David, your biased views on gun control just show brightly here.
Thay do.
Yes. I am biased in favor of freedom,
and in favor of keeping a short leash on government.
Do you really think that all guns were taken from the people in two days?
I don 't.
The president of police of Berlin decreed that the disarmament
was in effect 2 days before the pogrom was executed.
Thay were disarmed
as of 2 days before Kristallnacht, according to him.
He may have been accurate,
in that history does not record much armed opposition.
Apparently, the national socialists were willing to wait
until the Jews had been disarmed, before executing Kristallnacht.
At the moment, I don 't remember whether the death penalty was involved.
The 3rd Reich coud be a little drastic in its penalities sometimes.
Do you really think that Jewish people by the time
were used to guns and able and skilled to use them?
I don 't understand your syntax.
U can refrase the question,
but I 'll refer to Jewish defense of the Warsaw Ghetto,
until thay ran out of ammunition,
if that has anything to do with your question.
Judging past time by the criteria of today is a profound
misperception of history and the human nature...
Sometimes that applies.
What else applies is enduring principles of human nature.
U seem to imply that the nature of the Jews
was not such as to use defensive guns effectively against the socialists.
I am skeptical about that.