempting it to the obstinate.

And, just getting back to the paradigm as to who gets to have a nation state, Israel qualifies, based on turning Tel Aviv into a Middle Eastern Los Angeles of sorts, and being quite productive.

Yeah, just getting back to a reiteration of your supremacist vomitus. There is no healing for sociopathic supremacists. There is no healing for Israel. It must be dismantled and replaced with a true democratic, egalitarian and inclusive state.

What is annoying to me is that some of the people in Gaza can work in Israel, rather than direct their energies to building an economy of their own. What is the matter with the people there, that they are willing to work for Israelis, yet want an independent state?

Many Gazans did work, and continue to want to work in Israel. The problem is Israel's collective punishment of the entire population for the actions of a minority of violent militants.
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 09:12 pm
H2O MAN wrote:
Eliminating HAMAS... It's a good start.

Hamas and the other militant groups are a reaction to Zionist and Israeli oppression of the Palestinian peoples. A truly good start would be to address that cause of the militants' reaction.
Mon 5 Jan, 2009 10:32 pm
Hear hear!!!!!
0 Replies
Tue 6 Jan, 2009 10:58 am
The same old anti-Israel garbage from the usual suspects.

More attention should be given to the Pal oppression of Christians, other minorities, women, Jews, and their regular targeting of civilians, including women, children, and the elderly.

The only thing Israel is guilty of is their effort to defend itself.
Tue 6 Jan, 2009 11:21 am
Advocate wrote:

The only thing Israel is guilty of is their effort to defend itself.

That was the same excuse the now defunct Stormont Protestant government of Northern Ireland used for a couple of centuries in attempthing to suppress its (then) minority of Catholic citizens. Eventually the combined forces of demographics and external revulsion at its systematic injustices brought it down.

Now there is a pluralistic government there and, though often uneasily, the populations are beginning to get along, realizing at last that there was no hope for either without the other.

What is Israel's future under the current circumstances?

Youe expressed additudes towards the "pals" are not very different from those expressed by the NAZIs about the Jews of Europe.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 6 Jan, 2009 11:33 am
Source: BBC
0 Replies
Tue 6 Jan, 2009 11:41 am
Are you also concerned about the inequities in other countries in the world?

While Arab Muslims at least have a religious basis for any anti-Israel sentiment, I am always amazed when individuals that have ancestors from Christian Europe feel it is their moral right to stand in judgement of Jews. My point is that if earlier Christianity thought it a good idea to free the Holy Land with murderous crusaders, many of today's secular Christians still seem to have an obsession with that part of the world. I personally believe that many people of European descent have some sort of perennial paranoia about Jews, in that Jews must be watched and tow the line for a moral standard that the rest of the world need not maintain.

I think it just galls the heck out of many people of Christian backgrounds (secular or otherwise) that Jews in Israel are not under the hegemony of some Christian authority. That is the way it was for the last two-thousand years, whether it was second class citizenship in a Christian country or a Moslem country. Much of the anti-Israel sentiment just seems like a cognitive dissonance that cannot be assuaged. See, I am not invoking the Final Solution/Holocaust rationale, I am going much farther back.

So, while Israel is retaliating for years of harrassment of their civilian population by ever better rockets (with payloads today), many Diaspora Jews are focussed on the seeming miracle that after two-thousand years of having to be DEFERENT to every @ss-hole Gentile in other lands, today's Jews in Israel can choose to be polite, rather than deferent. Big difference. All of the above can be summed up in the simple statement: payback is a bitch.

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