Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 08:34 am
Oh no! I hear you say, not another one of his; ‘missing school bus found abandoned on the moon’ stories. (And before you ask; yes, I do think it funny that the top Discussion is headed: ‘I Got a Question….’)

Well, not this time. I was researching Hubble expenditure when I came across the following:

Preparing to rescue Hubble (Photo Essay)

Discussion by Robert Gentel on 09/10/08 11:30 AM Replies: 1 Views: 7
Tags: science, space, nasa, hubble
Last Post by Robert Gentel on 09/10/08 11:32 AM

I kid you not:
Replies: 1 (and that was Mr Gentel replying to himself).
Views: Seven!

Is this a one off occurrence of ignoring a ‘new’ poster?

A few posts before an A2K favorite who despite a few aches and pains is loved by all:

Cool video, I'd like to dance around the world!
Discussion by martybarker on 09/12/08 5:50 PM Replies: 0 Views: 14
Tags: video, travel, youtube
Last Post by martybarker on 09/12/08 5:50 PM

What! No replies!!!

How about:

Discussion by jespah on 09/12/08 7:22 PM Replies: 0 Views: 36
Tags: able2know, flash, fun, a2k, site usage
Last Post by jespah on 09/12/08 7:22 PM

Zip replies.

I never saw any of those posts, and I assume many others didn’t either.
So, what’s the big picture?

Taking the 50 entries on that page, there were 156 posts and 2621 views.
Therefore the average was:

Three posts and 52 views per topic!!!

What is going wrong; and work with me on this; what can we do to put it right?

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Type: Discussion • Score: 6 • Views: 3,076 • Replies: 22

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 08:37 am
road trip
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 08:40 am

One reason there are fewer posts is the new tagging feature. In the past we would make a post that said "bookmark" or a post with minimal comment merely to keep track of a certain thread. That is no longer necessary.

Of course, there are those who are still not aware of tagging and instead create a post only to say "road trip". Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 09:14 am
But don't write off Try's observations here too fast. There is obviously a lot of interest in the site based on the high number of visitors present at any given time. That's good for the site and makes it attractive to advertisers etc.

But personally, I don't take the time to tag much that I look at or make one post in and if it cycles off the first page quickly, I am likely to not visit it again. So we don't see as many interesting in depth discussions develop as we used to and it is almost impossible to remember the title of an interesting thread we might like to revisit but didn't take time to tag at the time.

A solution: Make a tag automatic when you post on a thread and/or we can tag it without posting but make it easily removable if you decide later you don't want to follow the thread. Yes, my posts does track our posts so this isn't a biggie at all. Just a suggestion to help make this more user friendly.

I still am frustrated at not being able to see tag lines or titles on the stuff I vote down to get it out of the way and I still hate having to vote thumbs down to get something out of the way. After many many have been voted down it is a daunting task to go back through them all and try to find the one you wish you hadn't voted down. Don't know if there is a solution for that or not.

I love many of the new features of the board and it continues to get better, however.

Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 09:27 am
Another thought. When I glance in here to see if there is anything new and interesting going on, if it isn't on the home page, I am probably not going to see it at all. That was the advantage of the old forums--stuff stayed on the first page longer and was more likely to be seen and attract interest.
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 10:39 am
I have to agree with Foxfyre about the home page.

I used to bookmark, now I use the tag feature. The tag feature was a great idea imo. Now I can clear out my bookmarks (great, another thing to put on my to do list). The place is new and most people don't like change. I think it is just a matter of time and getting use to new surroundings. Just my 2 Cents
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 10:58 am
Tryagain, many posters are here often and talking to each other on their favorite topics --on the OLDER pages. Some have been going on for about all the years of this forum... especially the WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW, originally begun by Craven De Kere.
Then, there is the Rainforest Topic
The radio station of letty---(can't remember the 'call' letters- Wa2k maybe? Surprised
And the Perpetual Limerick
Many items of political interest, wanted to be kept alive by old foes...
You will FIND many names of posters you RARELY or never see in NEW topics.
And I am not sure what NEW POSTS mean. If people make a NEW POST in an OLD topic, it does not show here, as it did in the original A2k. (Maybe if you take an hour and flip through 500 pages?)
Don't know about any melt down, but lots of stuff (politics) and the same old people calling people STUPID for their opinion- gets old quick.
Click on the profile of someone who posts a lot in a variety of places... and check thier favorite topics for names of others, and names of others, etc, and eventually you will find lots of topics and people you MISS from the past. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 03:34 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

A solution: ... on a thread and/or we can tag it without posting but make it easily removable if you decide later you don't want to follow the thread. ...

You can already tag without posting on a topic. Just go into the topic and add a tag or tags. I do this all the time and God knows I'm not following the lovatts topics but I add that tag all the time. Then you just look in your own tags (My Tags, at the top right corner of every page) and it's there.

BTW, topics are constantly buried. Some of us -- Craven and myself -- aren't just writing for the regulars. We're also writing topics for search engines. If we build it, they will come. Smile
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 03:41 pm
one of the things I do to look at new stuff ... when I come in for the first time in a day, I do a sort by today/new posts. once I've done that sort - thumbed and tagged - I re-sort by all time/new posts.

I find that the today stuff usually fits on a page or page and a bit, so it's not tons of sorting. Doing that on a daily basis (takes about 5 - 10 minutes now) has made the site easier for me to navigate through.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2008 04:38 pm
Mr. Gentel is Craven de Kere in disguise.

Or out of disguise.

One of those.
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2008 12:31 am
I don't like the new A2K format to be honest.

I've been on here since 2002. Left for a while, came back for the election.

The new format seems much less organized, and a lot harder to search.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2008 01:29 am
I to have been away for a few weeks and was a newbie on the other site model. Now I am really confused. It was clearly marked where the help and faq were before but I cannot fine them now.
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2008 10:34 pm
Maybe this will help. I am still trying to find things myself TilleyWink.
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2008 10:38 pm
jespah wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

A solution: ... on a thread and/or we can tag it without posting but make it easily removable if you decide later you don't want to follow the thread. ...

You can already tag without posting on a topic. Just go into the topic and add a tag or tags. I do this all the time and God knows I'm not following the lovatts topics but I add that tag all the time. Then you just look in your own tags (My Tags, at the top right corner of every page) and it's there.

BTW, topics are constantly buried. Some of us -- Craven and myself -- aren't just writing for the regulars. We're also writing topics for search engines. If we build it, they will come. Smile

Yes, I phrased it badly. What I would like is an automatic tag if I post on a thread so I don't have to remember to tag it. But keep the feature where you can tag a thread whether or not we post and we can add additional tags to any thread. In both cases, I would like to be able to untag the thread easily if I decided I didn't want to follow it. Already I have so many threads tagged it is cumbersome to go through them to locate the one I'm looking for.

It's a small thing - no real biggie. But maybe something on down the line as everything gets fine tuned over time.

I'm concerned that we are attracting large numbers of folks who are here window shopping, but it doesn't seem like we get as many newbies posting as we used to; or those that do post don't come back after the initial post. I suspect it is because they can't find the thread they posted in. But it seems to be a fairly small group that is regularly active these days. And that may just be in my perception too.

These are just observations; not complaints.
Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2008 01:22 am
What I would like is an automatic tag if I post on a thread so I don't have to remember to tag it.

I use "My Posts" - that does what you seem to be asking.
Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2008 02:21 am
Thank TTH that is the best help. I have not read all of it yet but will try to get to tomorrow and figure things out. Again, thank you so much.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2008 04:00 am
Exactly. Plus, automatic tags, uh, which words would be used? I'm serious.

A lot of topics are titled truly poorly, but creative tagging makes them a lot easier for people to figure out (e. g. topics called Help! which are about Latin translations. Tag them as Latin and George has a fighting chance of finding them and helping people). Any sort of automatic tagging that a programmer could ever hope to write would be based upon some sort of preexisting word, most likely in the title. So tagging a topic called Help! with the word help would be useless, and you just can't make software know that the tag really should be Latin.

PS We've always had drive-bys, people who come in once, ask a question and never return. That hasn't changed.
Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2008 06:59 am
I do see the problems. Maybe an 'automatic tag' could be the first tag on the list of whatever thread it is? Admittedly it might not be too helpful if that first word is "tits" or "big ass" or some other innovative ID members sometimes stick on. Smile

Using my posts to find untagged threads is fine unless it is something you want to go back and find from weeks ago and the thread title isn't particularly helpful. But oh well. As I said, these are just observations, not complaints.

Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2008 11:28 am
Despite A2K cutting my power supply to prevent me venting my spleen, I got around their block by paying my utility bill and the flight delay they no doubt arranged in France; well, Le Touquet; as Bart Simpson said, “Eat my shorts”

May I say how refreshing it is to see a wholesome thread without any blaspheming; until that is Foxy started with the Burro’s and mammaries; well, thanks for the memories and most useful advice.

I did a search on Road trip + a2k, and the result was: 1 & 2…

Is A2K facing meltdown?17 Sep 2008 ... A few posts before an A2K favorite who despite a few aches and pains is loved by .... a2k • road trip. Topic Stats Type: Discussion Score: 8 ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

road trip17 Sep 2008 ... Tags: a2k, road trip Last Post by DrewDad on 09/17/08 4:38 PM. Browse Topics; Questions • Discussions • Ask a Question • Start a Discussion ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
More results from »

Therefore if I have this right:

If you want memories of big Asses, you have to tag in Latin, so George will automatically help you out. …

No wait! I get it; " ‘drive-bys’ = ‘road trip’, which reminds me of:

This guy was taking his son on a roadtrip...and the guy pulls out a bottle of beer. The son looking so amazed asks "Dad can I have one?"

The man replies "Can your nose touch your mule?"

The son says "No"

The dad replies "Then your not old enough"
A few miles later the dad pulls out a cigarette.

The son says "Dad can I have a puff"

The dad goes, ”Can your nose touch your donkey?"

The son replies once more "No"...

The dad then stops off at a gas station noticing that his son isn't having too much fun and buys him a lottery ticket...Turns out the lottery ticket was a winning one..

The dad then asks the son "Hey how about you share some of that with your old man"

The son then replies "Can your nose touch your burro?"

The dad, in excitement bursts out screaming "Yes Yes Yes!"

and the son replies....

"Good.....go **** yourself then!"

The anatomy of the ‘nose’ and the Ungulates* have been changed to observe proper decorum.

I love you guy’s.

BTW Welcome to Tiddly Winks and Centroles, (I always thought you were one and the same person) anyhoo, it’s always good to see new names join the fray.

A little banjo music BPB if you please….

*(meaning roughly "being hoofed" or "hoofed animal") Don’t tell me you knew the meaning of that word " Liar, liar pants on fire…
Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2008 11:50 am
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