'too close to call'

Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:03 am
@Diest TKO,
Typical liberal personal attack.
Grow up and grow a pair!
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:13 am
I can understand why some black Americans would vote for Obama, but I am baffled as to why anyone else would support this guy.

GUILT- If you don't care for Obama, for any one or more of a number of reasons having nothing to do with race, people, (most notably on A2K ) will label you a racist. In our "politically correct" society there are many who believe, explicitly or implicitly, that a person should be voted for simply because he is a minority.

In our society, being thought of as a racist, even if untrue, in on a par with being thought of as an axe murderer, or a wife beater!

The funny thing is, I have never seen a black person who does not want to vote for McCain labeled a racist.
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:27 am
H2O MAN wrote:

Typical liberal personal attack.
Grow up and grow a pair!

That would be the typical RW response.

You didn't wave your gun around though while you attacked a liberal's manhood. That reduces your point total. You only get a 4.7 for a RW attack because of the deductions.
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:28 am
I guess you missed all the attacks on Powell for announcing he was voting for Obama.
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:30 am
Phoenix, do you not realize your saying white people who are going to vote for Obama are only doing so out of guilt is as bad as saying people who say if you don't vote for Obama it is because you are a racist?

I am voting for Obama because I like his policies and I think he will lead this country in a better direction than we have had for the last eight years. McCain’s policies are almost the same as what we have had for the last eight years.

I had no intention of voting for Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton when they were running for president.
Diest TKO
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:32 am
parados wrote:

I guess you missed all the attacks on Powell for announcing he was voting for Obama.

Said it before I could... damn.

0 Replies
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:36 am

LOL! What manhood?

Nobody attacked Powell, we just laughed at him.
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:36 am
No, I didn't miss the brouhaha about Powell. Personally, I think that Powell had plenty of good reasons for being pissed off at the Republicans. I think that he is a good man (whom I WOULD vote for) who was screwed mightily.
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:39 am
In other words you don't think he meant a thing he said, he was just pissed off and lashed out by endorssing Obama.
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:44 am
revel- Of course not every white person who votes for Obama does it out of fear of being labeled a racist. I believe that there are many who agree with his policies, and that is why they are voting for him. I think though, that there are some people, especially if on the fence, will vote for Obama because it is the politically correct thing to do . Others will vote for Obama because he is offering "pie in the sky".

A2K is one of a unique group. Many are well educated, sophisticated, and understand the political process. Unfortunately, the vast majority of American voters are not.
0 Replies
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:44 am
H2O MAN wrote:

LOL! What manhood?
That one rates a 2.7 on the RW scale. Not threatening enough and you didn't mention body parts or excrement.


Nobody attacked Powell, we just laughed at him.
Laughter for no apparent reason is often a sign of insanity.
Diest TKO
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:45 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:

No, I didn't miss the brouhaha about Powell. Personally, I think that Powell had plenty of good reasons for being pissed off at the Republicans. I think that he is a good man (whom I WOULD vote for) who was screwed mightily.

The point is that he was in fact labeled a racist; that his endorsement was along racial lines.

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Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:45 am
Rate this!
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Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:45 am
No, but I think that his anger went into the mix.
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Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:45 am
If you didn't miss it then you know some accused Powell of being a racist in deciding to vote for Obama.
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 07:52 am
parados- People can say what they want. I have a different "take" on the subject. I don't think that Powell is a racist. I think that anyone who called him a racist was just creating a red herring to hide their embarrassment that someone from the Republican camp crossed over to the Democrats.

What you have said exactly illustrates that point that I am attempting to get across. When one does not want to deal with reality, calling someone a "racist" will usually get the peoples' attention.
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 08:01 am
Interesting red herring to hide your embarrassment Phoenix.

You said people on Obama's side throw out the term "racist" but it never occurs on the other side. I pointed out it does.

Making up reasons why Powell was called a racist doesn't change the fact that he was. Nor does it change the fact that you claimed no one who was voting for Obama was called a racist.

I don't see how you can possibly claim your intent was to show that people who don't want to deal with reality use "racist". There is nothing like that in your first post. If that WAS your intent in your first post then you were saying that Obama voters were not realists and McCain voters are. Something that is just as specious as saying "racist" is only used by Obama voters.
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Diest TKO
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 08:20 am
The problem I think was that people like Pat Roberson ended up alienating many moderate right voters with statements like his. Same with Rush. It doesn't mean I think people are going to switch their vote for Obama, but they may stay home in protest.

We also don't call white voters racist when they go and vote for 43 white presidents. It's funny how given the choice of a non-white, now the GOP has to deal with the backlash of never taking the time to become a big tent party. Obama will get a high percentage of the black vote, dare I say all but a few percent. But given any democratic candidate white or otherwise, the overwhelming majority of the vote would have gone blue anyways. The increase in the black vote IMO is not an issue of who they they end up voting for, but the fact that more blacks registered to vote.

If generations of disenfranchisement come back to haunt the Republicans, I'm not going to feel sorry for them, and my patience will exhaust quickly with claims of racism.

There has been more talk about race from the GOP than from Obama's camp. I think that is the big tell.

Thu 30 Oct, 2008 08:23 am
@Diest TKO,

And yet the polls continue to show Obama's lead shrinking away...
Thu 30 Oct, 2008 08:27 am
Its good to c u again, Waterman; welcome back !

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