cjhsa wrote:
And you think that's a good thing?
Yes, how many times do I have to tell you? I would like to see everyone's taxes go up, including mine, until we can get the deficit under control and start paying the debt down.
And I know you disagree, and I also know you are an idiot, so don't bother writing back to tell me it's a dumb opinion; we're just rehashing old territory.
ceej, Your knowledge of trivia is amazing; what's your point?
Cycloptichorn wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
And you think that's a good thing?
Yes, how many times do I have to tell you? I would like to see everyone's taxes go up, including mine, until we can get the deficit under control and start paying the debt down.
And I know you disagree, and I also know you are an idiot, so don't bother writing back to tell me it's a dumb opinion; we're just rehashing old territory.
**** you and the horse you're *******.
Isn't is embarrassing to you, that base crudity is the best response you can give? Doesn't it make you burn inside that you're not more imaginative? For what you are currently doing does nothing to insult me, or anyone - but yourself.
Please try harder in the future.
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Isn't is embarrassing to you, that base crudity is the best response you can give? Doesn't it make you burn inside that you're not more imaginative? For what you are currently doing does nothing to insult me, or anyone - but yourself.
Please try harder in the future.
**** you and the goat herd you're *******.
ceej is an expert at self-deprecation. It's kinda fun to watch him sink himself lower with almost every post. I'm just wondering where his bottom is. LOL
farmerman wrote :
Quote:both candidates are living in a pre meltdown world and arent owning up to the fact that the entire economics have changed severely. We are in deep **** and its not gonna end with "no new taxes" .
i have never seen a candidate getting elected who spoke about "tax increase" - it's straight down the drain (or to hell - retirement - whatever) if a candidate mutters T I - it's a good way of ensuring one gets NOT elected imo .
i can follow up with an example if needed , but i'm sure you have your own experience <GRIN> .
republican america; a shining city on a hill. where every red blooded man, woman and child lives carefree in a great horn of plenty. the best of all technology is constantly being discovered, developed and made easily available to anyone that wants it. beautiful highways, byways, and rivers of water so pure you can just reach out of the bass boat and scoop up a big scoop of cool, clear water for a drink.
there's no more wars; the extensive and powerful american military cannot be defeated. there's no more illness because science has identified and eliminated the gene that allows a human to become sick. there's no hunger. there's no sadness. everyone is just so shiny and happy.
and best of all, nobody has to pay for a damn thing. because in republican america, paying for things that you are owed, because you are an american, is a very bad thing.
let somebody else pay for it, right?
Here's a great post by Sullivan on this issue (actually a reader of his):
Quote:Alinsky, Socialism And "Wingnuts"
A reader:
The idea that the wealthy should not be taxed proportionally to their income is a very recent one. Under Republican President Dwight Eisenhower, the highest tax bracket on earned income was was 91%. Today, it is 35%. In contrast, the median (average) family paid less than 20% in taxes, whereas by 2003, that number is closer to 40% of all income. Rich people paid more, the middle class paid less. You paid what you could afford, in proportion to your income. That's not socialism, that's carrying your weight.
Also note that capital gains was NOT treated separately from income, so it, too, was taxed at 91%, as opposed to the current policy, which is taxing it at 15%. This is vital because while most people in the middle class get the majority of their income from their jobs (which makes income tax of paramount importance), most of the elite get the lionshare of their income from asset appreciation (making capital gains their number one issue). So Eisenhower's capital gains policy was designed to impact the wealthy elites far more than the middle class.
And this tax policy, signed into law by a Republican President, was sent to him by Republican-controlled Congress.
Barack Obama's tax plans are nowhere near as radical as Republican President Dwight Eisenhower's or his Republican Congress' were. If Obama is a socialist, what do we call Eisenhower? What do we call the Republicans who signed off on these policies? What label would suit his vice president, Richard Nixon?
Well, we can maybe leave Nixon out. Eisenhower always did.
As to Alinsky: L.A.'s Republican mayor Richard Riordan supported Alinksy - followers as they lowered auto insurance premiums on the Eastside, drove liquor stores out of South Central L.A., and organized an anti-gang program. None of that sounds bad.
Your far-right readers need to get their spleens out of the 60's. Vietnam was 40 years ago. Let it go. Or at least leave the rest of us out of it.
Gives the lie to the current Republican 'socialist' bullshit line.
@cicerone imposter,
The only problem is he can spell it,
but he doesn't realize he is the epitome of it.
A man can be sarcastic,
but he cannot be sarcasm.
Im voting for NAder.
Will Nader get us out of it ?
I sure did...I'll be getting promoted again next year so I won't have to worry about losing a few thousand bucks. I don't have it too rough.
cool post, cyclo.
ike was president when i was born (****. i am effin'
old... bummer.

back then, most people, while not being thrilled about taxes, at least realized that their taxation was an
investment in their nation.
for a bunch of people that are yelling about patriotism and "usa #1", they seem to draw the line at actually putting their money where their mouth is.
How can we let Vietnam go, when the republican candidate keeps telling us he was a P>>.
Hardly, because unlike most of the Democratic voter base, I actually pay a LOT of taxes. I don't make anywhere near $250K, but this year I paid property taxes alone of $10K. $4K of that on on INVESTMENT property (anyone remember Joe the Plumber?). We haven't even got to Fed/State/Fica/etc. yet and I'm already looking at a huge % of my pay gone - poof. When O-boy and Cyclodouche say they need people to pay more taxes - I say screw you. Try cutting spending and being more efficient with the boatloads of money delivered every day.
cjhsa wrote:
Hardly, because unlike most of the Democratic voter base, I actually pay a LOT of taxes. I don't make anywhere near $250K, but this year I paid property taxes alone of $10K. $4K of that on on INVESTMENT property (anyone remember Joe the Plumber?). We haven't even got to Fed/State/Fica/etc. yet and I'm already looking at a huge % of my pay gone - poof. When O-boy and Cyclodouche say they need people to pay more taxes - I say screw you. Try cutting spending and being more efficient with the boatloads of money delivered every day.
Yup; that's what you owe. And I think you ought to be a little more patriotic about paying what you owe, Ceej.
I think that anyone who dosent want to pay taxes shouldent have too. BUT, if your house catches on fire put it out yourself. You dident pay for the fire dept.. If someone robs your house you should do the detective work yourself because you dident pay for the police dept.. No driveing your car because you dident pay for the roads on which you drive to get to the store. Not all taxes are bad.
ceej doesn't realize that all those taxes he listed are paid by everybody with wages or salaries, and that includes both democrats and republicans. That's true whether our government is democratic or republican.
He is also missing Obama's message that 90% of wage earners will see a "reduction" in their taxes, but will increase for those earning $250,000 or more.
Simple concepts for which ceej has a problem comprehending.