I have to agree with the wabbit.
BBB: "I learned to slander after watching McCain and Palin become experts at it."
You're pallin' around with psychologists . . . I mean TERRORISTS, BBB. LOL
@Debra Law,
Yeah, they probably psycho analyze you every time you talk. LOL
Bristol Palin and her ex and officially exes again. What is his name? The father of her child?
It seems he put a bun in some other girl's oven.
Has anyone noticed how much he resembles Regis Philbin?
some sites are disputing this, saying the ex says it's not his baby
I hate Palin and everything she stand for however your friend should not have a license for this bullshit attack on her.
I am old enough to remember this kind of nonsense was used to attacked Goldwater in the 60s.
Your friend should surrender her degree and any license and find a job more fitting to her morals perhaps a used car saleman.
You should hang your head in shame for posting this **** also.
Before the 1964 election, the muckraking magazine Fact, published by Ralph Ginzburg, ran a special issue entitled ‘The Unconscious of a Conservative: A Special Issue on the Mind of Barry Goldwater.’ The two main articles contended that Goldwater was mentally unfit to be president. The magazine attempted to support this claim with the results of an unscientific poll of psychiatrists it had conducted. Fact had mailed questionnaires to 12,356 psychiatrists, and published a ‘sampling’ of the comments made by the 2,417 psychiatrists who responded, of which 1,189 said Goldwater was unfit to be president.[26] After the election, Goldwater sued the publisher, the editor and the magazine for libel. "Although the jury awarded Goldwater only $1.00 in compensatory damages against all three defendants, it went on to [396 U.S. 1049, 1050] award him punitive damages of $25,000 against Ginzburg and $50,000 against Fact magazine, Inc."[27] According to Warren Boroson, then-managing editor of Fact and now a financial columnist, the main biography of Goldwater in the magazine was written by David Bar-Illan, the Israeli pianist. He went on to say "Goldwater sued me for $2 million. (He collected 33 cents.)"[28]
[edit] Daisy
I like Sarah Palin with her hair "up"; I like Sarah Palin with her hair "down." I like her for what she stands for. I like her for what she might not know, since it is considered irrelevant to me. What is relevant to me are her values. I believe she considers the U.S. is an exceptional nation, and should remain that way.
Remember: psychologists are only human! I should write that on the astrology thread
Well, let us agree to disagree because I do not think sarah palin's vision, intellect or ideas are big enough or good enough for America.
She is a fool with an IQ of a very dull cat and is only useful to the right wing to the degree they can keep her away from doing real interviews.
Every time she had try to do a real interview with a real reporter she had came across as what she is and that is not good at all.
I love the fact that when she was running for the office of Vic President she did not even have a clue about the duties of that office.
Quote:I have a close friend who is a PHD psychologist ...
They shouldn't be allowed to give out professional degrees in pseudosciences.
Sarah Palin is cool in her own way but does not strike me as presidential material.
Sharon Angle IS presidential material, as are also Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and a dozen or so others. Any of those folks would annihilate Bork Oinkbama in any sort of a debate.
The pubbies have a couple of dozen perfectly valid presidential possibilities and all the dems have is a collection of freaks.
Sharon Angle is the nut who wish us to leave the UN and get ride of half the government mainly the useful parts of the government and end such programs as SS.
Oh I forgot the tied in with the Scientology cult.
Yes I can see her becoming President..............
What's wrong with wanting to get rid of the UN? I mean, if those losers want to see NY City they should damned well have to pay for airline tickets and hotels just like everybody else in the fricking world.
Most people can't imagine the extent to which the UN is hated in NY. If the 9-11 crew had flown those two aircraft into the UN building there'd be statues in their honor in every borough of NYC.
sharon angle is no smarter than sarah palin. As for Willard romney, while he has academic credentials that point to his being academically capable, I am convinced that he is not of sound mind.
Which one of you right wing ranters always posts pictures of conservative women you think are attractive? sharon angle certainly is not attractive nor is the governor of AZ, jan brewer.
angle is tied to Scientology? Another whacko American pseudo-religion. As my younger son often remarks, why should one differentiate between Mormonism and Scientology when they're both cults.
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
All religions are cults.
that's a very childish thing to say.