littlek wrote:
Hey fishin. No, it's not just Boston. I know there are plenty of districts here that voted red, but they were often more merely pink. I know NH is leaning Blue because we are moving up there in droves. I did through in the word 'generally' a few times. Also, I know that labels aren't absolute.
Do you think that some liberals in MA are voting blue just because? And vice versa for conservatives?
I understood that you weren't talking in absolutes.
I think a lot of people vote along party lines and they do so because either their parents voted a certain way or they think they have to for some other reason (like the fact that we have an absurdly high percentage of the population working in government jobs.). We also have a huge number of elections where people run unopposed - something else I've never seen on the same scale as happens here.
I had a discussion with someone a year or two about one of the elections and basically the guy told me he was voting for the Democrat because that's what his Union Rep. told him he should do based on the premise that the Democrats support the Unions. When I pointed out that his Union is corrupt and his Union Rep. is probably on someone's political payroll he chuckled, shrugged and agreed - but he was going to vote for the Democrat anyway. If he wante d to stay in good standing with his Union he was pretty much forced to vote the way they told him to.
But on a larger scale, I think most of the people in MA vote in their own close personal interests and they don't really care who it helps or hurts. When we had the ballot issue a year or two ago about allowing grocery stores to sell beer & wine I was amazed at the number of people that said they voted against it because they had a liquor store within walking distance of their home so it didn't matter to them. What about the people that don't have one nearby? If people in MA are primarly liberal then why not vote to liberalize the laws? The same goes for all of the local issues that people will vote for to restrict more and more things. It seems like every time I run into someone and the topic comes up they mention that they voted for the increased restrictions and that since they know someone (usually a relative) in some government functionary job they can get around it. So it's ok to restrict everyone else as long as you can bypass the law? How does that make for good government? And how is that a "liberal" view of things?
Anyway, I see this sort of thing a lot here in MA and I've never seen it anywhere else. I mean, people have and probably always will vote their pocketbook/wallet but I've never seen the absolute self-interest like it plays out here. And it does happen more right in and around Boston than in the rest of the state and, let's face it, the Democrats control Boston. If you want to get anything done you have to suck up to the politicians that are in office so the gravy train lines up behind the Democrats.
(I won't even get into the absurd levels of politicization of public offices in this state. Where else in the world can you find 15 people running for an elected position as a Library Trustee that pays a whopping $50/year? Why are these sorts of things even elected positions?)