What makes you think most people forget Biden has been in the Senate for decades?
No one who knew it has forgotten it. How could they? Biden like his fellow media whore Chuckie Schummer has will walk through walls to get in front of a TV camera.
Of course Biden is infinately more telegenic than Schummer, but less obsessed with voicing his opinion.
Anyone who has followed Biden's career (and the only way you could avoid it is by never watching TV) have, at least, had the amusement of following his epic battle with male pattern baldness.
He has made countless speeches, but the problem is one never knows from whom he's stolen the words.
Whether you like or dislike Biden, you have to admit he can be an impressive interviewee, and he can be a virtual gaffe machine.
Biden is on a tightrope: He's at his best when he's free wheeling, but that's also when he can be counted on to step on his Johnson.
Anyone with utter confidence in Biden's performance tonight doesn't know Biden. I guarantee you Obama's handlers will be sweating.
There was very little chance that the McCain/Obama debate would result in a gaffe, but this one?
This one is going to give people a lot more to talk about than the other one.
Please keep crowing about how Biden will wipe the floor with Palin. Not only are you screwing with Biden's mojo, you're setting yourselves up for a big fall.
It's a lot easier to exceed low expectations than to live up to absurdly high ones.