Some interesting combos here -- some of which I've never heard of and some of which I'll probably never try (I am basically a food coward, you know).
One my husband eats (which is wonderful for the cholesterol level) is marrow (from beef bones) on rye toast. Even worse for the heart, he loves slab bacon, a chunk of which is boiled and then, while still hot, spread on the outside with crushed garlic and lots of paprika. It is then refrigerated. He slices it and puts it on a piece of Italian bread and eats it (I can't watch -- it's like eating pure cold fat).
My parents regularly ate peanut butter, butter, and banana sangwiches...cant do it myself but, whatever they want..they can have.
My favorite gross out everyone sangwich is liverwurst...which aint so bad however, I must have it with pickles and mayo...I know..freaks everyone out but, I just love it
I was always known for putting chips in my sloppy joes but, I dont think thats very unusual
Husband also eats anchovies and cream cheese on saltines (as if the anchovies weren't salty enough all by themselves).
Quinn, I'm with you about liverwurst - I like liver, beets, almost all those foods that people mostly hate. I ask my dining companions for permission before I order liver from a menu!
Hmmm. I don't care for liver (makes me quiver) but I adore liverwurst... is it really the wurst of the liver?
I do want it to be fresh, however!
Liverwurst is great spread on ak-mak... add a thin bit of sharp cheddar or swiss. Yummy.
As a child we used to have BLLT sandwiches - Bacon, Liverwurst, Lettuce and Tomato. Those are GREAT!
Mr.PFK loves peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches and has passed that love on to the next generation.
But I'm with you, Bandylu... a food coward.
in my years a thousand miles or so south of here, i never worked up the courage to get lengua or cabeza in my burrito.
head? tongue? ick
Piffka, please define ak-mak...
Ak-Mak... guess I should have capitalized it... is a brand name for an Armenian whole-grain sesame cracker. You can usually find it in grocery stores near Rye-Krisp.
PatioDog - There is a fairly authentic Mex. take-out chain around here that offers all of the above in various combinations of burrito, taco, and enchilada.
Tacos Guaymas is quite good and you don't HAVE to order from the "guts" menu. I wouldn't! Trust me!!!
THe odd thing is they're sort of expensive. Who'd pay $5 for an innards taco? (Want cheese with that???)
In Japan everyone dips cucumbers and cabbage in miso sauce! Miso looks exactly like chunky diarrhea,

and if you ate it plain you just might throw up, but used as a dip like that or in 'miso soup' it really is damn good for some weird reason!
I think Monger has us all beat...
Yep, I got totally grossed out!
But I'm ready to start again. However, everything I eat seems normal. How do I know it is weird?
As a child I used to sneak brown sugar straight from the box.
(It is still good sometimes...)
I ate raw potatoes when I was a wee one. And butter. Just plain old butter. God I needed supervision.
There's not enough of that to go around!
OK here is a strange but good one. Cut kielbasa in slices and put aside. Then use one bottle of chilli sauce Heinz is what I use, one 8 oz. bottle of grape jelly. Simmer the cilli sauce and grape jelly until the jelly melts, add the sausage, cook awhile longer. Let set over night. Serve warm. It is good, it is.
My brother drinks orange juice and milk mixed together. I can't watch...
But isn't an orange julius made from that? With extra flavorings?? They're yummy!
Joanne, Joanne, Joanne. Grape-chili-kielbasa, you say? Okaaaay........