I think Alaska is really really different in a few ways.
One just has to do with her curiosity level. As far as I can tell, she lives in Alaska and is interested in Alaska. I don't actually think she's stupid in an across-the-board way -- I just think she's more interested in the power and prestige of being a vice president than in the issues she'd need to deal with as VP or president. (And the trajectory of VP is usually intended to be towards P, even if nothing happens to the prez. See Bush, George H.W.)
Plus, it sounds like she was swept to power in Alaska in a situation where the incumbents were having serious problems. I don't know how strong her competitors were. I read stuff about her gubernatorial debates where she trapped an opponent in a sloppy lie/ contradiction pretty handily.
But especially, Alaska is rolling in oil lucre. It's kind of hard to mess up right now. (That's not always true, they've had harder times, but right now gas prices are high.)
I think she has charisma and local knowledge that allowed her to sound a lot smarter than she does now on local (Alaskan) issues.
Plus Alaska is large geographically but it's small in terms of population -- there aren't necessarily the range of issues involved in governing Alaska that there are in governing California, say. (California's extreme so just say Minnesota even.)
I don't think she has the kind of curiosity that will allow her to absorb and synthesize much of the bigger stuff, beyond regurgitating talking points.
That is, I think she's far more likely to be effective on a local level than a national (not to say international) level.