Ah - the job. Lots changed on that.
No relocation now! We are staying! Couldn't sell unless we sold for 70k less than the assessed value which was insane. My boss (without me knowing) went ahead and pushed for me to stay - it took months as this had to be approved by several levels. One day my boss' boss asked to see me in her office - oh crap I'm thinking with all the recent layoffs. She said my job is staying here. Sort of an end of discussion - she said I hope this is good news - they had to work so hard to get my position approved that it was pretty much a done deal.
Much better than the other alternative (being laid off).
So we talked to the builder where we had given over 14k and they agreed to send us back all our money! They sold our house (for more than what we were going to pay) so they were satisified.
Once we got that news - we booked a trip for the kids to Disney and gave it to them for Christmas and bought ourselves a flat screen TV. The rest will be put away (as you never know what will happen in the future).