Hey, jackass . . . if you want to make this a name-calling festival, i'll be more than happy to comply.
First, allow me to dispense with you idiotic straw man--you seem incapable of posting without lying about what i have written. At no time have i stated or implied that "graining" (as you put it) access to space is worthless. You know what it makes of you when you claim that i've written things which i haven't written? It makes you a LIAR.
Read the goddamned link i provided, bright boy. A gentleman with the expert credentials you were whining about and a former employee of NASA says pretty much what i have been saying--the cost of sending manned missions into space just aren't worth it. In the distant future, we may very well enjoy a high degree of success with
unmanned, automated exploratory missi0ns, or mining expeditions. Try to get it through your thick skull that sending
people into space is extremely expensive, in orders or magnitude greater than sending machines.
And you continue to miss the central point of everything i've been saying, which is getting someone to sign the check . . . getting someone to pay for it. What the hell do you intend to do, put a gun to the heads of the American taxpayers and make them buy your your pretty toys?
You still haven't told us what expertise you claim to have, after making your snotty remarks about Intrepid--but i'm becoming more and more convinced that you are as near to a congenital idiot as one can get and still be able to operate a keyboard.