1) Lying to procure a war:
Pick one of the many threads for evidence.
2)Raping of natural resources: See the recent events of teh EPA, as well as the papers obtained from teh VP's energy meetings. Also, see ANWR.
3) Mass Murder of Iraqis and Afghans: See the wars in both countries.
4) Mass murder of Americans: See the ongoing conflict in Iraq.
5)Illegal detention and torture at Guantanamo: See reports by AI, HRW, etc...
Its not that difficult, really. I honestly don't understand why you celebrate Bush's hangman mentality.
Perception, little need for me to reply when others have done it far more effectively. Except to say that had Gore become President, not only would thousands more foreigners be alive today, but so would many Americans.
There is little hatred in my crystal ball. I judge people on their deeds, not their words. A wise choice when dealing with politicians.
John Webb wrote:
Except to say that had Gore become President, not only would thousands more foreigners be alive today, but so would many Americans.
There is little hatred in my crystal ball.
So you really do possess a crystal ball----there is just no hatred in it.
John Webb wrote:Perception, little need for me to reply when others have done it far more effectively. Except to say that had Gore become President, not only would thousands more foreigners be alive today, but so would many Americans.
There is little hatred in my crystal ball. I judge people on their deeds, not their words. A wise choice when dealing with politicians.
Speculate much? I would hope that any president that had taken office would have reacted pretty much the same as Bush has. Gore is/was no wimp and I do not think he would have shown any special restraint in using US forces. Of course, that's just MY speculation...
Gore would have used US forces, I also believe. He would have also employed his brain.
I agree, Al Gore probably would have had a military reaction to the World Trade Center incident. I'm not so sure the reaction would of been aimed so directly at Afghanistan and Iraq while completely ignoring Saudi Arabia.
Do you see something in Gore's history that I've missed that leads you to believe a Gore administration would employ exactly the same methods as used by the Bush administration?
Exactly? No, but many here are under the impression that one man makes all the decisions. I have no idea who Gore would have used to fill his cabinet positions so I can't really say what his administration would have done. I do know however, that Bush has one of the most competent cabinets ever assembled.
Since I don't have a crystal ball, what Gore would have done will forever be an unknown------I'm just very thankful we did not have to suffer through watching it.
Perception, whilst most of the vital facts surrounding 9/11 remain a mystery, allegedly for reasons of national security, and the official investigation has become bogged down through withheld details, can you be confident that, under Gore, the atrocity would ever have taken place?
Your implication is that Bush planned and executed the 9/II trajedy so I won't honor that with any further discussion except to say shame on you for falling victim to all the conspiracy theories.
Er...I don't think our choice in presidents would have had any effect on the 11th September incident. I sincerely doubt Gore would have charged into Iraq, or come up with something as stupid as the "axis of evil."
Bush did exactly the right thing is going after the AlQaeda and it's protectors the Taliban in Afghanistan. I would expect that Gore would have done the same. At least I hope he would have. This BS about the killing of Iraqi civilians I should point out that much of the killing was done by and in support of the northern Alliance. I should further point out for those who do not seem to understand there is no such thing as a bloodless war.
Again let me reiterate our action in Afghanistan was fully justified.
It was justified to go into Afghanistan. The tactics used once there are another matter.
It is not bs about the killing of Iraqi civilians if you understand the war there was not even necessary.
I said nothing about Iraq. I believe our action there was unjustified. The Bush administration IMO has been and continues to be a disaster and has provided us with "wrongs" to comment on. There is no need to fabricate imaginary ones.
Hobitbob pointed out that I wrote Iraqi when I meant Afghanistani in the my response. Should read:
Quote:This BS about the killing of Afghanistani civilians I should point out that much of the killing was done by and in support of the northern Alliance.
One hopes the US learned from its experiences with its Northern Alliance "allies" not to take targeting data at face value. Some of the reports I have seen about Iraqi arrests indicate they have not, and are unwittingly geting involved in individual feueds again.