Quote:As far back in my childhood as I can remember
I have always been very interested in how the human mind works;
how people think. So, in gratification of this curisosity, I ask these questions:
Most gays understand that human sexuality is much like a rainbow where, opposite colors on the color wheel compliment one another.
Yet as we grow gray and mature our position on the wheel can move and compatibility can become incompatibility. It is natural where we can even change from one color to the next and then at a point some may even revert back. These changes do not always correspond with age sometimes they simply just happen. Mere curiosity today may become of no interest tomorrow or may begin to burn with a passion.
Quote:During your childhood, did your friends know that u were gay?
If so, how did thay find out? from what age did thay know?
I made it painfully obvious to all of my classmates I was gay although I did not know it myself. All of my best friends were girls and the boys hated that fact. When most boys at that age were too timid/shy to even say hello to a girl I was over that phase. There was me this anomaly jumping rope and playing patty cakes and always contacting physically with the girls. I played sports nearly exclusively on the girls team to the teachers dismay. I had the smartest and prettiest girls sitting around my desk in every class. Perhaps the pretty girls loved me because even the ugly dejected girls who didn't even bathe I cared about too. They saw this unprejudiced caring and befriended me.
This continued all the way through high school. For some reason I could not bond with the boys and even today I am a stranger in many situations... All thought my years in religion where I was a missionary I could not bond with the church men either. My first gay fantasies were when I was three years old. I remember several of them as clear as yesterday. My mother and father were appalled for my sexuality was clearly evident and I am sure they dreaded the idea of how their son would fit into their "new world order". Yet they stood by me especially my mother. Though on several occasions she gently implored me to reconsider my lifestyle.
Quote:Ages? Were thay identical twins? Did the experience that u describe draw u
emotionally closer to them? Did this result in an enduring friendship between u?
a romance? Did u discuss how thay felt about each other,
in that both had sexual interest in u?
Were thay secret about their homosexual interests?
I wonder Y thay did not just have sex with each other?
because of incest?
Its not likely that one boy will impregnate the other.
I was about 11 years old and they were identical twins, dark haired and both strikingly handsome (to me that is). I did not give them any indication that I was interested in them I was actually 11 and they were around 14.
My mother used to sing in the church choir and the scout master was our minister. She finagled the scout leader to let me into boy scouts a year early. My initiation into the scouts was the first night I showed up the other boys took handfuls of crayons and the whole troop pelted me with them when I first walked in the door. The crayons stung my face and arms so bad and I cried. I believe the scout master put them up to it because he was a religious bigot of the worst kind.
Perhaps the twins felt sorry for me and this was their way of saying it was ok. Whether if the twins had sex with each other is probable. The more rugged less pretty of the twins got married once he grew up and the other twin I believe is gay now. Although they were both at least bi when I knew them. I am surprised I got out of boy scouts with the citizenship merit badge and a few others with only one more memorable incident that I will not go into now other than that my scout leader was utterly hateful.
Quote:Then I 'm screwed; I treat them with respect n kindness.
Ideally, what do U look for in a lover?
Monogamy, honesty, beauty, intelligence, wit, charm, kindness, charity and a liberal but moderate mindset. Youthful, healthy, physically active and one who can use words to attract my heart and one who is aligned with their feelings who can cry often when their own tender heart is touched.
Quote:Then I 'm screwed again. When rival groups of strangers athletically compete,
I have no interest in which group of total strangers prevails over the other.
I used to have to drink beer, when I was a child; I never liked it; I still don 't. Both of my parents did.
Again you are simply part of the rainbow spectrum of human sexuality. We all fall within some color of hue of desirability and being desired. I can bond with certain men but they are usually outcasts like myself. For them I will go to any length to see that they are secure and guarded from this bitter cold world that we all try and occupy together.
Quote:This means that women like male homosexuality?
I have known many women who are turned on by male homosexuality just as many heterosexual men fantasize about lesbians. Are you going to say you don't find the idea of two women together attractive in the least? What kind of rock have you been living under?
Quote:Including my own form; I see nothing sexually attractive about it.
On one online website I have over ten thousand gay friends from nearly every country in the world. They who manage the site have been exceptionally good to me and I love them very much for it. My friends know who I am but I am not really able to give them all the individual attention that many have desired. I intend to love and know them all.

Yet, there is only one of me. So I guess a highly traumatic childhood has led strangely to a good adult life for me.
Quote:I had no siblings.
I was never bullied. I was kind of self-assertive.
In my childhood, I was usually, or ofen, elected to be the leader.
I had a fairly large family.
I work the hard way into leadership positions. I earn respect eventually. Perhaps I am purely arrogant I am sure the world will judge me one day whether if I like it or not.
I humbly possess many natural talents which I have sacrificed much for to develop further. In this world one either has the long suit talent to do a certain thing profoundly or they don't. Again biology trumps psychology. When every shred of recognition comes hard then the only other option is to overwhelm people with pure brilliance. I have not come out of all of this terribly bitter. Remarkably there are a few good people in this world and all it takes is one kind gesture of love to erase a multitude of hatred and neglect by many others.
Peace dear friends.