What Happened in Washington Today

Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 10:18 am
No. You are wrong but since you have your head up the democrats asshole, you can not see the light of truth.

The articles clearly shows how both parties were responsible for using the CRA to their political advantage.

Back to the heard for you!
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 10:22 am
Woiyo9 wrote:
Back to the heard for you!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 12:54 pm
Here's a sampling of headlines from the Drudge Report today:
Lawmakers scramble to revise bailout bill...
Obama calls on Americans to support rescue plan...
Bush warns of 'painful and lasting' damage...
Many vulnerable lawmakers said 'no'...
Clinton: 'It Sounds Dire, But Commerce Could Stop'...
Corporate America lost value size of Indian economy....
Western world will become significantly less wealthy...
WSJ: Congress Lives Up to Its 10% Approval Rating...
Harvard economist: Bankruptcy is right answer...
PAPER: 'Bailout marks Karl Marx's comeback'...
Talk radio holds firm over 'socialist' bailout...
EU Bank rescues spread...
Euro Declines Most Against Dollar Since Inception...

And a bit of 'back up' for some of that gossip to which some of our more self-righteous members objected:

Many vulnerable lawmakers said 'no' to bailout
Tuesday September 30, 8:48 am ET
By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press Writer

Two-thirds of most vulnerable House members vote 'no' to $700 billion financial bailout

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two-thirds of Congress' most vulnerable members -- Republicans and Democrats alike -- chose to protect their seats on Election Day rather than follow their party leaders and vote for an unpopular economic bailout plan.

Their votes helped doom the plan President Bush, congressional leaders and top economic officials said was critical. Shaken investors sent the Dow Jones industrials plunging 778 points, the most ever for a single day.

The pressures those lawmakers faced was summed up by Rep. Don Young of Alaska, an 18-term lawmaker and the state's only representative in the House. Currently under an ethics cloud, Young voted no mostly because an overwhelming majority of the constituents who called his office were against the bailout.

Such a massive government takeover, he said, was a step toward socialism and a philosophical leap he could not make.

"Alaskans have asked me to do what I did," he said. "We are a reflection of the people, and we always have been."

Like Young, lawmakers who had the most to lose risked the least on Monday.

"We're all worried about losing our jobs," Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said, endorsing the bill and voting for it after leading a rebellion against an earlier version last week. "Most of us say, 'I want this thing to pass, but I want you to vote for it, not me,'" he said, speaking for colleagues who have tougher re-election fights than his own.

More here: http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080930/meltdown_tough_votes.html?.v=1

More ear to the ground stuff picked up while out on appointments this morning:

--The bailout/rescue had to happen last week to forestall certain disaster. It didn't happen and there was no disaster.

--Some house members wondered why, if Armageddon is at hand and it is up to Congress to save us, the Senate was waiting to see what the House was going to do (as well as observe what fallout occurred from it) before taking up their own bill two days later. That makes it look a whole lot less sufficiently urgent for the House members to put their necks way out there.

Given the Congress is now taking two days off to accommodate Rosh Hashanah, again the sense of urgency is blunted.

Again all hearsay. . . but. . .

Who is to say that the impressions and conclusions of A2K members are not as good as the opinions of others that is often copied and pasted as 'evidence'? I suggest that it very well may be the opinions and conclusions of the millions of people blogging on the internet that will have as much or more influence as columnists each rewording what the others are saying.

At least one overnight poll suggests that fewer than 30% of the public have any confidence in Congress to fix the problem.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 01:21 pm
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 02:37 pm
good ilustration of "assigning blame" , foxfire !
"he wanted to grab the cookie jar , so i had to smash it to prevent him from smashing it ! " .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 03:43 pm
It seems that there's still an honest Republican or two out there.

Rep. McCotter: ‘Terrible mistake’ to blame Pelosi’s speech for GOP opposition to bailout.»

As ThinkProgress noted today, several House conservatives have retracted their talking point attributing their opposition to the bailout on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) “partisan” speech yesterday. Interviewed on the Dennis Miller radio show today, Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) admitted that it was a “terrible mistake” to blame Pelosi’s speech:

McCOTTER: I think it was a mistake for House leadership to say that Pelosi’s speech mattered to anybody on our side.

MILLER: Yeah, me too, me too.

McCOTTER: Because we yell at each other like this all the time. And so, what they’ve actually done is a victory for the American people, a victory for the institution of Congress, and a victory for Republicans and Democrats who voted against it. It’s being counter-messaged by their own leadership, who didn’t get it through. That is a terrible mistake and it’s hopefully not going to impact our ability to get this done more quickly than we, as quickly as we need to.
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 03:47 pm
Then there's the usual scum.

In remarks at the White House before the markets opened Tuesday, Mr. Bush said Congress must move quickly to avoid “painful and lasting” damage to the economy.

“As much as we might wish the situation were different, our country is not facing a choice between government action and the smooth functioning of the free market,” Mr. Bush said. “We’re facing a choice between action and the real prospect of economic hardship for millions of Americans.”


Bush went on to note how he had been a royal screw up even before he became president. But he said, " I just wanted to cap off my screw up life with a monumental effort. "

I think he's been highly successful at that.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 03:56 pm
When anybody is a screwup for eight years, they usually don't have a choice to stay on the same job. The most amazing part of our "democracy" is the simple fact that our people voted this dunce twice into the most powerful position on this planet, because they wanted more of the same - and we got it in spades.

I don't give our country much hope when the presidential candidate selects a persona like Palin, and she's the one lifting the popularity of the presidential candidate.

Not only don't we question the presidential candidate's judgement, but we support it with all our mind and soul.

How our country ends up is our choice, and I'm afraid that our history tells us we're ready to repeat it again in 2008.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 08:17 pm
Woiyo9 wrote:

No. You are wrong but since you have your head up the democrats asshole, you can not see the light of truth.

The articles clearly shows how both parties were responsible for using the CRA to their political advantage.

Back to the heard for you!

Of course, that's why you said the legislation forced banks to loan money to people that couldn't pay it back. Maybe you should check where your head is at.
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 06:28 am
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 06:31 am
You have now posted that twice instead of supplying actual information to support your earlier claim. It does provide some evidence of how well you can support the position you have been bleating only because other RWers have bleated it before you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 01:18 pm
Okay here's some actual information. (I also posted it on the General Election 2008 thread):

The following is long, but it so efficiently lays out the basis of the current economic mess, I hope those who care about facts instead of propaganda and partisan politics will give it careful consideration and at least consider the points expressed (emphasis mine):

The Roots of the Crisis
How did Wall Street get into this mess?

Michael Flynn
October 1, 2008

The unexpected 228-205 defeat of the housing bailout in Congress yesterday threw a curveball across Wall Street. It contributed to a large sell-off on Wall Street, where the bailout had already been "priced" into the market. The Dow shed just over 6 percent, the 18th largest drop in its history. But given the dire warnings about financial chaos that would result unless there were a bailout, this seems fairly modest.

Let's be clear: This is a Wall Street crisis, not a national economic crisis. The overall economy, while a bit weak, is still growing. Some politicians are comparing the current environment to the Great Depression. But in 1932, when the federal government last moved to bail out the banking sector, economic output had fallen 45 percent and unemployment was a staggering 24 percent. Today, economic output is actually up and unemployment is a historically modest 6.1 percent.

The overall economy doesn't even face a liquidity crisis in the current turmoil. Consumer, commercial/industrial, and real estate loans are all up over last year. Main Street is doing fine. The liquidity crisis is confined to Wall Street, between and among investment banks, insurance and securities firms, and hedge funds. There is the possibility that the contagion could spread, but in a global capital market, this is hardly certain.

It is the intersection of several underlying trends that have brought us to this point, not a breakdown in any specific part of the financial sector. The fundamental flaw with the bailout approach is that it ignores these trends and simply seeks to shore up the finances of certain Wall Street institutions.

Mortgage-backed securities (MBSes) are the principal source of pain in the current environment. Investment houses would bundle individual mortgages from several banks together into a bond-like product that would be sold to individual investors. Mortgages have historically been seen as among the safest investments. In an era of rising house values, "safe" became "guaranteed returns."

One of the major factors pushing investors into these securities was the Federal Reserve's weak money policy. Immediately after the terrorist attacks of 2001, the Fed began a sustained period of easing interest rates. Its efforts went so far that, at one point in 2003, we had effectively negative interest rates. Institutional investments needed a place to park money and earn some kind of return. Mortgage-backed securities became a favorite investment vehicle. Under traditional models, they were very safe and, because of Fed policy, even the most conservative fund could earn better returns than they could on treasury notes.

In the early years of this century, mortgage-backed securities exploded. Their growth provided unprecedented levels of capital in the mortgage market. There was a lot more money available to underwrite mortgages. At the same time, investment houses were looking to replace the healthy fees earned during the dot com bubble. MBSes had fat margins, so everyone jumped into the game.

The additional capital to underwrite mortgages was a good thing...up to a point. Homeownership expanded throughout the decade. Over the last few decades, the American homeownership rate has been around 60 to 62 percent. At the height of the bubble, homeownership was around 70 percent. It is clear now that many people who got mortgages at the height of the bubble should not have. But Wall Street needed to feed the MBS stream.

At the same time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were going through a crisis. In 2003 and 2004, an accounting scandal was revealed. The two public-private partnerships were cooking the books to show phantom profits. The Bush administration and its allies on the Hill pushed a strong bill to reform how these institutions operated. The measure came very close to passing, but Fannie and Freddie cut a deal. They would refocus on expanding mortgages for low-income borrowers if the feds kept out of their operations. The bargain worked. Virtually all the Democrats and a few Republicans backed the two companies and the reform effort failed.

Fannie and Freddie then went on a subprime bender. They made it clear that they wanted to buy all the subprime or Alt-A mortgages that they could find, eventually acquiring around $1 trillion of the paper. The market responded. In 2003 subprime mortgages made up less than 8 percent of all mortgages. By 2006, they were over 20 percent. Banks knew they could sell subprime products to Fannie and Freddie. Investments banks realized that if they laced ever increasing amounts of subprime mortgages into the MBSes, they could juice the returns and so earn bigger fees. The rating agencies, thinking they were simply dealing with traditional mortgages, didn't look under the hood.

Unfortunately, after several years of a housing boom, the available pool of households who could responsibly use the more exotic financing products had dried up. In short, there were no more people who traditionally qualified for even a subprime mortgage. However, Fannie and Freddie were still signaling that they wanted to buy these products. At the same time, activist groups were agitating for more lending to low-income families. Banks realized they could make even more exotic loan products (e.g., interest-only loans), get the activists off their backs, and immediately diffuse their risk by selling the mortgages into MBSes. After all, Fannie and Freddie would buy anything.

Everything worked as long as housing prices continued to rise. The most pessimistic scenarios on Wall Street showed a leveling off of housing prices; no one foresaw an actual decline in prices. Suddenly, though, there weren't enough buyers. In hot real estate markets, builders raced to bring inventory to market that they thought was inexhaustible. But at this point everyone (essentially) who could possibly qualify for a mortgage had received one. At the same time, the first wave of the more exotic mortgages began to falter. Interest rates on adjustable rate mortgages moved higher"the Fed was finally tightening the money flow"and mortgages that were initially interest-only were close to resetting, with monthly payments jumping to include principal. A not insignificant number of these mortgages moved into default and foreclosure.

The overall numbers moving into foreclosure were small. Someone simply looking at housing stats could be forgiven for wondering what all the fuss is about. Nationally, the number of mortgages moving into foreclosure is just around 1 to 2 percent, suggesting that 98 to 99 percent of mortgages are sound. But the foreclosed mortgages punched way above their weight class; they were laced throughout the MBS market.

Then the MBS market collapsed. The complexity of these financial products cannot be overstated. They usually had two or three "tranches," different baskets of mortgages that paid out in different ways. Worse, as they moved through the system"being bought and sold by different firms"they were sliced and diced in varying ways. A MBS owned by one firm could be very different when it was sold to another.

No one fully understood how exposed the MBS were to the rising foreclosures. The market for them dried up. No one traded them. The market became effectively "illiquid." American accounting standards, however, required firms to use "mark-to-market" to value their assets. This means that you value your assets based on what you could sell them for today. Because no one would trade MBSes, most had to be "marked" at something close to zero.

This threw off banks' capital requirements. Under U.S. regulations, banks have to have a certain percentage of assets to back up the loans they make. Lots of banks and financial institutions had MBS assets on their books. With these moving to zero, they didn't have enough capital on hand for the loans that were outstanding. They rushed to raise capital, which raised fears about their solvency and compounded into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

We should pause here to note that two simple regulatory tweaks could have prevented much of the carnage. Suspending mark-to-market accounting rules (you could use a 5-year rolling average instead, for example) would have shored up the balance sheets. And a temporary easing of capital requirements would have provided banks breathing room to sort out the MBS mess. Although it is hard to fix an exact price for these in this market, they aren't worth zero.

Alas, the Fed and the Treasury decided simply to provide the capital to meet the regulatory requirements. They moved into crisis mode, making a series of tactical moves to deal with specific, present challenges. The first misstep, in March, was to force a hostile takeover of Bears Stearns. The Fed put up $30-40 billion to back JP Morgan's takeover of the investment bank. In the long term, it probably would have been better to let the bank fail and go into bankruptcy. That would have set in motion legal proceedings that would have established a baseline price for MBSes. From this established price, banks could sort out their balance sheets.

It is worth noting that immediately after the collapse of Bears Stearns, rumors quickly circulated on the Street of trouble at Lehman Brothers. Lehman went on a PR offensive to beat back those rumors. The company was successful, but then did nothing over the next several months to shore up its balance sheet. Their recent demise was largely their own doing.

The collapse of the MBS market now started to pollute other financial products. (The Fed moves did nothing to deal with the MBS market, but simply provided temporary means to cope with it.) Credit default swaps and derivatives, both of which amount to hedges against the risk of bonds defaulting, came due. Suddenly, stable firms like AIG were overexposed. Insurance companies regularly sell these swaps, as an insurance policy against bonds defaulting. Traditionally they are fairly conservative investment products. These developments threw off the accounting in one division of AIG, threatening the rest of the firm. Given a few days, AIG could have sold enough assets to cover the spread, but iron-clad accounting regulations precluded this. So the government stepped in.

The one-two punch of Lehman's failure and the government's $85 billion bailout of AIG on September 16 seriously spooked the Street and the Bush administration. With Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac already in government receivership, there were fears that the MBS weakness would spread through the entire financial system. There was a big sell-off on the Dow. The next day, the government announced there would be a bold rescue plan. The market rebounded. Details emerged over the weekend. On Monday, the Dow had another sell-off. But, the most important signal was the rise of oil. The spot price for October delivery of oil jumped $25 a barrel. Some of this was covering trades, but a sizable amount of this appreciation was probably a "flight to quality," a place to park money while everything was sorted out. It was also a signal that the government's plan might not work.

The original plan crafted by Treasury would authorize the department to spend up to $700 billion to buy MBSes and other "toxic" debt and thereby remove them from banks' balance sheets. With the "bad loans" off the books, the banks would become sound. Because it was assumed that the MBS market was "illiquid," the government would become the buyer of last resort for these products. There is a certain simple elegance to the plan.

Except that no market is truly illiquid
. It just isn't liquid at the price you want to sell. This summer, Merrill Lynch unloaded a bunch of bad debt at 22 cents on the dollar. There are likely plenty of buyers for the banks' bad debt, just not at the price the banks would prefer. Enter the government, which clearly intends to purchase MBSes at some premium above the market price. That was the nature of the bailout that failed on Monday.

Congressional leaders have vowed to bring a new proposal for a vote, possibly as soon as Thursday, proving yet again that Washington is fertile ground for really bad ideas. But with the market rebounding"as of this writing the Dow was up almost 300 points"and public opposition hardening, signs are emerging that banks are starting to clean house. The crisis may have already peaked. Of course, Congress' ability to further screw this up can't be overstated.

Mike Flynn is director of government affairs at the Reason Foundation.

Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 01:27 pm
a libertarian think tank may or may not provide.. actual information
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 01:51 pm
We should pause here to note that two simple regulatory tweaks could have prevented much of the carnage. Suspending mark-to-market accounting rules (you could use a 5-year rolling average instead, for example) would have shored up the balance sheets. And a temporary easing of capital requirements would have provided banks breathing room to sort out the MBS mess. Although it is hard to fix an exact price for these in this market, they aren't worth zero.

Those tweaks would have done nothing but kick the can down the road and hope for the best.
Allowing for a 5 year average allows one to overstate their balance sheet which is in large part what caused the problem. Imagine if I went to a bank to borrow money on my 400 shares of Lehman Brothers and could declare their value was $30 based on the 5 year average of their stock price compared to the $0.20 that Lehman is presently trading at. I would then have a $12,000 loan backed up by only $80 worth of assets. I see the same problem there that exists with people having $500,000 mortgages on a $250,000 home. There is no incentive to pay off the loan since you can just turn over the asset and say "tough luck" to the lender.

The temporary easing of capital requirements does the same thing in relying on nothing more than hope that it will all be OK. Now insteading requiring a bank to have $1 on hand for every $10 they have deposited you let them have $1 for ever $100. This creates an instance where any small run on the bank could cause it to collapse not from lack of capital to meet regulation requirements but from lack of cash to meet what is being withdrawn. Banks would be forced to stop letting people withdraw money until they get a loan from the Fed or other banks to even have the cash on hand. What would you do if you heard your bank had put restrictions on withdrawing money? The panic would be pretty drastic.
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 02:12 pm
Interesting. But can you just declare the value of the product? Or don't you have to have something to back that up?
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 02:19 pm
Oh, there's value; it's just that nobody can determine its estimated worth above zero.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 02:54 pm
The value is what it will sell for on the open market.

Lehman stock trades for $.20 not the $30 average over the last 5 years.

Mortgage backed securities are traded but there are more sellers than buyers. Everyone wants to sell. No one wants to buy. I didn't declare a value. The market declares the value. Valuing the asset based on what people would have paid for it the last 5 years doesn't suddenly make people want to pay more now.
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 11:28 pm
Thanks Parados. I'm pretty fuzzy on that end of it, but you seem to be speaking with some confidence here and I suspect you may be right.
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2008 11:32 pm
Meanwhile the Senate did pass the 'rescue' bill tonight including $150 billion in existing tax cuts that they won't be allowing to expire for now. So far the market is unimpressed.

And here is a bit of news offered to inspire additional confidence in your government, folks. (cough)

Oct. 1, 2008

RSS The Senate is poised to pass a revised Wall Street bailout bill tonight, but amendments to the controversial measure may raise the anger of some House Democrats and imperil its chances of approval in the House for the second time this week.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., pressed for passage, with the alarming news that one of the country's premier insurance companies was about to go bankrupt if the crisis was not quickly resolved.

"We don't have a lot of leeway on time," Reid told reporters in the Capitol. "One of the individuals in the caucus today talked about a major insurance company -- a major insurance company -- one with a name that everyone knows that's on the verge of going bankrupt. That's what this is all about."

He did not identify the insurance company, and later in the day Reid spokesman Jim Manley said the senator was speaking broadly and not referring to anything specific.

"Senator Reid is not personally aware of any particular company being on the verge of bankruptcy," Manley wrote in an e-mail to ABCNews.com. "Rather, his comments were meant to refer to the conditions in the financial sector generally. He regrets any confusion his comments may have caused."

And this:
By the Associated Press
Wed Oct 1, 6:44 PM ET


Two Saturdays ago, it totaled just three pages " the White House's request for $700 billion to rescue tottering financial institutions by buying their devalued mortgage-related assets.

After an intense weekend of negotiations, the draft of the bailout legislation before Congress had swelled to 42 pages.

The following Friday, after almost a week of marathon talks between Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and key lawmakers in both parties, the working version was up to 102 pages. It went down to defeat Monday in the House, mostly at the hands of Republicans.

Once the Senate was finished adding sweeteners Wednesday to entice reluctant House Republicans to change their minds and vote for the bailout, the bill heading for passage had grown to 451 pages.

It was unclear whether it would expand still more as House leaders hunted for the votes needed to clear the bill.

Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2008 07:43 am
Stock futures weaken as unemployment claims rise

NEW YORK - U.S. stocks headed for a lower open Thursday after the number of people seeking unemployment benefits rose last week to a seven-year high and as investors remained nervous ahead of a possible Friday House vote on the $700 billion financial sector rescue package.

The Labor Department's report that initial claims for unemployment benefits rose by 1,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 497,000 unnerved investors worried about not only about strains in the financial market but the effect on the broader economy.

Analysts had been expecting unemployment claims would fall to 475,000; instead, the level of jobless claims is the highest seen since the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The well-being of the labor market is a key concern for investors as rising unemployment could further dent consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity.

While the figures reflect about 45,000 claims from Texas and Louisiana following the landfall last month of Hurricanes Ike and Gustav, the increase nonetheless unnerved investors worried that the economy is suffering while Washington tries to underpin the financial system with a government bailout.

The House is expected to vote on a revised plan as soon as Friday after rejecting an earlier version on Monday. The Senate approved the latest version by a wide margin late Wednesday.

Following the unemployment report, the credit markets showed some increased strain and stock futures extended their declines. The yield on the 3-month T-bill, the safest type of investment, fell to 0.78 percent from 0.79 percent late Wednesday. The historically low yields indicate investors are willing to accept the smallest of returns to safeguard their money.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, fell to 3.71 percent from 3.74 percent late Wednesday.

Following the unemployment report, the credit markets showed some increased strain and stock futures extended their declines. The yield on the 3-month T-bill, the safest type of investment, fell to 0.78 percent from 0.79 percent late Wednesday. The historically low yields indicate investors are willing to accept the smallest of returns to safeguard their money.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, fell to 3.71 percent from 3.74 percent late Wednesday.

Dow Jones industrial average futures, which already down before the report, fell 103, or 0.95 percent, to 10,784. Standard & Poor's 500 index futures fell 13.00, or 1.11 percent, to 1,155.40. Nasdaq 100 index futures fell 19.25, or 1.22 percent, to 1,559.50.

Wall Street also tried to determine what might come of the government's rescue package, which is supported by President Bush and leaders of both parties. The version of the bill that the Senate passed in a 74-25 vote late Wednesday added $100 billion in tax breaks for businesses and the middle class. It also raised the limit on federal deposit insurance to $250,000 from $100,000.

Supporters are hoping that the sweetened bill will be more palatable to some of the 133 House Republicans who rejected the measure in a vote Monday that took Wall Street, and many on Capitol Hill, by surprise.

Those in favor of the plan to let the government buy billions of dollars in bad mortgage debt and other now-toxic assets say it will help unclog the world's ailing credit markets. Banks are fearful of making loans, even to each other, because of worries they won't recoup their money. That, in turn, is weighing on the economy, making borrowing more difficult and expensive for businesses and consumers alike.

The dollar was higher against other major currencies, particularly the euro, even after the European Central Bank left interest rates unchanged. Higher interest rates in Europe generally make the euro more attractive to investors than the dollar.

Light, sweet crude fell $2.14 to $96.39 a barrel in premarket electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Beyond the events in Washington, investors were awaiting a report on demand at the nation's factories. Wall Street expects that factory orders fell by 2.5 percent in August, according to the consensus of economists surveyed by Thomson/IFR.

The Commerce Department report is due at 10 a.m. EDT.

Wall Street also found some room for optimism after Swiss bank UBS said Thursday it expects to turn a "a small profit" in the third quarter after a string of losses. The forecast from the company, which has taken billions of dollars in mortgage-related write-downs, stirred hopes that some banks' troubles could be on the mend.

Overseas, Japan's Nikkei stock average fell 1.88 percent. In afternoon trading, Britain's FTSE 100 rose 0.75 percent, Germany's DAX index rose 0.11 percent, and France's CAC-40 advanced 0.45 percent.


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