So any and all criticism of Barney Frank has to do with him being gay?
If being a homosexual renders one immune from criticism, I need to take another close look at Brad Pitt and see if something clicks.
Franks involvement in this financial mess has nothing to do with him being gay. Corrupt perhaps but, unless you know something the rest of us don't, not gay.
As for your silly notions of imposing some sort of arbitrary cap on CEO compensation, you're not advocating socialism, you're advocating idiocy.
Go ahead and set a cap on CEO salaries and see what happens: Our most talented businessmen will leave our shores, and rightly so.
I guess you don't realize that every CEO making millions is not presiding over a failed company.Far from it.
What do you think about sports figures and entertainers? Should we cap their comp at $100K?
If we do, how long do you think it will be before all of our NBA players flee to Europe? How long before George Clooney moves to France?
I'm sure Ophra is all OK with accepting such a limit - she's a CEO you know.
Silly nonsense.