Keep in mind, neither of those two wars were necessary. He lied to Congress and attacked two countries that posed no threat to us. 1.6 million have died. He is beneath contempt for his actions.
Just to clarify, you are stating that Bush is beneath contempt for invading Afghanistan after 3000 of our people were murdered in 9/11? That's what you're saying?
Just to be clear, I think Bush is a complete fuckwit, and the worst US president in history. And I thought he was completely justified in invading Afghanistan. The problem is that that conflict hasn't been provided the resources it needs due to the folly in Iraq.
I'm amazed you are able to type so well with balls slapping against your chin...
Hey, buddy, where ya been? I can't imagine what would have kept you off the boards here until now!
Something tells me there's a little salt in your water, beeyatch!
0 Replies
Thu 6 Nov, 2008 07:26 pm
Bush is fighting a war on two main fronts - this take money and sacrifice.
He didn't need to.
Afghanistan supported bin Laden, Afghanistan is where the troops should have gone. Instead, 90% of the troops went to Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11 and whose leader detested bin Laden.
And you actually brag about that?
0 Replies
Sat 3 Jan, 2009 03:06 pm
Actually Bin Laden was bankrolled by the Cia: he was fighting the Russians, who were trying to impose communist values. Female rights, an end to religious zealtory , health care etc. The Americans preferred their own man.
Talking of which, they supported Saddam.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Jan, 2009 07:12 pm
You will soon get your wish, as Obama has been dying to expand the war in Afghanistan. At least that is what he has consistently said, we need to add lots more resources to that effort to complete the job, get OBL, blah blah blah, etc.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Jan, 2009 07:48 pm
Just to clarify, you are stating that Bush is beneath contempt for invading Afghanistan after 3000 of our people were murdered in 9/11? That's what you're saying?
So far that it's immeasureable. You forget, dickhead, that that dickhead was all for the Taliban staying in power if they gave up Osama bin Laden. You accept lies that little children could see thru.