spendius wrote:
I won't be sinking to those depths Rex to prop up my case. Are you trying to suggest that those of us who support Prop 8 are in favour of such things or think it any less evil than you do? Don't you think that even a hint of such a suggestion is grossly insulting.
And I'll tell you something else too. This "they" stoned homosexuals in the Bible stuff is a complete travesty. Isn't "they" such a convenient word. They stoned everybody. You got off or you got stoned. Stealing a sheep, pulling faces at the judges. And a lot of it was to do with family and tribal feuds. And there was no judiciary, or fines or prisons. 50 lashes was our one week probation. All in different villages dotted all over the place with no motorways.
Gays don't know how to love and are unworthy of marriage, oh. but Christians sure know how to love? How many gays are persecuting those of faith like what was done to Matthew Shepard? You have others (of all faiths derived from eh Hebrew scriptures) who have already sunk to such depths taught by their parents, Rabi's, Imams, and preachers this book of hateful words. GROSSLY INSULTING? Read some of your own posts... I am gay because my mother treated me like a girl? Did you say that? Oh so if they had prisons back in biblical times they would have imprisoned gays instead, i see... Well what is the excuse for your hate today? You are in favor of your religious book aren't you? It is the true God's word, every single word huh? There is always an excuse that "THEY" can point to a scripture to justify their hate and say God told them to do it.
So are you saying God changed and no longer thinks homos need to be stoned to death? Then what of all of your words against gays for the last 46 pages nothing of reconciliation just fear mongering and hate.
Do you think I like being the heavy one and going against the status quo? This is certainly not helping my music sales any. I do it unselfishly and with unconditional love. Something Christians preach but do not practice.
What are your motives for your hate and fear that you perpetuate?
Am I sinking low or rising to defend out of a just need to protect my fellow brethren the scourge of hateful religiosity?
California voters approve homophobia brought on by propaganda lies and blood money donated by the loving and compassionate Mormons and Christian right.... SHAME. Until this hate and fear mongering stops I will rise to defend homosexuals and lesbians.
Is this the "them" I speak of?
Are these your friends? Are you proud to be one of THEM?
How does a gay teen feel riding by on the bus to school and reading something like this? Free speech or yelling fire in a movie theater?
Are these the people who support prop 8?