The problem I think was that people like Pat Roberson ended up alienating many moderate right voters with statements like his. Same with Rush. It doesn't mean I think people are going to switch their vote for Obama, but they may stay home in protest.
We also don't call white voters racist when they go and vote for 43 white presidents. It's funny how given the choice of a non-white, now the GOP has to deal with the backlash of never taking the time to become a big tent party. Obama will get a high percentage of the black vote, dare I say all but a few percent. But given any democratic candidate white or otherwise, the overwhelming majority of the vote would have gone blue anyways. The increase in the black vote IMO is not an issue of who they they end up voting for, but the fact that more blacks registered to vote.
If generations of disenfranchisement come back to haunt the Republicans, I'm not going to feel sorry for them, and my patience will exhaust quickly with claims of racism.
There has been more talk about race from the GOP than from Obama's camp. I think that is the big tell.