@Finn dAbuzz,
Short answer:
1 - I never said I had a unique insight. Nor did I claim to be cool, insightful or radical. As to honest … if I have an opinion, and I share it with someone who asked for it … isn’t honesty the way to go?
2 " My impressions of people are formed by people and how they act. I tend to see Christmas as a sort of crucible in which people prove themselves under trying conditions. Some people, unfortunately, fail the test while others pass with admirable character. My impression of Christmas itself has not changed much over the years, but my impression of the Christmas Shopping Season has changed quite a bit as I interact with more hypocrites espousing Christian love and charity who fail to act with even basic civility.
Long Answer:
Please don't say you feel sorry for me. If it's pity your handing out I didn't ask for it and I do not want it. It is not my children left alone and crying in a strange place because the parents don't want to hassle with them, I am not the one getting into fistfights over a dish set. I do not swear at the haggard person on the other side of the retail counter because 20 people made it to the line before me.
I grew up in a loving home with Christmas every year. I have extremely fond memories of decorating the tree, helping mom make the big dinners and thrilled at every little noise on Christmas Eve trying to catch sight of Santa. We never really went to church or played any active role in the religious aspects of the holidays but we did have 'Christmas'. These are the memories I am fond of, family and the feeling of warmth. If some one wishes me a merry Christmas I don't bah humbug them, I smile, thank them and wish them a good day.
I work retail in a kitchen store and spend up to 13 hours a day helping people make choices that will make their holiday season more festive and fun. I don't do it because I am a workaholic, I do it because right now it is my job and, to me, if it's worth doing it is worth doing well and as a manager I have a responsibility. Bills have to be paid and so on, besides I do actually enjoy my job for the most part. We don't get any vacation time this time of year, in fact from November 1st through January 5th we are not allowed to even have two days in a row off, ask anyone who works retail in the U.S. and you will find similar answers.
So I am not sorry for my point of view on the holiday season. Yes it is flavored greatly by my work because at this time of year my work consumes most of my life and no longer being Christian it gets tiresome " to me this is winter not the holidays. I live 5 hours drive from all of my family (who still do celebrate Christmas) and it is not possible for me to see them at this time of the year because of the way retail works during Christmas. Could I find a non-retail job and therefore not have this problem? Well, probably, but would you quit your job of several years just because you didn't get a week off for Christmas? Please.
I do not choose to focus on the negative aspects of this time of year, but I do tend to notice them when they are forcibly rammed down my throat … when I have to call the police about a 4 year old who has been left in my store for over 4 hours while his mom shopped in the mall. Her reasoning to police? She left him to play (using pots and pans and a spoon as a drum set) so she could shop without him and didn’t think it would be such a big deal. One of my cashiers reduced to tears because we ran out of a certain item that somebody wanted and they called her a lying whore. Do I think this is how everyone is at the holidays? Of course not. For every scrooge that comes in there are 20 happy-go-lucky people who are just enjoying the holiday. But if you truly believe that everyone in the world suddenly gets cheery and warms up to their fellow man just because it is Christmas then you are the one who is having delusions of impossible romanticism.
So, again, don’t feel sorry for me because I am sure not feeling sorry for myself. I have a family who loves me and a good job, albeit very frenzied this time of year. It is the most beautiful season to me and I enjoy it immensely. I go out in the fall air and work on my artwork or curl up next my fireplace with my husband and my pets. I am a peaceful person with a fire in my heart and a passion for life. Do not judge me because I don’t put on a fake smile and pretend that all people suddenly become virtuous just because it happens to be December.