Little bit too late for this one!
Not obvious to me it will be needed....
Hey gunga.
Barack Obama's birth certificate is readily available online from a non partisan website.
LOL...Non partisan website.....LATIMES????
They just can't handle the truth. Even when it's right in their faces. They'd rather promote lies and scare tactics cause that's all they've got. Poor slobs. But what frightens me is that these tactics may work. Again.
after tomorrow these same people can go back to suing McDonalds for hot coffee.
Woiyo9 wrote:
LOL...Non partisan website.....LATIMES????
Ignore the facts and attack the messenger.
You have been consistent in that respect Woiyo. Why accept the truth when you can just say it isn't the truth and you won't believe it no matter what your lying eyes reveal.
I have no issue with Obama's place of birth. I just find it funny you think the LATIMES is a non-partisan rag.
Woiyo9 wrote:
I have no issue with Obama's place of birth. I just find it funny you think the LATIMES is a non-partisan rag.
Of course, in your world all media is partisan even if all they are doing is reporting facts.
You are consistent in your attempts to prove how much of an idiot you can be.
Quote:Barack Obama's birth certificate is readily available online from a non partisan website.
You acually mean the LA Times dot come as a "non partisan website(TM)"....
I think Woiyo thinks anyone that says Obama was born in Hawaii is partisan.
That circular reasoning thing, ya know.
The "Certificate of Live Birth" that Obama is claiming is his, may or may not be his.
BUT, and I stress BUT, Hawaii does give out those certificates when a copy of a birth certificate is asked for.
They are as valid as a birth certificate, can be used to prove place of birth, can be used to obtain a US passport, and are considered valid as a birth certificate in every part of the US, its territories and possessions.
My little sister was also born in Hawaii, in 1966, and she has the exact same "Certificate of Live Birth", except hers has her name on it.
So can we put that non-issue to rest once and for all, please?