What Happened in Washington Today

Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 11:29 am
There are racial components as there usually are in most political issues these days, Synron, but you can't blame racial issues for the current economic mess, and I think you weaken your case when you attempt to do so.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 11:38 am
63% Say Wall Street, Not Taxpayers, Will Benefit From Bailout Plan
Friday, October 03, 2008

Sixty-three percent (63%) of U.S. voters say Wall Street will benefit more than the average taxpayer from the revised $700-billion economic rescue plan the House is expected to vote on today. Just 22% think the taxpayer will benefit more.

Democrats, Republicans and unaffiliated voters feel this way by virtually identical numbers.

That explains why a plurality (45%) oppose the taxpayer-financed plan, approved by the Senate on Wednesday, while 30% support it, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken Thursday night. One-quarter (25%) of voters remain undecided even as the plan has dominated the headlines for nearly two weeks.

While Republican voters oppose the plan nearly two-to-one, Democrats are more evenly divided. Unaffiliateds are against the bailout 46% to 28%.

Forty-four percent (44%) of voters believe the rescue plan will help the economy. But a nearly identical number say it will hurt the economy (23%) or have no impact (19%). Here, too, there is little variation in the findings among Republicans, Democrats and unaffiliated voters.

Fifty percent (50%) of investors believe the plan will help (full demographic crosstabs available for Premium Members).

These current findings parallel those in a survey released Tuesday in which 45% of voters said Congress should take action to help the troubled financial industry, while 44% thought Wall Street should take care of its own problems.

But then just 26% of American adults have even a little bit of confidence that the nation’s policy makers know what they’re doing when it comes to the current problems on Wall Street.

Voters nationwide continue to rank the economy as the number one issue this election year, and by substantial majorities they say the country’s economic situation is getting worse. The Rasmussen Consumer Index and the Rasmussen Investor Index, which measure confidence in both these areas on a daily basis, continue to hover in record low territory.

In the latest national voter survey, nearly half (47%) continue to worry more that the federal government will do too much in the current economic climate than not enough, but 36% have the opposite concern. A week ago, however, 63% worried that the government would do too much.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of voters today still agree with the Ronald Reagan dictum that “government is the problem,” not the solution.

Bush Administration officials, congressional leaders and both major presidential candidates say the bailout plan is necessary to stabilize the troubled U.S. economy. The House, including two-thirds of Republican congressmen, rejected the first version of the plan in a close vote on Monday, prompting the biggest drop in the stock market since 1987.

A revised version of the plan, with tax cuts and more protections for the taxpayer money involved, was passed by the Senate on Wednesday and is likely to be voted on in the House today.

Supporters say the government needs to buy up bad debt for resale when economic conditions improve which, in turn, will free up credit for average Americans. Opponents fear the risk to taxpayers and the unprecedented level of government involvement in the free market.

Voters currently trust Democrats more on handling the economy but Republicans more on the issue of taxes.

Men oppose the bailout plan more than women, although a plurality of both by similar numbers believe the plan will help the economy. Fifty-two percent (52%) of men worry that the government will do too much versus 44% of women.

While 52% of white voters fear the government will do too much, just 25% of African-American voters feel that way.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 11:53 am
Oh, of course. There were economic components in the Carter tenure. He lost. There were economic components in the Reagan tenure( See "The Triumph of Politics' by Stockman. There were economic components during Bush I's tenure. "Read my lips" There were economic components during Slick Willie's tenure--No real economic growth until the GOP the House and Senate in 1994. There were economic components during Bush II's tenure--9/11 and the economic fallout and the current bailout crisis. BUT, you misread my posts. I am not saying reverse racism is the cause of the current economic mess. I am saying that

Chancellor Obama, with the help of his black shirts% of the population, a mixture of well meaning fat cats and entrerpreneurs who are operating from racial guilt feelings, and the mixed up middle class who are reeling from what they think is the end of the world( 6.1% unemployment--it is higher than it ever was-right?)---a GDP of Thirteen trillion( the highest in the world--An inflation rate of no more than 3.0( core) and the highest standard of living in the civilize world( except for the slugs on welfare).

The Chancellor will transform our country. He came at the right time. People are looking for a savior.

It's a good thing we have elections every two years. When the people realize that the C hancellor will funnel endless goodies to his people, there will be the same kind of change in 2010 as there was in 1994.

I am very much afraid( and I do admire your principled stands among so many Liberals on these threads) that you don't know the ghetto and how much whites are hated. You have only to look at what Reverend Wright said( remember this is a MIDDLE CLASS BLACK CHURCH) and you have only to read the polls in which 30 and 40 percent of black believe that 9/11 was set up by the government and that Aids was set up by Jewish( get that) scientists to keep the black population from growing and that institutional racism is the biggest problem we have in the USA.

Do you understand that the Black proletariet is the grounding for the LIBERAL revolution in the USA which will almost completely transform our goverment?

Don't you realize what we iwill be facing for at least the next twenty five years when Obama appoints three more malignant dwarfs like Ginsberg to the Supreme Court?
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 11:56 am
Synron, are you suggesting I am a liberal? (The fact that some black people do screwy things or espouse screwy ideas does not translate to a conclusion that black people are prone to do screwy things or espouse screwy ideas.)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 12:01 pm
Do you know any economists? Have you studied Economics? I have and find it difficult to understand exactly what is going on and who will benefit , HOWEVER, ( and I need not elaborate on this since you are as aware of the phenomenon as I am) the Media is in Obama's lap and it is part of their agenda to write as many articles( cleverly skewed, of course) to deflect any and all blame to the Republicans. I have a different take on this. There is blame to be spread around to all BUT the major onus lies on the lack of regulation( begun in the Clinton era-The first BlackPresident-remember) which condemned redlining and urged practices to allow anyone to buy homes with NO MONEY DOWN AND A LOAN FOR CLOSING COSTS.

The media has done its damage. The people of the USA will suffer.

By the way, Foxfyre--have you seen the latest Unemployment data?

6.1% but, to elaborate, 5.4 for whites and 11.4 for blacks. But Massa Obama will fix that for the brothers.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 12:03 pm
Did you read my posts carefully. I commended your fine stance against Liberals on these threads. Please go back to re-read. Fifth Paragraph- 3, 425, 263.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 12:04 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

There are racial components as there usually are in most political issues these days, Synron, but you can't blame racial issues for the current economic mess, and I think you weaken your case when you attempt to do so.

Foxfyre wrote:

(The fact that some black people do screwy things or espouse screwy ideas does not translate to a conclusion that black people are prone to do screwy things or espouse screwy ideas.)

Good on you, Fox.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 12:04 pm
Yes I have studied economics a bit, I do know some economists, and I read a few economists that I have found to provide information of understandable substance. And not one seems to place any onus on the black community as the cause of the current problems as you seem to be doing. Thank you for the compliment--few people would rate me as a liberal--but again, I don't think it helps our cause to parrot the themes with which the liberal community attempts to stereotype conservatives. Most of us don't agree with you on the racial factor, Synron.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 02:05 pm
Well, then, Let's be specific. I rarely see the Hungarian Crypto-Communist give figures.

Foxfyre says that the fact that black people do screwy things or expouse screwey ideas does not translate to a conclusion that black people( I assume that Foxfyre means "ALL" here) are prone to do screwed things or espouse screwed ideas.

I already gave the huge percentages in the polls which said that 30 or 40 Percent of blacks believed in the idiotic charges that 9/11 was caused by the USA and that Aids was invented by Jewish Doctors to keep the black population from growing and that the USA and its government espouses institutional racism.

But, Fozfyre says that not all black peopleare prone to do screwey tings or espouse screwy ideas.

Correct, but it only takes a third or a fourth of black people to push those ideas on to the "non involved".

In post World War Germany, at the Nuremburg trials, it was difficult to find anyone who knew about the screwy ideas involving the systematic murder of Jews.

You are right, Foxfyre, not all--We can find a few Blacks who do not subscribe to the ideas of the MOST LIBERAL SENATOR IN THE SENATE--BARACK OBAMA. Who are those people? Why Thomas Sowell, for one, but he is an Uncle Tom.

So, Foxfyre, just as in Germany, National Socialism was not in everyone's heart, LIBERALISM is not in everone's heart in the USA, but the lberal Obama will force feed it to us.

Have you any experience in the ghetto, Foxfyre? I have, If a white policeman is looking for a suspect, he can question four hundred people but he will get no answer.

Not all black people are prone to do screw things or espouse screwey ideas but if you are not aware of the tight bonds forged by those who perceive themselves victims of a racist society, you know nothing about blacks.

The best example I can give on blacks doing screwey things as a group( some may not have agreed but as good Nazis( I mean blacks) they would say nothing) is the incredible reaction given by the radical groups of blacks who were photographed CELEBRATING WILDLY when the scumbag, OJ Simpson was found not guilty.

I hope this gives you an insight on how we will encounter trouble when Obamabuilds up his crew of Brown shirts. No blacks will complain!
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 02:19 pm
sterotype conservatives? I applaud the so called stereotyping of conservatives who insist on law and order. I applaud the so called stereotyping of conservatives who see blacks in the Ghetto viewing themselves as victims of racism and demanding more and more largesse. I applaud the sterotyping of conservatives who insist that the old worn out mantra that black students in the inner city can learn but we don't give the schools enough money. Only people like Bill Cosby and Thomas Sowell can say that. Whites who say that are called racists.

People complain about the enormous amount that we have spent in Iraq defending ourselves, but Liberals never complain about the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS spent in the ghetto on compensatory education.

Do you know about that,. Foxfyre? I am sure that you do. Yet, the conservatives who complain that DESPITE the fact that Billions have been spent,blacks have progressed very poorly if at all.

If that is a sterotype of conservatism,I will bear it gladly because it is the truth.

Cosby, who can speak out, albeit limitedly,pins a good share of the blame on the failed black culture with its deification of gang bangers, rap music and B-Ball(Even Obama fits this example), but if conservatives say it, they are sterotypical.

I have yet met anyone who has been able to show that the Billions of dollars given to schools in the inner cities has materially improved the education of blacks.

I invite any and all to try. But, of course, people like Nimh or Cyclops orOcome Bill cannot show that those dollars spent on compensatory education has helped blacks at all. So they are mum and just repeat the old shibolleth--conservative sterotypical charges.
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Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 02:28 pm
Let's be perfectly clear here Synron. While I do not disagree with you on all economic or political points, I profoundly disagree with what appears to your propensity to attach an unsupportable correlation to race and bad things.

When I say that black people are not prone to do screwy things or espouse screwy ideas, that is what I mean. Or I would be more precise to say that black people are no more prone than any other people to do screwy things or espouse screwy ideas. To insert "all" into that sentence changes my meaning and intent.

Black people may do screwy things or espouse screwy things, but they do not do screwy things or espouse screwy ideas because they are black. I do not think that a person's skin color preconditions him/her to be anything at all, good or bad, and does not determine whether s/he will do screwy things or espouse screwy ideas.

The fact that black people can be be targeted and exploited and victimized by ideologues is a valid observation. To assume that they succumb to such exploitation and victimization because they are black is not a valid observation.

Again, you promote erroneous sterotyping of Republicans/conservatives as racist when you appear to demonize a group of people based on race.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 02:51 pm
Oh, foxfyre, I profoundly disagree and I can site dozens of respected black scholars who will tell you that blackness is at the heart of their existence .You have, of course, heard of Lani Guiner. Guiner ( a respected scholar-you may remember that Slick Willie moved to make her Atty. General but she was so far left that he dropped the idea) wrote--


"African Americans who are elected by whites are typically not authentic. They are not 'POLITICALLY, PSYCHOLOGICALLY AND CULTURALLY BLACK. Such blacks do not bother to represent black group interests>"

and, please,Foxfyre, it is not I that demonizes a group of people based on race. I made it clear, I hope, that not all Germans were Nazis, yet they went along with the small but vociferous minority.

Demonizing a group of people based on race? If sounds like you are pointing out the almost total support of Obama because he is black. Or do you really think that the illiterate in the ghetto have been able to read his position papers
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 03:13 pm
Frankly, Sir, I think that is a crock.

I do not support Obama at all. But his skin color has absolutely nothing to do with my reasons why. I know too many truly special black people and have read far too many competent black scholars to believe that 'blackness' is at the heart of their existence.

Obama plays the race card a lot. Perhaps blackness is at the heart of his existence--I rather doubt that--but I don't believe he is the way he is because he is black. You are playing the race card and I don't believe you are the way you are because you are white.

It's all in perspective. What happens to all of us via decisions made in Washington DC by our elected leaders do not arise out of what skin color anybody is. Whatever racial factors are included in the mix arise out of what importance is placed on race and how that is exploited by those making the decisions. Don't blame the skin color. Blame those who make skin color an issue for their own purposes and advantage and those who do that come in all colors, genders, sizes, and shapes.

I think most Republicans and/or conservatives might target certain demographics to ask for votes, but in matter of policy they generally do not make distinctions between races and that makes them far less racist than a party or ideology that does.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 07:55 pm
I disagree. The black congressional caucus votes mainly on one basis--skin color. They should since most of them represent black people

If you don't think that Obama is like he is because he is black then you haven't read his autobiographies.

Obama wrote--"In fact, you couldn't even be sure that everything that you assumed to be an expression of your black unfettered self hd been chosen by you"

Please, this is not about skin color. Thomas Sowell has very dark skin. This is about group identity and how the black legislators have a greater loyalty to their group than they do to the United States.

If you doubt that--review the comment by ReverendWright-_"God Damn America" or some of the inane remarks made by one of the Presidential Candidates-Cynthia McKinney.

The congressional black caucus is not named BLACK CAUCUS for nothing. Most of them are accomplished race carders.

Are you familiar with one of the leading black intellectuals in the USA named Henry Louis Gates--He is a profesor at Harvard and talks of almost nothing but black people and race. He sets black people apart from the rest of society.


"It is time for the black middle class to stop feeling guilty about its success while fellow blacks languish in the inner city of despair. Black prosperity does not derive from black poverty"

Who do you think was Obama's identity, Foxfyre?

Let's look at the book-"The Obamanation" where Obama is quoted extensively-

P. 78


"We were always playing on the white man's court,Ray had told me,by the white man's rules. It was the coach's decision to make, not yours,and because of the fundamental power he held over you, any distinction between good white and bad whites had negligable meaning, One could only withdraw into a smaller and smaller coil of rage, until being black meant only the the knowledge of your own powerlessness, of your own defeat. Should you refuse this defeat and lash out at your captors, they would have a name for that,to a name that could cage you just as good, Paranoid, Militant, V iolent< Nigger."


And this man wants to unite the nation, end the division? He is as bitter about his race and his place in the USA than anyone!
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 10:01 pm
Synron your responses are too much of a stretch and too circular and too unbelievable for me to believe that you are for real at this point. I do hope you are pulling our collective leg here, but I don't believe anybody who is a true Conservative would hold the views you hold re race et al. Do have a nice day though.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 07:20 pm
Foxfyre- You are a very bright person and are very analytical but I am sure that you don't know the facts.

Have you read Obama's autobiographies?

Have you read-"Obamanation"?

If you have not, I urge you to do so since, after you do, you will not consider anything I wrote a stretch.

You will learn that Obama is a lying manipulative, b-ball playing, conniving, parvenu who got as far as he did only by working hand in hand with the black power structure in corupt Chicago. In his own autobiographies, you will find plenty of evidence that he is a white hating confused searcher for a father he never had and one who attached himself to Communist mentors.

Because you don't know even those basic facts about Obama, you can label my comments as a stretch but if you read those books( You can skim them quickly, I am sure) you will agree with me!
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Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 11:49 am
@Robert Gentel,
I think that your criticism of Nancy Pelosi is unfair. She has done a marvelous job as Speaker and her leadership is one of the main reasons why the Democrats will sweep everything this fall.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 11:49 am
@Robert Gentel,
I think that your criticism of Nancy Pelosi is unfair. She has done a marvelous job as Speaker and her leadership is one of the main reasons why the Democrats will sweep everything this fall.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 03:56 pm
gungasnake- Perhaps you can tell me. How have you kept yourself from being put on Ignore? The LIBERALS see your posts and I am sure your posts irritate them highly.Some of the left wing chief morons like Cyclo, Nimh are Ocome Bill are scared to death of my posts, but I know that you will read them. I will look for your postsm, gungasnake so we as two conservatives can interact.
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