William Shatner, aka Captain James T. Kirk, sent a tweet to Commander Chris Hadfield, who currently is aboard the International Space Station, and actually got a response.
I feel such a fool - but I'm trying to figure out why this would stop loud music in cars. Will the animals follow the cars?
I went to xkcd (the rollover text on the image explained the idea) , my inner nerd can't see it working - cars too fast, local wildlife too small a subset of total population, animals may be attracted only to ten second bursts of woofering. Doof doof car occupiers may not see the link between loud music and animal visitations.
Thanks DD your explanation makes it more reasonable - a passing car would simulate a ten second burst. and the window simulacra. Only problem (apart from the ethical ones) is whether the doof doof proponents will see the link between loud music and bird attack. The other problem being 'driver distracted by bird drives car into your living room'.
Did you see the alt text on the original
Basically he asked a guy why he was in his front yard dressed as the pope with bird seed glued to his outfit; answer 'Because the Pope is coming to town next week'.