Let's get rid of the Electoral College

Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2020 10:31 pm
btw, Trumps Covid response was based on these principles. Guidance from the federal level but the states were free to do what they needed based on their states needs and making requests from the federal govt for things needed. The entire nation didnt need to go into lock down at the same time, that was foolish and only hurt people and the economy. Leftist hated that the blue states did the worst and want to blame the feds to deflect from weak blue state governors.
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2020 11:08 pm
Baldimo wrote:

That's pretty much what I've been saying...

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 02:45 am
btw, Trumps Covid response was based on these principles.

Digging the hole deeper...Trump's "response" has given the USA, once a world leader in public health, the highest number of infections in the world and the outbreak is growing by the day.
Leftist hated that the blue states did the worst and want to blame the feds to deflect from weak blue state governors.

More like rightists see the blue states did the best by reacting early and promoting masks, sheltering in place, and social distancing. The blue state governors showed strong effective leadership. They were right to blame the feds for the disordered ineffective response. Rightists in states with rapid increases in infection have only themselves to blame for thinking, taking the cue from their leader, that they could just "bully" the virus into submission and "dominate" the pandemic. Should've listened to the scientists and medical experts, folks.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 07:31 am
McGentrix wrote:

Frank, I am concerned about your idea of what our government does and how it works.

Try not to let it bother you.

The United States of America is a single country made up of 50 individual states. Those states are pretty sovereign within their boundaries. They have their own laws, their own governments and they are elected in a true Democratic method of using the popular vote. Basically, what is legal in New York may be illegal in Pennsylvania or vice versa.

You get that, I am sure. Right?

I understand the concept. But the states are not quite as independent as you seem to be portraying here. If, for instance, the federal government institutes a conscription, as it has done several times in the past, no state can decide its citizens are exempt. The SCOTUS has ruled that states do not have the power of nullification. You do know that, right?

Our founding fathers knew that if we stayed a collection of individual states with each state doing its own thing that we would be under the yoke of British rule forever. However, if we had a single government that was representative of all the states we could combine certain things and get an independent nation with a federal government that had an executive elected by the states to run the Federal government.

Did you get that last part?

Now you are just being patronizing, condescending, and outright insulting. Get off that bullshit.

The Executive is elected by the states, NOT the people. Earlier you said that California was just a landmass, but California has specific boundaries that make it a state and that state has a specific population that is polled every 10 years. Based on the population count, the Constitution says
Article I, Section II of the Constitution says that each state shall have at least one U.S. Representative, while the total size of a state's delegation to the House depends on its population. The number of Representatives also cannot be greater than one for every thirty thousand people.

That means more populous states get more Representatives in the House of Representatives. But, that is hardly fair! That would mean that the big states decide EVERYTHING!!! That is why the Senate has 2 representatives from every state. So every state has an equal say in how things are done! Balance.

If you cannot see that selecting the CHIEF EXECUTIVE of our nation...and the composition of the congressional body making major decisions for federal office and the judiciary is TILTED VERY HEAVILY in favor of conservatives, McG, there is almost no use talking to you.

You can describe all sorts of truths about how things work...and I will not dispute them. I AM SAYING IT IS UNFAIR.

If you cannot see the unfairness...you are blind.

Get that?

Still with me Frank? I hope so as this a too much typing for you to just ignore.

I'm right here.

The electoral college equals the number of representatives plus the number of Senators and allows each state to have a number of votes to elect the Executive branch of the Federal government. Bigger states get more votes as they have more representatives. This all goes back to states being basically sovereign. Each state has it's own way of doing things and what you want is to have the Federal Government tell the states how to run their states!

This has as much import as mentioning that the National Mall leads to the Capitol.

The system is UNFAIR to large states like California and Texas...and New Jersey where I live.

IT IS UNFAIR. That is all I am saying. I am not saying it violates any laws...of gods or nations.

No offense, but no ******* way will a single state get away with that ****. Please stop trying to tell the states that you know better than they do.

VERY UNFAIR! Which the assholes of the right would understand with a vengeance if the system were favoring the left rather than the right.

I am a Federalist far more than a Republican. I believe in states rights and a small Federal government doing only what the Federal government should be doing.

I do not give a **** what you are or what you "believe." That has nothing to do with the fact that the system, while legal, IS UNFAIR.

Does all this make sense Frank?

Everything I have said makes perfect sense to me, McG. Some of what you have said makes a bit of sense also...especially the adjectives.


I'd love to keep an adult conversation going about it if you, or Farmerman or anyone else would like to continue.

Let's continue. It would be easier if you kept things shorter. Handle one item rather than lumping the entire matter together.
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:08 am
@Frank Apisa,
These "conservative" guys simply will not admit that anything is "unfair" — or, if they do, they're quick to chime in with "life isn't fair". And they're so infatuated with the Constitution that they can't accept that the conditions which led to many of its specific clauses have changed and that much of the document is simply out of date. Unfortunately the provisions for amending the document are simply not up to the task.
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:17 am
The disparity in voting weight between large and small states is not that big of a deal.

But if anyone is truly bothered by it, both Baldimo and I have proposed remedies that would solve the problem while still retaining Constitutional protections against leftist cheating.

For some reason the left isn't interested in those solutions, but only wants measures that will allow them to cheat with impunity.

Conservatives can see through that. We're not about to let progressives cheat even more than they already are.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:32 am
farmerman wrote:
The states have already cheated the Constitution with a "winner take all" policy. Thats all the facts you need understand.

There is no fact whatsoever in anything that you said.

farmerman wrote:
Otherwise youre part of the moron squad headed by pinky and "Einstein"

You low-IQ people shouldn't run around deriding the intelligence of people who are smarter than you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:34 am
hightor wrote:

These "conservative" guys simply will not admit that anything is "unfair" — or, if they do, they're quick to chime in with "life isn't fair". And they're so infatuated with the Constitution that they can't accept that the conditions which led to many of its specific clauses have changed and that much of the document is simply out of date. Unfortunately the provisions for amending the document are simply not up to the task.

Right on all counts, Hightor.
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:44 am
@Frank Apisa,
Not at all. We just aren't going to let progressives cheat in elections. Or at least, we'll do our very best to stop you from cheating.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 09:55 am
The GOP is satisfied with the status quo, that is disenfranchising and denial of voter rights for their use. Therefore removing the "winner take all" option would solve most of the issues because it would fairly reapportion and count votes cast for either candidate. I dont think GOP wants this , theyd rather continue the bogus based "one man, no vote basis of tabbing and disenfranchising voters from big states. The GOP is afraid of really big states and with the states turning blue in the west, they are scared shitless.

Baldimo's way would violate the Constitutional provisions for the EC. I dont know what Orgleboy proposes but its probably just more shallow brained Bullshit, unless he agrees with dropping "Winner take all" like Neb, Maine had done.

GOP is happy with Stalins way of electing candidates.
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 09:56 am
Digging the hole deeper...Trump's "response" has given the USA, once a world leader in public health, the highest number of infections in the world and the outbreak is growing by the day.

The number of infections is pointless as a vast vast majority of cases are asymptotic, more than 85%. We have seen a drastic decrease in the number of deaths. Currently according to the tracking numbers, the current death rate is below 1%. The vast majority of deaths came from blue states like NY where they put sick people into the elderly care centers and killed off a good portion of them. NY should be ashamed of what they did, but folks like yourself will believe the lies told by the MSM that Cuomo did a wonderful job... how many New Yorkers have died? 32,000 people have died in NY, CA with the next closest total only has 6,700. The first red state on the death list is TX with 2,900.

More like rightists see the blue states did the best by reacting early and promoting masks, sheltering in place, and social distancing.

They did the best? Almost 32,000 people are dead in NY and you claim that's a good response? Lets look at FL since it's close to NY in demographics... 224,000 cases and 3,888 deaths... vs NY with 404,000 cases and 32,000 deaths.

The blue state governors showed strong effective leadership.

You are living in a delusion if you think locking down states with little to no infections was the right call. There was no reason for the entire country to shutdown at the same time and limit people's movements. As noted we know the death rate is below 1% that means we should not have closed the country and instead should have quarantined those who were most at risk.

They were right to blame the feds for the disordered ineffective response.

The response while not perfect, it was really good When the hospital ships were requested by those states, the ships were there in days and then never needed. How about NY requesting 40,000 ventilators when they already had thousands on hand and in stock? Those ventilators were never used and will never see use. In fact how much money was wasted on setting up field hospitals that were never used and taken down?

Rightists in states with rapid increases in infection have only themselves to blame for thinking, taking the cue from their leader, that they could just "bully" the virus into submission and "dominate" the pandemic. Should've listened to the scientists and medical experts, folks.

Cases can rise all they want to, 95% of people infected show little to no symptoms.

Should've listened to the scientists and medical experts, folks.

Yeah, which ones and at which time. You have proven yourself that they change their minds about things every few days. Recall your correction about asymptomatic people not spreading the virus? At this point the only things we know for sure is that wearing a mask helps if you think you are infected from spreading to others. Wearing a mask does nothing to protect yourself and limiting contact in large groups is recommended and wash your hands.

We were told it had a 2 week spread time, then it was 4 days and now it's 5 days to 2 weeks again. The experts don't know what is going on with this virus, it's still too new. So as noted, wear a mask, wash your hands and limit your public access.

Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:16 am
NY was the first state to renounce Plumps BS "Its a CHYYNEH pandemic). Ny was the first to get nailed because Trump did such a stupid thing by NOT closing off EU countries. We know now that it was a European flu. One NY started up with NO help from DC (until they convinced douche bag to sail the Hospital SHip into the harbor) . NY battled it pretty much alone and i now the standrd for catching up and freeing up hospital space. NYers are the models for us to emulate , not the Moron-in-chiefs sycophants. Trump wont even follow his own expert's rules.

Cuomo has earned respect as other states consult with his staff on "How did ya do this"??.

We lead the world on infection and death, and now we are suffering another spike thanks to lacka Leadership from our white house bunker guy..

BTW, where is he now?? Hes the invisible president whose own people have asked him to STFU.

Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:21 am
You are living in a delusion if you think locking down states with little to no infections was the right call.
Now youre thinking like Sweden. Thy too found out that staying open is a dumbass strategy.
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:36 am
farmerman wrote:

The GOP is satisfied with the status quo, that is disenfranchising and denial of voter rights for their use. Therefore removing the "winner take all" option would solve most of the issues because it would fairly reapportion and count votes cast for either candidate. I don't think GOP wants this , they'd rather continue the bogus based "one man, no vote basis of tabbing and disenfranchising voters from big states. The GOP is afraid of really big states and with the states turning blue in the west, they are scared shitless.

Baldimo's way would violate the Constitutional provisions for the EC. I don't know what [**derogatory name removed**] proposes but its probably just more shallow brained Bullshit, unless he agrees with dropping "Winner take all" like Neb, Maine had done.

What makes you think the GOP is happy with the status quo? Don't you think the GOP would LOVE to get 50% or the California and New York votes? Breaking up the blue would be awesome for the GOP.

But, more to the point, you want a despotic government that doesn't allow the States to be independent. You don't care about the rights of the states, you don't care about much of anything beyond getting your guy in office.

Thank goodness people like you don't run things.

GOP is happy with Stalins way of electing candidates.

I wasn't aware that Stalin had any input when our government was formed.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:43 am
NY was the first state to renounce Plumps BS "Its a CHYYNEH pandemic). Ny was the first to get nailed because Trump did such a stupid thing by NOT closing off EU countries.

But it is a China virus, it started in China and spread from there. They infected people in the EU who then spread it to NY, but NY wasn't the first state to see an infection... that was Washington state, not NY.

One NY started up with NO help from DC (until they convinced douche bag to sail the Hospital SHip into the harbor) .

You mean a hospital ship that was never needed and left port after a couple of weeks?
When the ship arrived in port, NY still had under 400 deaths, and an infection number of about 30k, which wasn't much at the time. In fact the ship was there for a month and had less than 200 patients when it left port. It wasn't needed.
https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2020/04/30/hospital-ship-comfort-departs-nyc-having-treated-fewer-than-200-patients/<br />

NYers are the models for us to emulate , not the Moron-in-chiefs sycophants. Trump wont even follow his own expert's rules.

Yeah the model to follow means putting sick people into nursing homes so all those old people could die alone and without their families around... NY has the record for deaths and no other state is going to get close, NY did a horrible job and you are proud of the old people they killed, people like yourself... PS. NY wasn't the only state to put covid patients into nursing homes, it was a thing with blue states to kill the elderly.

Cuomo has earned respect as other states consult with his staff on "How did ya do this"??.

The state with the worst infections and worst death rate is a model? The media has been covering for Cuomo, he did a horrible job. 30k deaths?

We lead the world on infection and death, and now we are suffering another spike thanks to lacka Leadership from our white house bunker guy..

We are also the 3rd largest country in the world and when you look at per-capita, like the left loves to do, we are actually doing good, not in the top 5.

BTW, where is he now?? Hes the invisible president whose own people have asked him to STFU.

He's in the WH, where he belongs. He hasn't been invisible, he's done more interviews than Joe Damentia Biden is doing. Did you see Bidens video from the other day? It was another " Do the thing, you know."...
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:52 am
farmerman wrote:
The GOP is satisfied with the status quo, that is disenfranchising and denial of voter rights for their use.

The Democrats are the only party here with a record of disenfranchising voters. Note the 2008 Michigan presidential primary for example.

farmerman wrote:
Therefore removing the "winner take all" option would solve most of the issues because it would fairly reapportion and count votes cast for either candidate.

Winner-take-all is not causing any apportionment problems, and removing it would not solve any apportionment problems.

farmerman wrote:
I dont think GOP wants this, theyd rather continue the bogus based "one man, no vote basis of tabbing and disenfranchising voters from big states. The GOP is afraid of really big states and with the states turning blue in the west, they are scared shitless.

Baldimo might be a Republican (I've not asked him). He's proposed a solution for the problem that you are pretending to care about.

I've proposed a solution too, although I'm not a Republican.

Of course, neither of our solutions would allow Democrats to cheat with impunity, so they don't help with your actual goal.

farmerman wrote:
Baldimo's way would violate the Constitutional provisions for the EC.

I seriously doubt that you can point out any Constitutional violations in his proposal.

Note that your childish name-calling doesn't count as pointing out Constitutional violations.

farmerman wrote:

You resort to childish name-calling because you are too stupid to defend your position using facts or logic.

farmerman wrote:
probably just more shallow brained Bullshit,

The only person here who is posting shallow-brained BS is you.

farmerman wrote:
unless he agrees with dropping "Winner take all"

A perfect example of your shallow-brained BS. You cannot make any case that winner-take-all causes any problems.

Note that your childish name-calling doesn't count as making a case.

farmerman wrote:
GOP is happy with Stalins way of electing candidates.

It's the Democrats who have an actual record of trying to cheat in elections. Look at Al Gore in 2000.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 11:19 am
Now youre thinking like Sweden. Thy too found out that staying open is a dumbass strategy.

There was no need until those states saw a rise in cases. As has already been noted, the death rate is below 1%, nothing close to the 7-10% the media was telling us we were seeing. That's why there was no need for a federal response to this, it was put into the hands of the states to do what they needed to do when they needed to do it. The states with the harshest lock downs also had the highest death rates, not those with the lesser lockdowns.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 11:22 am
It arrived to the US via EU countries, you should read some of the epidemiological work. It was already here (In NYC) when Plump made a token act of closing off China.

Placing the sick into nursing homes was a NATIONAL disgrace. It ws a CDC dictum, not NY.

Plump and you are trying to make a disgraceful National "leadership free" problem and give Plump a pass.

You mean a hospital ship that was never needed
YEP, Thanks to severe lockdowns and restrictions, NY got ahead of it and started the downward trend on cases .
Its sorta what theyre doing in the late "Blooming states" whove ignored common sense and listened to Plump's "Itll disappear beautifully "

If you want to give Trump credit, Im sorry but your head wont be ble to be extracted from your ass

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 11:27 am

The number of infections is pointless as a vast vast majority of cases are asymptotic, more than 85%.

Asymptomatic individuals can spread the virus. The rate of fatality is not the only thing to be concerned about. The more people that become infected the more people need treatment. Treatment is expensive. People who survive often show disturbing effects which linger for months. Just allowing the whole country to contract the disease because maintaining social distancing is inconvenient is a terrible idea.

Almost 32,000 people are dead in NY and you claim that's a good response?

Considering the number of people who were ill and the difficulty in securing PPE, ventilators, and drugs, yes it was a good response. Comparing NYC to Florida is like comparing apples to oranges...literally.

There was no reason for the entire country to shutdown at the same time and limit people's movements.

I've said as much on another thread. But remember, the shutdown was a reaction to something that represented a potential emergency. And the very areas which you may not think should have been shut down are now areas with rapidly climbing numbers of cases.

Cases can rise all they want to, 95% of people infected show little to no symptoms.

You claimed it was 85% before. In either case, those people can infect others and some of the infected people will come down with a serious disease.

Recall your correction about asymptomatic people not spreading the virus?

Yes — I corrected you. You took the statement of one scientist who said asymptomatic carriers wouldn't infect others. The WHO corrected her statement the next day and I provided the link which showed you were mistaken.

“The WHO created confusion yesterday when it reported that asymptomatic patients rarely spread the disease,” an email from the Harvard Global Health Institute said Tuesday. “All of the best evidence suggests that people without symptoms can and do readily spread SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. In fact, some evidence suggests that people may be most infectious in the days before they become symptomatic — that is, in the presymptomatic phase when they feel well, have no symptoms, but may be shedding substantial amounts of virus.”

Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 11:33 am
Topic: Let's get rid of the Electoral College

There are a bunch of COVID threads, take the argument there please.

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