Tue 9 Feb, 2010 06:19 pm
Quote:Monday February 8, 2010
Sarah Palin Uses a Hand-O-Prompter
Sarah Palin uses a hand-o-prompter and defends Rush Limbaugh for calling liberals "retards." (05:12)
tsarstepan wrote:
Sarah Palin uses a hand-o-prompter and defends Rush Limbaugh for calling liberals "retards.
So? If that's what it says on her hand, that's what she's got to say.
Do you have a problem with the 25,000 copies of her book she ordered? She's an avid reader, you know.
just think, if Bristol had been a little more clever with her hands, Sarah might not be a Grandmother right now
Yep. Hard to remember them there core principles.
hmmm, what word was tsar thinking of
falling, fearing, fleeing, feeling, flowing, farting, flaming, fleming, fooling
i can't figure it out
I don't know what the word was.

It's a quote from
Stephen Colbert on his
Colbert Report and Comedy Central bleeped it out.
One thing's for sure.............she's really gotten into some people's heads LOL.
I'm starting to wonder if she might be a GOP plant
I think a lot of people in GOP wish the earth would open up and swallow her whole.
I think she's a Dem plant in the GOP camp. Furthermore, I believe it was an undercover Obama operative who convinced the McCain people that she was a viable veep candidate. That's what wrecked McCain's campaign. Now she's going on to demolish any credibility the Republican party might have had left.
You guys just can't stand to see a strong, politically empowered woman.
Evolve, okay?
i'd love to see a strong politically empowered woman evolve
I know a strong politically empowered female politician ... her name is
Ann Richards, former governor of Texas.
I haven't seen her on TV. Therefore you are lying.
tsarstepan wrote:
I know a strong politically empowered female politician ... her name is Ann Richards, former governor of Texas.
yeah,but is she going to evolve, will she become a member of the x men like kitty pryde
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:
I think she's a Dem plant in the GOP camp. Furthermore, I believe it was an undercover Obama operative who convinced the McCain people that she was a viable veep candidate. That's what wrecked McCain's campaign. Now she's going on to demolish any credibility the Republican party might have had left.
That shouldn't be too hard LOL. I think there's, like, two Republicans left in the country.
coal bear knows she's as effable
as an ineluctable change to the rightest wing
Ineluctable. Yes. I said yes.
@Merry Andrew,
I think it was more on the theory that she couldn't hurt, and might help. That assumes they knew more about her than her sex and party.
In general there is nothing very funny about leveraging the accusation of being mentally retarded as an insult. However, there is a sort of second order humor to this in that now as republicans (more specifically conservative newsroom talking heads) fume over the assault on their queen, we get to be amused by their arguments from political correctness.