I have a criminal record for this.
I was .. maybe 21.. and me and first husband were fighting , but what was new.
We lived in Crosbyton texas.... a city where.. of every single person had a visitor the city population may reach 1000.
Hick town, surrounded by cotton fields , at 21 there was nothing to do but get drunk with the other farm kids in the field and light fires to cotton . Weeee!
Him and I were fighting, so I decided to leave and take a walk. 5-7 blocks away was the park with the public pool.
The public pools fence was only about waist high so , stepping over it, i go to sit next to the pool and put my feet in the water.
You can see me from all corners of the park and I have nothing with me, regular clothes on me and I am not going anywhere.
My back is to the parking lot for the pool and I am facing into the trees.
Im crying ... , im pissed , and the last thing I want is to be bothered.
Our local police woman pulls up and turns on her lights , using her boomhorn starts yelling for me to get out with my hands up .

She makes a HUGE production about this.
Hauls me to jail and there I sit over night waiting for the one lawyer and one judge to have breakfast and get to work in the morning.
The judge , when he sees me , asks police officer what the situation is. The lack of formality in that court room was extremely odd.. and Miss Hick with missing yellow teeth, bad breath and messy hair starts " tellin yew judge sir, she was tresspissn at dere park and cound been responshubile for who ever put them chairs in the water last weekend judge sirs'.
He asked her what I did, then asked me... snorted.. asked me to leave.
About 2 hours later I am called back into the chambers and it is obvious they have not left. Police officer woman is in tears, lawyer man was still rosey in the cheeks from laughing and the judge was giggling almost every other word.
He says to me-
This is ridiculous and a waste of city time to have you here. I believe you did nothing wrong other then be at the park when you knew it was closed. But technically that is tresspassing. Police officer woman ( he said her name but I dont remember it) wants to also get you for theft because everyone else has to pay to be in the pool, so should you, but I dont agree with that. I also dont think you were the person who pushed all the lawn chairs in to the pool either. So I am going to give you a class C for tresspassing with a 200.00 fine.