georgeob1 wrote:
Certainly in Hitler's ascent to political power, the Communists of the era in Germany were his chief political foe -- they were the polar opposites in the political spectrum of the day (and the Social Democrats were equally hated by both). From this perspective okie's failure to distinguish certainly does seem absurd. However, when one considers the similarities of the unrestrained authoritarian rule they practised - as contrasted to ideas of individual freedom and local governance - the distinctions themselves do appear rather trivial.
George, you posted a pretty insightful opinion, and I quote your last paragraph, which gets closer to the point. What oe and Walter have done is get lost in the intellectual analysis of political systems, but have forgotten the basic simplicity of what happened with Hitler. Simply, Nazi Party was a socialist party, and although perhaps at the opposite ends of the spectrum there at that particular time, they certainly are not in my opinion when you compare to history in a wider context. Hitler used the labor movement in part to help rise to power, not too unlike the communists, and although they bitterly opposed each other, I believe it was more a matter of personalities and power struggle between them, plus some policy differences, but not because they were at total odds on all issues, face it, Hitler railed against the greed of capitalism as well.
My perspective is not at all absurd, because if you look at Hitler's politics, they mirror the left of today in many aspects. Hitler was finding a third way between pure capitalism and freedom, and communism, and that is where we are headed right now here in the U.S. Hitler was to the left of traditional American type freedom and democracy, most definitely. Thus, I think this is all pertinent to debunk the absolutely silly attempts to compare the conservative right to fascism, as some leftists attempt to do, that is utter nonsense in my opinion, but that is the common perception among them. Comments by Montana started this whole discussion, and I frankly am insulted, as all decent Americans are, by the lefties hating George Bush. I predict if they attempt to go after Bush or anyone in the administration for war crimes or some such nonsense, the whole game will backfire on them big time, I certainly hope so. I cannot conceive that they would be that stupid, but when I watched Holder at the hearings, he refused to discount the possibility. Based upon what little I watched, the man gives me chills. This is the new left now gaining power, and I am nervous.
Fact is, when I see the idolatry going on, with the inauguration, the pictures, the symbolism, and all of the cultural hoopla, and the man has yet to do anything whatsoever, all based on nothing, a promise, it is highly worrisome. I am in no way comparing Obama to Hitler, but I am comparing the cultural trend toward hero worship to it, that is the same sort of thing that allowed Hitler to hold sway and do all the damage he did. We as a country, I do not believe, have ever looked at a politician the way society has toward Obama, and I think it is very dysfunctional. In my opinion, presidents are here to come and go, serve, do their best, none are perfect, and then move on. We can respect a president, but to worship them, no, that is abnormal for a healthy society.