@Cliff Hanger,
Yup, both pull boners aplenty. But I think some people are still not appreciating how serious this financial crisis we are in is. Obama, a late boomer, has never experienced a prolonged severe recession, much less a depression. I don't think he fully understands the gravity of the situation. I can't look into his heart and I can't look into John McCain's heart. McCain may be just as callous and calculating as what you all seem to want to believe.
But whatever his motive, McCain is doing the right thing. In the end it is not our motives, but our actions that count.
(I seldom put 'values into my comments by the way, unless I am speaking of values. Values are a biggie among conservatives though, so I do speak of them now and then.)
*(And to the rest of you, it wasn't me but it was Barack Obama who brought up the deal that a President--not a Presidential candidate but a President--has to be able to multitask. And all of you seemed to applaud him in that. I was just pointing out how you didn't applaud the current President in his multi tasking efforts, not that I think any of you apply a double standard in things like that.)