Well, then, Let's be specific. I rarely see the Hungarian Crypto-Communist give figures.
Foxfyre says that the fact that black people do screwy things or expouse screwey ideas does not translate to a conclusion that black people( I assume that Foxfyre means "ALL" here) are prone to do screwed things or espouse screwed ideas.
I already gave the huge percentages in the polls which said that 30 or 40 Percent of blacks believed in the idiotic charges that 9/11 was caused by the USA and that Aids was invented by Jewish Doctors to keep the black population from growing and that the USA and its government espouses institutional racism.
But, Fozfyre says that not all black peopleare prone to do screwey tings or espouse screwy ideas.
Correct, but it only takes a third or a fourth of black people to push those ideas on to the "non involved".
In post World War Germany, at the Nuremburg trials, it was difficult to find anyone who knew about the screwy ideas involving the systematic murder of Jews.
You are right, Foxfyre, not all--We can find a few Blacks who do not subscribe to the ideas of the MOST LIBERAL SENATOR IN THE SENATE--BARACK OBAMA. Who are those people? Why Thomas Sowell, for one, but he is an Uncle Tom.
So, Foxfyre, just as in Germany, National Socialism was not in everyone's heart, LIBERALISM is not in everone's heart in the USA, but the lberal Obama will force feed it to us.
Have you any experience in the ghetto, Foxfyre? I have, If a white policeman is looking for a suspect, he can question four hundred people but he will get no answer.
Not all black people are prone to do screw things or espouse screwey ideas but if you are not aware of the tight bonds forged by those who perceive themselves victims of a racist society, you know nothing about blacks.
The best example I can give on blacks doing screwey things as a group( some may not have agreed but as good Nazis( I mean blacks) they would say nothing) is the incredible reaction given by the radical groups of blacks who were photographed CELEBRATING WILDLY when the scumbag, OJ Simpson was found not guilty.
I hope this gives you an insight on how we will encounter trouble when Obamabuilds up his crew of Brown shirts. No blacks will complain!